上海牛津英语高一上 Unit 翻译练习 .docx
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上海牛津英语高一上 Unit 翻译练习 .docx
上海牛津英语高一上 Unit 翻译练习 Unit4 Surprises at the studio 教师版 1.He finished a difficult task on his own soon/shortly after he entered the company(进公司不久), so his colleagues looked at him differently. 2.I recognized that it was my classmate in the senior high school the moment I heard the voice on the other side of the telephone (我一听到电话线那头的声音) 3.Will you feel upset when you find it hard to communitcate with your parents (当你难以与父母交流时)? 4.He contacted us as soon as he arrived in Shanghai (一到上海) 5.The children had fallen asleep before the performance ended/ was over(演出还没结束) 6.People didnt come to realize the importance of planting trees until they (had) experienced a number of serious natural disasters直到经历了多次严重自然灾害后) 7.I often mistake Wang Hai for his own twin brother because they look so similar/ very much alike (因为他们长得太像了) 8.We agreed that once the research conclusion was made(一旦得出调查结论),it would be made public as soon as possible. 9.他们决心干下去,直到成功。 They are determined to work hard at it until they succeed. 10.玛丽提前三天完成了任务。 Mary finished her task three days ahead of time. 11.得奖之后,他就被鲜花和掌声包围了。 After winning the prize, he was surrounded by flowers and applause. 12.当一个人处于压力之下,他的面部肌肉会紧绷。 When someone is under stress, his facial muscles become tense. 13.她太累了,看着电视就睡着了 She was so tired that she fell asleep while watching TV. 14.每次打网球,我总能赢我表哥。 I could always beat my cousin at tennis/ Every time we played tennis, I could always beat my cousin 15.曼迪兴奋得怎么也坐不住了。 Mandy was so excited that she could hardly keep still. 16.天花板上吊着一盏漂亮的灯。 A beautiful light is suspended from the ceiling. 17.自从毕业以来, 他们一直都保持联系。 They have been in contact since they left school. 18.有了MP3播放机, 你能在旅行的时候欣赏到高质量的音乐。 With an MP3 player, you can listen to high-quality music while you are travelling. 19.决赛时,我们的排球队差点被打败。 Our volleyball team was narrowly beaten in the final. 20.候诊室里, 我前面还有另外六名病人。 There were six other patients ahead of me in the waiting room. 21.时候是该和父母商量一下报考哪所大学了。 Its time for me to discuss with my parents which university I should apply to. 22.舞蹈表演一结束,观众就开始热烈鼓掌。 The moment the dance performance was over, the audience began to clap loudly/ give a big clap. 23.新技术正在被快速引进工厂里,从而节省劳力,提高效率。 New technology is rapidly being introduced into factories, thus saving labor and improving efficiency. 24.他提前两年通过了考试。 He passed the exam two years ahead of time. 25.我已经连续工作了六个小时, 我想睡觉了。 I have kept working for six hours, and I feel like going to bed. 26.因为所有的位子都满了, 我只能站在角落里。 As all the seats were full, I had to stand in the corner. 27.你最好别把他们两个安排在相邻的位置上。 You had better not seat them next to each other. 28.他们只剩下一个礼拜的时间准备颁奖典礼。 There is only one week to go for them to complete preparations for the award ceremony. 29.他一次次欺骗我,如今他不再收到信任了。 He cheated me again and again, and now he is no longer be trusted. 30.难道你不认为是*部门该采取有效措施的时候了吗? Dont you think it is high time that our government took effective measures. 31.饲养小白兔是件很有意思的事。 Raising a white rabbit is an interesting thing. 32.她从小就一直梦想当一名老师。 She has been dreaming of working as a teacher since she was young. 33.如今智力竞猜节目都太相似,很难把他们区分开来。 Since quiz shows nowadays are very similar, it is hard to tell them apart.