三只小猪盖房子教案 .docx
三只小猪盖房子教案 三只小猪盖房子教案 英语是一门语言学,在六年级的英语阅读课中,听、说、读、写的环节是必不可少的,仅有的课本已不能满足学生的英语学习。因此,探索小学英语课外阅读教学的策略、提高英语教学的实效,才能不断提高课堂教学效益。 本节课我主要采取的教学策略如下: 1、利用课外书籍、报刊丰富学生的英语生活。 2、通过阅读归纳英语阅读的意义和方法。 指导目的:1.学生能正确合理利用图书资源和网络资源,养成良好阅读习惯。 2.指导学生归纳阅读方法,并实际运用到课外阅读中,激发学生的课外阅读兴趣。 3.在阅读的基础上提高学生英语口语表达能力。 指导重点: 归纳小学英语阅读的作用和方法,并将其运用于实际中。培养学生的综合能力。 课前准备: 推荐学生多读些课外英语短文。 指导过程: 一、读短文,激发学生阅读兴趣,引入阅读指导 1、导入课堂:通过三年多的学习,我们的英语水平在不断的提高,这离不开大家的辛勤努力。但英语阅读一直是我们的一个难点,好多学生当看到一篇英语短文时不知如何下手去读。 2、引导学生总结阅读的方法: T:在英语的阅读过程中你知道的通常采用的读书方法有哪些,请 给同学们介绍一下。 . 二、阅读方法汇总并出示课件进行指导: 下面我们就来介绍一下阅读英语短文的步骤: 1、silent reading 默读是不出声地读书。是训练阅读能力的重要方法。速度快,不互相影响,保证环境的安静,便于更集中地思考、理解读物的内容。默读时要注意查找短文中的疑难点并做下标记,以理解短文的大体意思。读得快而又理解得深,才是高水平的默读。 2、Writing and reading 俗语也有“好记性不如烂笔头”的说法。在学习英语过程中,我们要通过各种渠道解决在阅读中遇到的陌生单词和陌生句式,并做记录。通过手脑共用,不仅能积累大量的材料,而且能有效地获取更多的知识,并且能增强阅读能力,将知识转化为技能和技巧。 3、reading 它是把文字转化为有声语言的一种创造性活动;是一种出声的阅读方式;就英语学习而言,朗读是最重要的。朗读是阅读的起点,是理解短文的重要手段。它有利于英语听、说能力的提高。 4、intensive reading 熟读而精思就是精读的含义。也就是说,要细读多思,反复琢磨,反复研究,结合生活实际边分析边评价,务求明白透彻,了解于心,以便吸取精华。可以说,精读是最重要的一种阅读方法。以上是英语阅读中最常用的阅读方法,下面我们按照这四个环节阅读下面的短文。 三、学生运用读书方法阅读教师推荐的短文: 活动目标: 1、理解故事内容,记清主要情节,初步学习人物的简单对话。 2、乐于探究房子结实的原因,知道做事不图省力。 3、学习词:roofbirthbrickstraw (稻草)chimneydepend on (依赖) grow up (长大) look after (照顾) blow down(吹倒) 活动准备: 1、课件 活动过程: 1、Tongue-twister A good cook could cook good cookies 通过绕口令练习一下同学们的舌头 2、Students can use we learn four steps to read (Read a story to understand content.Don't know the new words the dictionary) 3、Read the story according to the questions. a.What kind of house the most solid materials cover? b.Who is the laziest ? c.Which pig do you like ? Why? 同学们前面的问题没有太大的问题,why?我们一起来总结本文内容来一起答出。 Three little pig Three Little Pigs and a Big Wolf .The mother Pig gave birth to three little pigs. When they were very young, they should depend on mother pig, when they grew up, they should look after themselves. The oldest pig built a house with straws and he was very proud of it. The second oldest pig built a house with branches of trees and he was proud. The youngest pig was preparing to build a brick house while his brothers were playing. One day, a wolf came to the straw house. “Little pig, open the door! I am your brother.” “No, no you are a big bad wolf.” Then the wolf was angry and blew down the straw house. The first pig ran to the wood house. The wolf came to the wood house, Little pig, open the door! I am your brother.” “No, no you are a big bad wolf.” The big bad wolf was so angry, he blew down the wood house. The two pigs ran to the stone house. The wolf came and blew the stone house. He blew and blew, but he did not blow down the stone house. He climbed to the roof and jumped to the chimney. There was a big pot of hot water on the fire. The wolf fell into the pot! “Ah!” the wolf. Three little pigs were very happy. 4、Answer the questions and read 5、Please tell me about the meaning of the story 设计意图:同学们先说出对本故事的理解然后老师在补充更改。从而提高阅读理解的能力。 6、Pair-work - Role-play reading W:“ Little pig, open the door! I am your brother.” P: “No, no you are a big bad wolf.” 设计意图:对故事的语言感受 7、这个故事教育孩子做人要勤劳肯干、聪明机智、乐于助人。 We should be 勤劳肯干(hard-working) 乐于助人(be ready to help others) 聪明机智 (inteligent and smart ) 这是们为什么喜欢最小的小猪的原因。 8、Homework: Think about this story what happened next