万圣节晚会主持稿 英语.docx
万圣节晚会主持稿 英语外语文化交流会暨万圣节舞会主持稿 周:观众朋友们,让我们一起来倒数十下,迎接我们晚会的开始。 齐:十、九、八、七、六、五、四、三、二、一 音乐起 合:Happy Halloween! 周:Hello everybody,welcome to the Halloween party hold by school of foreign language. I am Steven. 莹:I am Chilli. 亲爱的朋友们,大家晚上好。欢迎来到外国语学院外语文化交流会暨万圣节舞会现场,我是主持人黄莹。 周:我是俊锋。为了丰富校园生活,培养同学们健康的审美情趣和良好的人文修养,提高同学们学习外语的兴趣及外语交流表达能力,我院决定举办此次外语文化交流会。 莹:是的,希望通过此次活动能让大家更好地了解外语文化,体验世界文化的多样性,也为爱好外语交流的同学搭建一个施展才华,提高外语能力的平台。 哎,Steven,as you see, it is the first time for our student union to hold such a great party. 周:Yes, and this time, we have invited many teachers as guests to join us. 莹:是的。本次晚会我们有幸请到的许多老师作为嘉宾。他们是: 周:welcome. Thank you for all of yours coming.(最后一个) 祝福相送 莹:I believe all of you are looking forward to this party. Anyway,before the party, please allow me to warmly welcome our teacher 李峰 老师 to give us a short speech. 周:是的,让我们首先请出李峰老师来给我们发言,并送上万圣节的祝福。 莹:Thanks for Mr. Li . . 魔力走秀 莹:我们今天的第一个环节呢,是魔力走秀啦。 周:wow! Magic Show可是这魔力怎么说呢? 莹:魔力啊,就是你将会看到他们变身为各种角色喔。 周:All right. Show time. 根据服装现场发挥 <lets get together>牵手相识 莹:wow, what a fantastic show. 周:yes, I am quite agree with you .but I think the next will be more interesting. 莹:I am really looking forward to it. 周:是的。我们台下的同学都已经在进场的时候拿到了你们的角色牌。我将从角色箱里任意抽出角色,然后请手持相同角色的两位同学组合为搭档,相互认识喔。 莹:比如说,我手持的是哆啦a梦A,Steven 手持的是哆啦a梦B,那么我们俩就是哆啦a梦组合啦。 周: 好的,还没有找到你的partner的同学,可要抓紧了喔,我们还有1分钟的时间。 你我知多少 莹:Ok everybody. 嘘!Keep quiet. Lets go to the next part. How much do you know. 周:In this part, we will have three different short video shows which included foreign culture, famous sceneries and so on. After a video, the host will ask you a question and the answer can be find in the video, so you should pay more attention to the video. If you get the right answer, you will get a chance to take a free photo in the beautiful Kimono. 莹:等会儿呢,将会为大家播放三段小视频,每一段视频播放完毕后,将有两个小问题,问题答案可在视频中寻找到,回答正确者将可得到一次在拍摄摊位上免费拍照的机会。 周:大家想不想穿上美美的和服拍照啊? 哎,那你可要认真看视频啦。答对的同学将会获得一次到拍摄摊位拍照的机会,届时将会有专业的讲解师为大家穿上精致的和服,并向大家示范标准的坐姿和站姿。 莹:Ok,first video please .Pay attention to it. 周: Ok,everyone,keep quiet please. The first question is Anybody who knows the answer, please hands up. 莹:The next question is , Who knows?Put up your hand. One,two,begin! 周:Congratulations. You can go to the booth to take a free photo. 游戏环节Fine my love 莹:After three videos, I have to say this game is over. But there are still lots of interesting games next. Right? 周:Yah, of course. So lets move to next round. In this round, the host will take out six cards which stand for the female guests from the role box, and ask 2 boys to be the male guests. The boy has to introduce yourself in English first. 莹:在这一环节,主持人将从角色箱中抽取6名角色作为女嘉宾,并随机指定在场的2名男生作为男嘉宾。男生必须用走秀的方式上场,并用英语做一个自我介绍。 每一位女嘉宾都将手持一盏蜡烛灯上场的喔 周:yeah,if the lights before the girls are still glowing, you can enter the second part. If not, I am must say sorry to you that you have to leave. 莹:The one who enter the second part has to answer the girls questions in English. After the answer, if the lights are still glowing, you can continue to stay. And the boy , if you are lucky enough,you have the right to choose the girl whose light is still glowing. and the boy and girl will get the free drinks of rose lovers. 周:是的,如果女嘉宾继续为你留灯,那么你就可以进入下一轮。这二轮你需要回答女嘉宾提出的问题。如果这一轮还有女嘉宾为你留灯,那么恭喜你进入男生权利。成功牵手的嘉宾们可以获得由爱的咖啡厅送出的赠饮“玫瑰恋人”两杯。 莹:Lets see who will be the lucky one. Free time自由舞动 周:congratulation,dear guys。Best wishes for you. 莹:哎,Steven, 看你玩的那么high , 也累了吧? 周:恩,却实有点累了。 莹:那我们就一起来跳一个舞吧。 周:下面有请交谊舞协会的同学来到舞台中央,同时同学们也可以一起跟着跳舞。舞会之后,更有精彩节目等着你们哦 幕后 游戏环节劲歌竞猜 周:好的,同学们都回到现场来了。接下来的环节叫做:劲歌竞猜。 莹:在这一个环节,我们会邀请两名留学生,轮流戴上耳机,哼出耳机里播放的音乐。现场猜中的同学将得到一次到和服摊位拍照的机会。 周:最后请留学生为我们表演一曲。 莹:lets warmly welcome our foreign students to sing a song for us. 游戏环节角色扮演 幸运抽奖 周:哎,chiilli, 不是说今晚我们还有幸运大奖吗? 莹:哎呀,你看。我这太兴奋的,差点就把这事给忘记的。 周:那得赶紧啊、你看同学们都等不急,大家说是不是。 莹:好好。让我们一起来看今晚的幸运大奖花落谁家。 兔子舞 莹:快乐的时光总是流逝得特别快,不知不觉,我们的交流会就接近尾声了。 周:请在场的所有同学绕着我们的这个厅,围成一个大圈。跟随着音乐一起兔子舞跳起来吧。 结束语 莹:本次晚会到此为止圆满结束。 周:请同学们有秩序退场。 周、莹:晚安。 可继续完善!