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    七级英语下册UnitSchoolLife教案冀教课件Unit 3 School Life Lesson 13 How is school going? I Learning aims 1 To learn new words in this lesson: life, term, finish, twice, wins, social, shop, myself. 2 To learn the main sentence structure and phrases: How is going? How often.? Twice a year, be good at 3 To be confident for your lives in your lives. Learning key points 1 The new words in this lesson: life, term, finish, twice, wins, social, shop, myself. 2 The main phrases in this lesson: the first place, sports meeting, social study, by oneself Learning difficult 1 How is going? 2What subject do you like? 3 My favorite subject is. Learning steps Self-learning 1.Review (1) When will the game _(开始)? (2 )What is your _(最喜欢的)? (3) What _(课程) do you like? (4) The students are from _,_(八年级). 2 Self-checking (15min) 1) How is your school _(生活) going? 2)We will learn history next _(学期) 3) She goes to the movies _(两次)a week. 4) The _(社会的) service is not very good. 1 5) I say to _that I can do it better. (二) Work in group(10min) Role play the dialogue in groups. (三) Consolidations(15min) 1)昨天他单独和老师谈话了 He talked with the teacher _ _ _ yesterday. 2)这是一行中国地图 This is _ _ _ _. 3)你是怎样去上学的? How do you_ _ _? 4)他在第一学期的了第一名 He won first place_ _ _ _. 5)我哥哥擅长弹吉他 My brother is good at _ _ _. (四) Homework (五) Blackboard design (六)Reflection Lesson 14 Jennys school life I Learning aims 1 To learn the new words and phrases: middle, grade, print, guitar, fair, on ones own, make a model plane 2 The usage of sometimes, some times, sometime, some time 3 Let students love school life. Learning key points 2 1The new words and phrases in this lesson. 2 Students can describe themselves lives in school with their own words. Learning difficult Some time, sometimes, sometime, some times Learning-steps (一) Self learning 1 Review 1) We will learn history next _(学期) 2) I say to _that I can do it better. 3) He won first place_ _ _ _.(在第一学期) 4)My brother is good at _ _ _. (二) Learning tips (15min) Sometimes: 频度副词“有时”,表示动作发生的不经常性,多与一般现在时连用,用于句首,句中或句末,对他提问用how often. Some times: 名词短语“几次,几倍”其中time 是可数名词,“次,倍” Sometime 副词“某时”,表示某个不确切或不具体的时间,长用于过去式或将来时,对他提问用when Some time: 名词短语“一段时间”,表某一段时间时, 常与延续性动词连用, 对他提问用how long. (三) Role play (10min) Let students retell the passage with short sentences by themselves. (四) Consolidations(15min) 1 用 sometimes, some time, sometime some times选词填空 1) She comes to visit us_. 2) Lucy has been to Beijing _. 3) Jack will leave for Lanzhou _next week. 4) I need _to do my homework. 2 Translations 1) 一次运动会 2)一周两次 3)跳远 4)获得第一名 3 5)擅长 6)独立第,单独 7)每天 8)上学期 (五) Homework (六) Blackboard design. (七) Reflection Lesson 15 Making a difference I Learning aims 1 To learn the new words and phrases: difference, village, drop, possible, never, future, give up, make a difference, drop out of school, in the future. 2 The important sentence structures I want to make difference in the future. With a good education, you can make a difference; you can make a good life for yourself. 3 Let students love studying and life and can make difference in the future Learning key points 1The new words and phrases in this lesson. 2 Students can describe themselves lives in school with their own words. Learning difficult always, usually, often, sometimes和never的用法 Learning steps (一) Self learning 1 Review 1)want somebody to do something 2) a small village 3) love doing something 4 4) different (名词)_ 2 learning tips (15min) always, usually, often, sometimes和never的用法 频度副词的意义:在英语中,用来表示动作发生频率的副词,称为频度副词。 always: 总是,一直 usually:通常 often:经常 sometimes:有时 hardly: 几乎不 never:从来不、没有 他们所表示的频率由高到低一次为:always- usually- often- sometimes- hardly-never 频度副词常用语一般现在时或一般将来时,表示经常性,习惯性或反复发生的动作。 1) I _finish at 5:00pm. 2) We _have a big sports meet twice a year. 3) I _take part in the long jump. 4) _we make things with clay. 5) Now, I _miss a day of school. (二) Listening (5min) Let students listen to the passage with the following questions in page 39. (三) Consolidations(15min) 1) There are some_between the two pictures. 2) Some _live in small village. 3) I am sure you can do it by_,tom. 4) The boy _ (drop) out of school. 5) Nobody can do it. It is _ (possible) to do it. (四) Let students retell the passage with their words in groups. (五) Homework (六) Blackboard design. (七) Reflection 5 Lesson 16 We are with you. I Learning aims 1 To learn the new words and phrases: terrible, happen, lose, fire, raise, come up with, have a car wash, give away. 2 To learn how to protect yourself in a fire correctly after class. 3 To be confident and strong in the face of failure. Learning key points 1The new words and phrases in this lesson. 2 The main sentence: Dont be afraid, we are with you. Learning difficult points The usage of “in”, “ on”, “at” Learning steps (一) Self learning 1 Review 1) give up_ 2)make a difference_ 3) drop out of_ 4)in the future_ 2 learning tips (15min) On: 用于某日,周几或特定的某个上午,下午或晚上。特定日期 In : 用于一天中的,早,午,晚,周,季,年,世纪。较长时间 At :用于点钟,黎明,中午,黄昏,半夜。 具体时间 1) Nobody likes to stay at home _ Sunday morning. A in Bon C at D to 2) _(介词) the first day of school, something terrible happened. 3) I _(收到) my daughter yesterday. 4) Did you _(听说) the old man? 5) What _(发生)to the boy last night? 6) How did they _(筹集) so much money? (二) Listening (5min) 6 Let students listen to the passage with the following questions in page 41. (三) Consolidations(15min) 1) 站起来 2) 坏消息 3)在的第一天 4)对某人说 5)想出,提出 6)可怕的事情 7)买饼干筹集 8) 洗车 (四) Homework (五) Blackboard design. (六) Reflection Lesson 17 School science fair I Learning aims 1 To learn the new words and phrases: prize, video, piece, visitor, win the first prize, be interested in, a piece of, different kinds of 2 To learn the important structures I hope to do something. Somebody be interested in something /doing sth Learning key points 1The new words and phrases in this lesson. 2 The main sentence: Somebody be interested in something /doing sth Difficult points Somebody be interested in something /doing something 导学环节 (一) Self learning 1 Review 7 1) She can win first p _ in the competition. 2) We watched a v _ about animal 3 I am hungry. Please give me a p _ of bread. 4) I meet some v _ on my way home. They asked me the way to the Great Wall. 5) Dont w _ .you can do it very well. 2 Learning tips (15min) 1) be interested in : 对.感兴趣 也可以说 become/get interested in Interested: “感兴趣的” ,用来修饰人。 Interesting: “令人感兴趣的”,用来修饰物或事。 2) 与kind有关的短语 A kind of: 一种, 某种。 All kinds of: 各种各样的 Different kinds of : 不同种类的 Be kind to sb: 对某人又好 Kind of : 有点,稍微。 A piece of :一张, 一片。A piece of 用来修饰不可数名词, 变复数时,把piece改为复数即可。 Two piece of paper (二 ) Consolidations (20min) 1) 他们对这个课题很感兴趣。 They are _ _ the project. 桌子上有一页纸。 2) There is _ _ _ on the desk. 3) 他们喜欢不同种类的动物。 They like _ _ _ animals. 4) 他们正在为考试做准备。 They are getting _ _ the exam. 6) 别为我担心,我很好。 Dont _ _ me, I am ok. (三) Homework 8 (四) Blackboard design. (五) Reflection Lesson 18 Teaching in China I Learning aims 1 To learn the new words and phrases: teach, quite, nervous, comfortable and helpful, move from to somebody be happy to do something. 2. To learn the important sentence structures Somebody be happy to do something. Learning key points 1The new words and phrases in this lesson. 2 The main sentence: Somebody be happy to do something. Difficult points The usage of “teach”, “_ful” 导学环节 (一) Self learning 1 Review 1) Last year he _ ( teach) us math. 2) We are _(relax) when we listen to music. 3) Last night jenny _ (write) a letter to me. 4) Chinese people are _ (friend) . 2 Learning tips (15min) 1) teach: “教,讲授”, 过去式为taught teach sb sth.= teach sth to sb 教某人某事 My father taught me math. 9 teach sb to do sth: 教某人做某事。 My uncle will teach me to drive the car. Teach oneself : 自学 I will teach myself English this summer holiday. 这个假期去我要自学英语。 2)_ful 是形容词后缀,符合该构词法的还有: care-careful use- useful skill- careful success- successful beauty-beautiful help - helpful 二 ) Consolidations(20min) 1)我非常紧张,我该怎么办? I am _ _. What should I do 2) 他是我们的英语老师,教我们英语。 He is our English teach and he _ _ _. 3) 两个月前他来哦到了这个村庄。 He _ _ the village _ _ )去年他们从北京搬到了上海 They _ _ Beijing _ shanghai last year. 5) The boy goes swimming twice a week.(对划线部分提问) _ _ does the boy _ swimming? 7) She is good at painting.(同义句) She _ _ _ painting . 三) Homework 四) Blackboard design. 五) Reflection 10 ( (


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