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    群星种族有哪些特性?种族特性介绍6399单机游戏网 群星种族有哪些特性? 下面为Positive部分 类型:adaptive 效果:habitability+10% 排斥特性:Extremely Adaptive、Nonadaptive 花费点数:2 具体描述:当来到陌生环境时,这个种族能够容易适应。 描述原文:This species is highly adaptive when it comes to foreign environments. 类型:agrarian 效果:食物产出+15% 排斥特性:无 花费点数:2 具体描述:这个种族和土地有深厚的联系,会产生庄家级农夫和园丁 描述原文:This species is highly adaptive when it comes to foreign environments. 类型:Charismatic 6399单机游戏网 效果:其他种族每单位人口幸福度+1% 排斥特性:令人厌恶的 花费点数:2 具体描述:该种族的成员都有特别的魅力,周围的人都认为其讨人喜欢 描述原文:Members of this species have a special charisma and are generally considered pleasant to be around. 类型:Communal共享的,集体的 效果:+5%幸福度 排斥特性:Solitary 花费点数:1 具体描述:该种群的成员都有高度的集体倾向,而且常常在彼此间很近生活 描述原文:Members of this species are highly communal and quite used to living in close proximity to others. 我不知道highly communal怎么表述。 类型:Conformists 效果:Ethics Divergence: -20% 排斥特性:无 花费点数:2 具体描述:这些人总是在寻求共识,并且倾向于遵循主流意识 描述原文:These people always seek consensus and are more likely to conform to the governing ethics. 类型:Enduring 6399单机游戏网 效果:领袖寿命+30 排斥特性:Venerable 花费点数:2 具体描述:这个种族的寿命特别地长 描述原文:Lifespans in this species are unusually long. Extremely Adaptive是6楼adaptive的加强版,效果是adaptive的翻倍。 消耗点数5,排斥adaptive和Nonadaptive 类型:Industrious 效果:矿物产量+15% 排斥特性:无 花费点数:2 具体描述:民干词。 描述原文:Members of this species are known for their diligence and hard-working nature, always going above and beyond。 类型: Intelligent 效果:Engineering Output: +10%, Physics Output: +10% ,Society Output: +10% 工程、物理、社会点数产出各增加10% 排斥特性:无 花费点数:2 具体描述:这种族有很高的智慧和享有更快的科技进步带来的好处。 描述原文:his species is highly intelligent and enjoys faster technological progress。 类型: Natural Engineers 6399单机游戏网 效果:工程学点数产出增加15% 排斥特性: Natural Physicists、 Natural Sociologists 花费点数:1 具体描述:该种族的成员对于工程学和材料科学有着天生的爱好。 描述原文:Members of this species have a natural inclination towards engineering and the material sciences. 类型:Natural Physicists 效果:物理点数产出增加15% 排斥特性: Natural Engineers、 Natural Sociologists 花费点数:1 具体描述:.该种族的成员对于理论物理学和天文现象有着天生的爱好。 描述原文:Members of this species have a natural inclination towards theoretical physics and astral phenomena. 类型:Natural Sociologists 效果:社会点数产出增加15% 排斥特性:Natural Engineers、 Natural Physicists 花费点数:1 具体描述:该种族成员对于社会学和生物学研究有着天生的爱好。 描述原文:Members of this species have a natural inclination towards sociology and biological studies. 6399单机游戏网 类型:Nomadic 效果:迁徙时间 -50%,重新定居花费-33% 排斥特性:Sedentary 花费点数:1 具体描述:该种族有着一个流浪的过去,其成员毫不介意迁移到另外一个星球。 描述原文:This species has a nomadic past, and its members often think nothing when relocation to another world. 类型:Quick Learners 效果:领袖经验获得量增加25% 排斥特性:Slow Learners 花费点数:1 具体描述:该种族的成员能够很快地从经历中学习到东西 描述原文:Members of this species are quick to learn from experiences. 类型:Rapid Breeders 效果:增长时间-10% 排斥特性:Slow Breeders缓慢繁殖 花费点数:1 具体描述:这个种族的繁殖速度非常快,快速扩大其种群规模 描述原文: This species reproduces at a very rapid rate, increasing population growth。 类型:Resilient 6399单机游戏网 效果:守备部队生命值+100%,防御工事的防御加成+50% 排斥特性:无 花费点数:1 具体描述:该种族的肉体恢复非常迅速,并且会像被激怒的育儿期母亲一样保卫他们的星球。 描述原文:Members of this species are physiologically resilient and will fight like enraged brood mothers to defend their worlds. 类型:Talented 效果:领袖技能等级+1 排斥特性:无 花费点数:2 具体描述:该种族成员出生时就有天生的才能。 描述原文:Members of this species are born with a natural aptitude. 类型:Thrifty 效果:Energy Credits: +15% 排斥特性:无 花费点数:2 具体描述:不会描述 描述原文:Members of this species are instinctively economical and are always looking to make a good profit, whatever corners need cutting. Negative消极作用 类型:Decadent 6399单机游戏网 效果:没有奴隶时,资源产出-10% 排斥特性:无 花费点数:-1 具体描述:该种族有奴隶或者是仆人时才会感到满意。 描述原文:This species requires slaves or servants to feel content. 类型:Nonadaptive 效果:可居住性-10% 排斥特性:Adaptive、Extremely Adaptiv 花费点数:-1 具体描述:该种族不能很好地适应陌生环境. 描述原文:This species does not adapt well to foreign environments. 类型:Repugnant 效果:其他种族每单位人口幸福度-1% 排斥特性:Charismatic 花费点数:-1 具体描述:该种族的形态外貌和风俗习惯令其他种族感到讨厌,其邻居很少会欣赏这些方面。 描述原文:The physical appearance and customs of this species are considered offensive to most others and few appreciate them as neighbors. 类型:Sedentary 效果:迁移时间+50%,重新定居费用+33% 排斥特性:Nomadic 6399单机游戏网 花费点数:-1 具体描述:该种族过去是定居,其成员不愿意从长大的地方迁移走。 描述原文:This species has a sedentary past, and its members are reluctant to migrate away from where they grew up。 类型:Slow Breeders 效果:增长时间+15% 排斥特性:Rapid Breeders 花费点数:-1 具体描述:该种族繁殖速度很慢,种群规模缓慢地增长着。 描述原文:This species reproduces at a slow rate, lowering population growth. 类型:Slow Learners 效果:领袖经验增加量-25% 排斥特性:Quick Learners 花费点数:-1 具体描述:该种族成员不善于从经历中学习。 描述原文:Members of this species are slow to learn from their experiences. 类型:Solitary 效果:欢乐度-5% 排斥特性:Communal 花费点数:-1 具体描述:该种族的成员倾向于待在家里独处,在拥挤的环境下会变得躁动不安 6399单机游戏网 描述原文:Members of this species tend to be solitary and territorial, often becoming agitated in crowded conditions. 类型:Weak 弱小 效果:陆军伤害-20% 排斥特性:待补充 花费点数:-1 具体描述:该种族比一般种族平均还要瘦弱,这使他们,这令他们在地面作为战士时是不及格的。 描述原文:Members of this species are physically weaker than average, making them poor fighters on the ground.


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