《新编简明英语语言学教程》第二 课后习题答案 chapter(1).docx
新编简明英语语言学教程第二 课后习题答案 chapterChapter 7 Language Change 1. The vocabulary of English consists of native and also thousands of borrowed words. Look up the following words in a dictionary which provides the etymologies (history) of words. In each case speculate as to how the particular word came to be borrowed from a particular language. a. size b. skill c. royal d. ranch e. robot f. potato g. astronaut h. emerald i. pagoda j. khaki k. bulldoze 1. hoodlum 答:a. size (< old French) b. skill (< old Norse) c. royal (< old French < Latin) d. ranch (< Spanish < French) e. robot (< Czech < old Church Slavonic) f. potato (< Spanish < Taino) g. astronaut (< French) h. emerald (< Middle English & old French) i. pagoda (< Persian < Sanskrit) j. khaki (< Hindi <Persian) k. bulldoze (< bull(Botany Bay Slang) < old English) l. hoodlum (< German) 2. The Encyclopedia Britannica Yearbook has usually published a new word list, which is, in the Britannicas editor's view, a list of those words that had entered the language during the year. Would you expect a yearbook to publish a “lost-word list” recording the words dropped from the language during the year? Defend your answer. 答:(略) 3. Below is a passage from Shakespeare's Hamlet, King: Where is Pelonius? Hamlet: In heaven, send thither to see. If your messenger find him not there, seek him i' the other place yourself. But indeed, if you find him not within this month, you shall nose him as you go up the stairs into the lobby. Act IV, scene iii Study these lines and identify every difference in expression between Elizabethan and Modern English that is evident. 答:In modern English, these lines are more likely written as: King: Where is Pelonius? Hamlet: In heaven, send to see there. If your messenger cannot find him there, yourself seek him at the other place. But indeed, if you cannot find him within this month, you shall notice him as you go up the stairs into the lobby. 4. Comment with examples on the following statement “Words and expressions will be forced into use in spite of all the exertions of all the writers in the world.” 答: The statement means that when necessary, people will make use of available uses even if there is no writers' efforts. For example, there are more and more new words and expressions which are introduced into language not by writers, e.g., email, hacker, IBM (international big mouth, means a person who acts like a gossip.) 5. Suppose you are outside a government office where doors still bear the notice, “This door must not be left in an open position.” Now try to explain the notice in simple and plain English. 答: “Keep the door dote. ” or “The door must be kept close.” 6. Give at least two examples showing the influence of American English on British English. 答:(略) 7. Find in any books, newspapers, or journals newly coined words in association with social and political needs, internet or computer language. 答: For example: SARS, Golden week, euro, e-mail, bi-media(双媒体的), cybernaut计算机(网络)漫游者, DVD, eyephone(视像耳机), etc 8. With examples, give some plausible explanations for linguistic change. 答:(略)