夏洛克的网影评这部电影讲述了在朱克曼的谷仓里,快乐地生活着一群动物,两个主人公小猪威尔伯和蜘蛛夏洛克更是有着深厚的友谊。但是,谷仓里的快乐和宁静却被一个消息打破了,威尔伯即将会被成为熏肉火腿供人享用。作为一只小猪,悲痛绝望的威尔伯似乎只能接受任人宰割的命运。然而这时看似渺小的蜘蛛夏洛克却说可以拯救威尔伯。这时我不得不佩服夏洛克的机智,它用自己的丝在猪栏上织出了被人类视为奇迹的网上文字,因此逆转了威尔伯的命运,并且还让它在集市的大赛中赢得了特别奖,获得了一个安享天年的未来。但这时蜘蛛夏洛克的生命却也走到了尽头。看着为自己牺牲生命的好朋友,小猪威尔伯能为它做的就是把它的五百四十个卵带回谷仓 我却被这两个小动物感动了。人总是认为自己很伟大,立于食物链的顶层。但往往站在高端却遗忘了很多美好的东西,譬如亲情,友情等等。更丑恶的甚至利用他人的友情和亲情。作者以两个微小的在人类面前无足挂齿的动物之间深厚的友谊来告诉世人,友谊不分国界,种族和地域,友谊讲究的是双方有没有真心的为对方所尽力付出。朋友之间互相帮助,为了对方,甚至愿意奉献出自己的生命。这才是真正的友谊 宁静的夜晚,灯下,我将书的最后一页轻轻合上,闭了双眼,心中不由得升腾起一股力量,是爱的力量。 而这爱的力量是那么的神奇,那么的巨大。正因为小女孩弗恩心中充盈着这份神奇的爱,她才会勇敢的和父亲据理力争,使父亲终于放下了手中的斧头,拯救了小猪威尔伯的性命。小蜘蛛夏洛也正是用这份爱,不仅再一次拯救了威尔伯的生命,还使原本这个胆孝懦弱、毫无主见的小猪最后变成一只勇敢、坚强、聪明、谦卑的了不起的王牌猪 夏洛的网真是一部令人感动的童话,它让我深深感受到爱的力量是巨大的。亲爱的同学们,让我们学习弗恩和夏洛吧,让我们的心中也充满爱吧。因为它一定会让你欢笑,让你幸福,让你的房间充满爱,让你的天空充满阳光。 The film tells the story of happily living with a group of animals in barn, the two hero pig Wilbur and spiders Shylock is profound friendship. But happy and quiet in the barn, he was a news broke, Wilbur would soon become bacon and ham for people to enjoy. As a pig, grief and despair Wilbur seems only to accept the fate of being trampled upon. However, when tiny, spider Shylock says can save Wilbur. Then I have to admire Shylock wit it with your own silk weave on the pigsty online text of humans as a miracle, and therefore reversed the fate of Wilbur and contest it in the mart won a special prize, get one to enjoy their later years in the future. But then the spider Shylock's life has also come to an end. Looked to sacrifice their lives for their own good friend, the pig Wilbur can do it is to its five hundred and forty eggs back to the barn And this the power of love is so amazing, so great. Because of the little girl Vern heart filled with the magic of love, she will brave and father fight it out, make the father finally put aside her of an axe, saved Wilbur life. Small spider charlotte is also use this love, not only once again saved the Wilbur's life, also make originally the bravery filial piety cowardice and have no definite view of pig finally into a brave, strong, intelligent, humility great ace pig 注:非专业人士翻译,仅供参考。