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    初中英语词汇达手册每日默写记录x月x日p1-5 1. 有能力的 able be able to do/can 2. 事故,意外的事 accident accident happen; by accident 3. 积极的,主动的,活跃的 active take an active part in after school activities 4. 活动 activity after school activities 5. 忠告,劝告,建议 advice(U)suggestion(s) advise sb. (not) to do 6. 负担得起费用,抽得出时间 afford cant afford to do 7. 影响 affect Smoking affects health. 8. 同意,应允 agree with sb. agree to do (reach)agreement disagree 9. 空气,大气 air in the open air travel by air 10. 活着的,存在的 alive (表语) awake asleep 11. 允许,准许 allow sb. to do sth. Smoking is not allowed in our school. 12. 令人惊奇的/惊喜的/惊叹的 amazing (more, most) amazed at/by 13. 横过,穿过 across walk across the street/ through the forest/ over the mountain 14. 再一次 again and again 15. 违反,反对,紧靠 against the law/ wall 16. 行动 action take the following actions to protect 17. 关于,对于 about What about doing? _大约 18. 到/在国外 aboard go/travel/study abroad 19. 接受 accept refuse to accept 20. 总是,一直 always He is always ready to help others. all the time总是一直 at times / from time to time 有时,间或 探究:time常用短语及用法 补充: 1. 相册,集邮簿 album 2. 差不多 almost a month 3. 虽然,尽管 although 4. 在中间,在之间 among 5. 援助,救护 aid first aid急救 x月x日p6-10 1. 生气地 (more, most) angrily be angry with get angry easily 2. 宣告,宣布 announce make an announcement I have something to announce. 3. 另一,再一 another two apples two more apples An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 4. 申请 apply for the job 5. 面积,地域,地方,区域 have an area of square kilometers / hectares 6. 争辩,争论 vi argue with sb. about sth. argument 7. 军认 army old enough to join the army / be a soldier have been in the army for 8. 攻击,袭击 attack If a bear is in danger, it will attack people. 9. 注意,关心 pay attention to sth. 引起注意attract ones attention 10. 迷人的,有吸引力的 attractive 11. 可获得的,可找到的 (un)available 12. 醒着的,醒来的 be wide (adv) awake完全醒着 aloud adv. When you read, read aloud. 13. 意识到的 be aware of the danger 14. 离开,远离 away keep away(adv) from (prep.) the danger远离危险 15. 不好,非常,严重地 badly bad go bad变坏,变质 worse, worst do well/ badly in be badly injured in the accident 16. 天平,平衡 balance a good sense of humor/ keep/lose ones , the balance of 17. 球,舞会 ball at the ball 18. 以不依据 be based on (历史事实) historical facts 19. 银行,岸 on the south bank of the river 20. 问,询问,请求,要求,邀请 ask sb. to do 要某人做某事 探究:要某人做某事 want / would like sb. to do sth.(想让) tell sb. to do sth. require sb. to do (要求) ask/ invite sb. to do(邀请,请求) order sb. to do sth.(命令) x月x日p11-15 1. 忍受,生育 bear, bore, born/borne bear having cats be born in (the year or the place)/ on the date of birth 2. 因为 because conj. He stayed at home because he was badly ill. / because of being badly ill. 3. 开始,开端,起点 beginning at/ since the beginning / end of each class in the beginning/ end=at first/ last from beginning to end *start有“使运转之意。*starting /beginning to do Its beginning/ starting to rain. 4. 行为 behavior behave She just doesnt know how to behave in public.(表现得体,有礼貌) behave oneself well/badly-behaved children 表现好的/差的孩子 5. 相信,认为 believe, think true believe it or not信不信由你 believe vt, 意为“相信,信以为真,” ones word(s), what he said, it / sb. to be e.g. People used to believe the earth was flat. People believed the earth to be flat. 1)Do you believe his reports?你相信他的报告吗? 2)I could hardly believe my eyes我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛。 3)In ancient times it was believed that the earth was flat古时,人们认为地球是扁平的。 believe in则表示“信仰”、“信任”之意。后为有关宗教、理论、原则、概念及可信任之人,如:a religion、ghosts、 fairies、 a theory、 a friend等词; 1) We do not believe in ghosts我们不信鬼神。 2) He believes in getting plenty of exercise他相信多锻炼身体就会有好处。 3) In the days of the French Revolution,people believed in liberty,equality and fraternity 法国大革命时代的人们信奉自由、平等及博爱。 I believe him我相信他。 I believe in him我相信他是一个可以信得过的人。 口头禅Believe me:希望对方相信自己谈话的口头语,=I bet/ Take my word for it。 Believe me,you will get well very soon你一定会很快就恢复健康的。 Believe me 可以根据不同的场合,译作“真的”、“我不骗你”、“一定会”或“请相信”。 6. 属于,是的一员 belong(s/ ed) to him / Kate=Kates/ his 7. 在远处,超过,超越 beyond ones reach / sb. 8. 帐单,纸币 pay(paid, paid) the bill a 10-dollar bill 9. 责备 blame sb. for Who is to blame?是谁的责任? 10. 瞎的 be blind to对一无所知 Hes completely to her fault/ mistake. Hes not aware of her fault.觉察/ 意识到 11. 木板,寄宿的膳费 a boarding school Please board the plane immediately.请马上登机。 12. 骨头 bone 13. 无趣的,单词的,乏味的 boring I am terribly bored with these boring books. 我对这些乏味的书感到厌倦极了。 14. 借进 borrow from lend to Can I borrow your bike? Can you lend your bike to me? 15. 底部 bottom at the bottom / top of the mountain / ones voice 16. 勇敢的,无罪的 brave It was brave of you to speak in front of so many people /such a crowd of people.在这么多人/一大群人面前讲话,你真勇敢。I wasnt brave enough to tell her what I thought of her. 我当时没有勇气告诉她我对她的看法。 brave(r,st), bravely, bravery 17. 少量 a (little) bit tired/ too tight Ill be a little later home tomorrow.明天我要晚点儿回家。 18. 咬 bite, bit, bitten Barking dogs do not bite. 爱叫的狗不咬人。 19. 大的,重大的 big a big decision重大的决定 a big mistake严重的错误 Im a big fan of hers. 我是她的一个狂热追随者。(狂热的,热衷于的) 20. 两者都 both Both (the) boys have blue eyes. Both (pron.) of the boys /them have blue eyes. They both (adv) have blue eyes. They have both seen the movie. Both A and B have blue eyes. (not only but also) 探究:“都”both, all; neither, none及both and, neither nor, not only but also的用法。 x月x日p16-20 1. 打破,违反 break, broke, broken break ones promise break the record for the 100-meter race break down break in/ into the house 2. 呼吸 breath Relax and take a deep breath/ breathe deeply深呼吸 hold ones breath屏住呼吸 out of breath上气不接下气 breathlessly 3. 带到某处,带来 bring, brought Her son always brings her great joy.她的儿子总是使她很开心。 bring sb. sth./ bring sth. to sb. bring in 引进 4. 宽的,宽阔的 broad shoulders / back 5. 建筑,建造 build, built, built Rome was not built in a day.罗马不是一天建成的。 6. 日常工作,买卖,事务,职责 business on business出差 none of your business不关你的事 get down to business言归正传 地方企业 local businesses 7. 忙碌的 busy, busier, busiest be busy with / doing sth. 忙于干某事 All the students were busy preparing for the coming entrance exams.忙着为入学考试做准备 8. 但是 but conj. 除了prep. In some areas, the ground is nothing but salt. We have no choice but to wait. 别无选择,只得等。 9. 买 buy, bought buy sb. sth. / buy sth. for sb. You like to buy your friends nice things. (Leo) 10. 在旁边,通过,经过,不迟于,用方式,以单位 by 11. 电话,召唤,访问 call sb. / give sb. a call call on sb. at. sp. (短暂)访问 call on sb. to do sth.号召做The President called on his people to make sacrifices for the good of their country. 总统号召人民为国家的利益作出牺牲。 12. 镇静,沉着,使平静,使镇定 vt. calm oneself/ down adj. keep calm (nervous) 13. 摄像机,照相机 camera take photos of sth.给拍照 14. 蜡烛 candle 点蜡烛light the candles 里面有蜡烛的灯笼 lanterns with candles inside 15. 省会,首都,大写 capital The capital of Jiangsu Province is Nanjing. 16. 关心,担心,介意 v. care for照顾,喜爱 care about 关注,在乎 care only about oneself= selfish 多替别人考虑think more of others than of oneself v. take care当心,小心 take care of照顾照料 The old people should be taken good care of. with care =carefully小心 17. 粗心的,漫不经心的 careless Its careless of you to leave your leave the bag on the bus. 18. 搬,提,抬,背,抱,运 carry, carried carry sth. in ones arms抱着 carry sth. on ones back背着 carry on with继续开展 All we need is enough money to carry on with our work. 19. 接住,赶上,染上,听清楚,理解 catch (caught) catch sb. by the arm抓住某人的胳膊 catch/ have a cold I caught a cold the day before yesterday. I have had a cold for two days. 我感冒两天了。 Because I was caught in a heavy rain on my way home. Ill have to ask for a day off work. 请一天假。 赶上其他人catch up with the others Did you catch what I said just now? 20. 原因,起因 n. the cause of the accident v. cause/ lead to/ bring about 导致Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness. 探究:by的用法。 x月x日p21-25 1. 零钱,找零 change(U ) Great changes have taken place in Suzhou. changeinto change ones mind 2. 公民,市民,居民 citizen 3. 21世纪 the 21st century in the 21st century over the last / past century (完成时) 4. 极佳机会 an excellent chance to practice oral English 5. 英吉利海峡 the English Channel 6. 有骨气的人 a man of character 7. 免费 free of charge 8. 当地慈善机构 local charities 9. 煮咖啡 make coffee 10. 加入俱乐部 join the club 11. 在圣诞节 at Christmas 12. 点烟 light the cigarette 13. 课内外 in and out of class 14. 博爱始于自家,施舍先及亲友。Charity begins at home. 15. 请弄清明天飞机何时起飞。 Please make certain when the plane leaves/ will leave tomorrow. 16. David今天感到兴高采烈,浑身充满了活力。David feels cheerful and energetic today. cheer up 17. 子弹击中了他的胸膛。 The bullet hit him in the chest. catch sb. by the arm 18. 我别无选择,只能做这件事。 I have no choice but to do it. choose, chose, chosen 19. 外国人不习惯用筷子吃饭。 Foreigners dont get used to having dinner with chopsticks. 20. 我讲清楚了吗? Have I made myself clear? / made it clear to you clear up整理,收拾 From today on, please copy down all the items of the word that you have not spelt out or spelt incorrectly. x月x日p26-30 1. 比较,对照 2. 完成的,完全的 compare A with/ to B 把A和B作比较 compared with 与比较 complete adj. The project will be complete at the end of the year. v. He often stays up late to complete his homework.他常常熬夜完成作业。 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 条件,状况 condition improve living conditions 改善生活条件 in good condition 状况良好 集邮 collect stamps collect sth. (money) from sb. 从某人处收集某东西(钱) 上大学 go to college / university a college / university student 从中得到结论 draw a conclusion from / conclude from 对有信心 be confident of oneself / doing sth. confidence n. 与某人保持联系 keep in contact / touch with sb. 要想得到更多信息,请拔打。 与我联系。For further information, please contact me on . 9. 继续某事 continue with sth. continue to do / doing sth. 这场雨下了整整一个下午都不停。The rain continued to fall / falling all afternoon. 10. 在的控制下 in control of sb. in / out of control 不/在控制 take control of sb. / sth. 控制某人 11. 逼得某人走投无路 drive sb. into a corner / sb. mad 世界的每一个角落 every corner of the world 12. 太贵了 (sth.) cost too much 13. 别客气。 Please make yourself / yourselves comfortable. Make yourself at home 请不要拘礼/.就当在家一样/.请别客气。 14. 话语是人与人之间最快捷的交流方式。Speech is the fastest communication between people. 15. 造这条铁路是为了把北京和上海连接起来。The railway is built to connect Beijing to Shanghai. connect A to / with B be connected with.与有关联 be covered with 那儿的一切全被厚厚的雪覆盖着。 Everything was covered with heavy snow there. 16. 我们把这奖项视为极大的荣誉。 I consider this award (as)a great honor. He considers himself to be / as an expert on the subject. 他认为自己是这门学科的专家。 17. 你家谁做饭? Who does the cooking in your family?My mother does. do the cooking / washing / cleaning/ shopping 18. 每次你正确回答一个问题便会得一分。You can get a point every time you answer a question correctly. 19. 我不停地咳嗽。 I couldnt stop coughing. 20. 我没有勇气与朋友们一起分担我的忧愁。I have no courage to share my worries with my friends. x月x日p31-35 dea- dear dearer dearest expensive (more) dead death He has been dead for 3 years. / died 3 years ago. The death of his dog made him very sad. deal dealt I wonder how to deal with people like him. deaf the deaf and the blind He is always deaf to others advice.总是不听别人的劝告。 He is completely blind to her fault.他一点儿也不觉察不到。 1. 创造,创作,造成 create creator The masses are the true creators of history. 群众是历史的真正创造者。creative creation产物,创造 This artist's creations are worth collecting. 这个艺术家的作品值得收藏。creature生物, 动物 The crocodile is a strange-looking creature. 鳄鱼是一种模样古怪的动物。 2. 拥挤的 crowded be crowded with 挤满 The bus is crowded with people.公车上挤满了人。 crowd n. 人群,观众 a large crowd / crowds of people 一大群人/成群的人们 He pushed his way through the crowd. 他在人群中往前挤。 push / feel / fight ones way 3. 日常的,每日的 daily a daily newspaper 一份日报(14) 4. 女儿 daughter an 18-year-old daughter 5. 冲洗develop I have already had the films developed. So dont worry.(11) developing/ed(18) 6. 把奉献于, 把专注于 devote ones time to (doing) sth. 把某人的时间用在某事上 devote oneself to sth. 全身心投入某事 The old woman devoted much of her time to charity. 这个老妇人把她的许多时间奉献给了慈善事业。He devotes himself to helping the poor.他全身心投入到帮助穷人的事业中去。 7. 文化差异 cultural differences Are there any differences between living in a big city and living in the country? The weather in the USA is quite different from that in Britain. 8. 在光天化日之下 in broad daylight / in the daytime在白天 9. 下决心做某事 make a decision/ decide to do sth. 探究 make 揭秘 divide into 10. 玩得高兴 have a delightful/ wonderful/ good/ great time doing have fun doing with(因,伴随) delight /joy in surprise高兴地 to ones delight/ joy/ surprise 让某人高兴的是 11. 他把头发理得真短。 He has had his hair cut really short. 12. 你一个人在深河里游泳是危险的。 Its dangerous for you to swim alone in a deep river.(16) a 10-meter-deep river 13. 天色太晚,不能照相了。 Its getting too dark to take photos. 14. 日常英语应该每天练习。 The everyday English should be practiced every day. 15. 以其人之道还治其人之身。 Deal with a man as(如) he deals with you. 16. 这条河十米深。The river is ten meters deep (long, wide, high/tall)/ in depth (length, width, height weight). 17. 如果我们继续毁林修路的话,野生动物将没有栖息之地。 If we continue to destroy / keep destroying (不停地反复地破坏)the forests to build roads, wild animals will have nowhere to live/ no suitable homes. 18. 随着现代科学的发展,我国正变得越来越强大。With the development of modern science, our country is becoming stronger and stronger. 19. 我没有健康的饮食习惯和生活方式。I dont have a healthy diet or lifestyle. 20. 大家发现他是个很难相处的人。 We find him difficult to get on with. / He is found (to be) a very difficult man to get on with. An easy-going person is easy to get on/ along with. 做某事有困难have difficulty / trouble麻烦/ problems问题(in) doing / with sth. We have difficulty getting along with him. x月x日p36-40 1. 指引,指示 directions=instructions Read the directions carefully before taking the cough drops. 2. 消失,不见 disappear appear appearance characteristic(s)特性,特征,特色personality人格, 个性quality(ies) 品质, 特征, 特性 3. 距离,远处 distance 从到有多远?What is the distance fromto? How far is (away) from ? in the distance在远处 distant遥远的 4. 对付,处理 do with 我想知道如何处理这笔钱/对付像。的女人。I wonder how to deal with / what to do with the money / a lady like her. 5. 最近几年 during / in / over the last few / several years 6. 值日 be on duty 今天轮到我值日。Its my turn to be on duty. Whose turn is it to be on duty. 7. 我给他们打电话时,他们正在吃饭。They were at dinner/ having dinner when I called. (短暂拜访call on sb.,顺便拜访drop in on sb. at sp.) 8. 关于这事我和你意见不同。 I disagree with you about this. agree with sb. about/ on sth. 就某事与某人意见一致 agree to do 同意做某事 9. 恶劣的天气有时会引起自然灾害。 Bad weather sometimes causes / leads to/ brings abut natural disasters. (at times/ from time to time/ now and then) 10. 我还以为你正在跟丹尼尔商议课题的事呢。I thought you were discussing the project with Daniel. 与某人讨论/商议某事 discuss (vt.) sth. with sb. 与某人争论某事argue with sb. about sth. discussion under discussion argument论点in favor of your argument 11. 请勿打扰。 Dont disturb. 听说你生了病, 我感到不安。I felt disturbed to hear of your illness. 12. 我们分成两组吧。 Lets divide ourselves into two groups. 十八岁以上的可以自行组成


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