《Unit6 Im going to study computer science》 SectionA教学设计.docx
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《Unit6 Im going to study computer science》 SectionA教学设计.docx
Unit6 Im going to study computer science SectionA教学设计Unit6 Im going to study computer science. SectionA(1a-1c)教学设计 一 教材分析 单元分析及教材处理 本课是人教版八年级英语上册Unit6 SectionA(1a-1c),教材以 Im going to study computer science.为中心话题,主要是通过学习动词的一般将来时态,讨论人生理想和将来打算,计划。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。Section A(1a-1c)的主要学习内容是:一般将来时“How are you going to do that?Im going to study computer science.”教材安排了许多听,说,读,写的任务活动,我将灵活运用这些活动. 教材的地位和作用 本课主要的语言结构是一般将来时的用法,一般将来时在英语学习中是非常常用的时态,由于在交际中的使用频率很高,所以新课程标准要求学生重点掌握一般将来时态,能够把它运用到实际生活中,学好这一时态对以后的学习也有很大的帮助。 二 学情分析 大班教学,学生语言实践机会少,程度不一;同时,步入八年级后一些学生羞于开口,整体教学中较难兼顾到具体对象,容易两极分化,通过各种合作学习的活动,尽可能多地为他们创造语言实践的机会,促使学生互相学习,互相帮助,体验集体荣誉感和成就感,发展合作精神。 中学生活泼、好动、好胜心强、可塑性大,在教学过程中,注意设置情境,倡导其活动参与,并引进小组竞争机制,更好地激发学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂效率。 本单元主要讲授使用be going to +do结构来表述将来的计划或打算(可能会发生、也可能不会发生的). 三 教学目标 知识与能力目标:关于职业的名词;关于一般将来时态的表达 过程与方法目标:能听懂有关人生理想的词汇及表达;能听懂有关未来计划的表达;能进行有关人生的谈话;能进行有关将来计划的讨论。 情感态度与价值观目标:通过对人生理想的讨论,让学生从小就树立自己的人生理想,并且现在就下决心,为理想而努力奋斗。使他们成为有理想,有抱负,有动力,健康成长的新一代青少年。 四 教学重难点 重点:学会描述自己的人生理想和表示奋斗的想法;动词的一般将来时态的学习。 难点:理想主义的教育与现实的矛盾。 五 教学策略与设计说明 直观教学法:用图片展示教学目标之一生词会产生瞬间记忆的效果。 情景教学法:师生之间,生生之间在这个畅谈未来的话题就是真实的情景。 互动法:通过教师与学生交流,学生与学生交流,正确对待学生错误,鼓励学生大胆发言,营造平等交流气氛,让学生成为学习的主人。 任务型语言教学法:任务型的教学活动,是让学习者通过运用语言来完成各种各样的交际活动。学习者通过表达、沟通、交涉、解释、询问等各种语言活动形式来学习和掌握语言。 多媒体教学手段:多媒体辅助:用POWERPOINT软件将本课所需要的动画、录音、图片、文字和影片制成课件,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情景,实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。 教学过程 教学环节 Step1 Greeting and Revision 5分钟 教师活动 Greeting,then ask one student to come to the blackboard and act out what I tell him (her) to do. Then I will let Ss guess what kind of work he (she) does. 学生活动 设计意图 Let Ss act out and some Ss say some names of jobs. Let Ss focus on the class and revise the names of jobs learned before. Step 2 Presentation 7分钟 Show some pictures of the new jobs and ask what they are going to be in the future. Then change “in the future” into “grow up” and let them guess the meaning. Then let students do pair work to introduce their choices of jobs. They can ask and answer using the phrases “grow up” and “be going to + do”. It is aimed to introduce new words and learn the new language. Step3 Practice 8分钟 Ask them to do a small exercise to fill in the blanks. They need to change the forms of verbs to finish the sentences. Ss can make comparison among present tense, past tense and future tense.Teach the new structure: If you want to be a professional basketball player, how are you going to do that? Then show them how to answer it. Then make conversations with each other. Ss answer questions using the target new language and new words .Make conversations in pairs. Ss will talk about their opinion and develop their minds. They can be familiar with the new jobs . Step4 Listening 10分钟 Let Ss listen to 1b Ss listen to 1b and then check the answers. Then Ss listen to 1b again and repeat. It can develop their listening skills and consolidate the new contents. Step5 Consolidation 8分钟 Let Ss read the model together. Then girls ask and boys answer. Next is group work. One is the reporter, one Make is the recorder. Ask Ss to make conversations interviews about their ideal jobs in pairs. using the mode. It can practice their writing and reading abilities. They can master the new words and structures deeply. Step6 Summary 4分钟 let Ss summarize the usage of the structure “be going to +do”. Give students two proverbs: A good dream is a good start to success. Where there is a will, there is a way. Read the target language It can consolidate together that the usage of “be has been written going to + do”. on the blackboard. 课堂小结 2分钟 Summarize the usage of the structure “be going to +do”. 布置作业 1分钟 Make conversations about different jobs. Unit6 Im going to study computer science. A:What do you want to be when you grow up? B:I want to be a an . A:How are you going to do that? B:Im going to. 本节课,我是以一个游戏开始,邀请几位同学登台表演,其他同学猜测其表演为何职业, 让学生自然融入,激发学生兴趣。而紧接着以卡片介绍学生所熟悉的职业,并逐步过渡到语言点,循序渐进,难度不断加大,但坡度平缓,铺垫充分且扎实,因此学生在完成最后的中心任务时亦不觉吃力,整堂课学生活动充分,教师的引导点到为止,给学生较大的空间发挥和创造。引导学生不仅会在教师的指导下学知识,而且要学会自己在大量的练习中总结归纳知识 另外,教师给学生非常清晰的范例和指示,利于学生明确任务的方向。学习本节课同时进行情感教育让学生从小就树立自己的人生理想,并且现在就下决心,为理想而努力奋斗。整个教学过程中,时刻以学生为主,适时点拨,充分调动学生的阅读兴趣和积极性。 板书设计 教学反思