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    What are you doing教案.docx

    What are you doing教案听 课 记 录 表 课题 教 学 目 标 PEP6 Unit4A ReadWrite What are you doing? 课型 阅读课 1.Knowledge aims : 1)The Ss will be able to read and write the main sentences of this dialogue . 2) The Ss will be able to read and understand this dialogue ,then finish the exercises after the dialogue . 3)The Ss will be able to master and use the main sentence pattern :What are you doing? I am 2.Ability aims : 1)The Ss will be able to use the main sentence pattern properly in given situations or their daily life . 2)The Ss will be able to read the dialogue with correct pronunciation and intonation . 3)The Ss will be able to learn English by cooperation . 3.Emotional aims : 1)The kids will be more intereted in learning English. 2)The kids will learn to use English in their daily life. 教学重点:The Ss can master and use the main sentence pattern “What 教学 are you doing ?I am ”properly in given situations or their daily life . 教学难点:The Ss can read and understand the sentence :Do you want to 重难点 go to the Childrens Center? 教具 准备 教 学 策 略 1、与教学相配套的多媒体课件。 2、学生需要的练习纸、板书用的贴图。 1、三段式的语篇阅读教学策略。我采用了pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading这一语篇阅读教学中读前、读中、读后的三段式教学程序,提高学生理解语言并且运用语言的能力。 如读前环节,我设计了3个活动。首先,我通过师生互动的游戏,将已经学习过的动词的现在分词形式,进行系统的复习,并让学生大致了解本堂课的主要内容。然后通过Free talk自然地引出本课时的重点句型“Im.”。最后,我通过“击鼓传花”的游戏,让学生在真实的情境中操练句型“What are you doing?Im.”。 在读中环节,我设计了这样几个活动。listen and find out “Who makes a phone to John?”这样一个简单的问题,旨在让学生把握对话的中心。分段呈现课文,旨在让学生关注对话的细节。如:What is Zhang Peng doing?What is John doing? Where do they want to go? What time?重点理解单词Childrens Center以及句型“Do you want to go to the Childrens Center? ”整体回归课文,让学生通过分角色朗读以及复述对话的形式,让学生加深对文本的理解。 在读后环节中,我设计了学生比较熟悉和喜爱的动画人物喜羊羊和沸羊羊的对话,让学生进一步的运用句型“What are you doing?Im.”。并培养学生理解文本的能力。 2、培养学生阅读技巧。如带问题听录音、通过划一划、圈一圈等形式找准问题的关键。从小学五年级教材开始就出现了大量的阅读性文本,然学生带着任务听录音能有效帮助学生理解语篇,抓住关键。 教学活动过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,营造轻松、和谐的英语学习氛围。 通过简单的游戏,复习已学的短语的进行时态。让学生大致了解本节课的教学内容。 通过教师与学生之间的简单信息沟通,架起了教师和学生之间交流的桥梁,拉近了师生课前谈话:Hello! boys and girls. Im your new English teacher today. My names Portia. You can call me Miss Ying. OK? Look, what time is it? Oh,its time for our English class. Step. Warming-up 1. Lets play T: Boys and girls. Lets play a game. I say cook dinner. You say cooking Review the words about dinner. OK? (cook dinner, draw pictures, answer doing. the phone, do the dishes, read a book, play football , fly a kite, plant trees, go hiking ) 2、 Free talk (1)T: You know Im new here. I want to know something about you. Whats your teachers name? Nice to meet you. When is your Answer birthday? What do you do on the questions. weekend? Which season do you like best? Why ? Step.Pre-reading 1、Present “What are you doing?” “Im doing the dishes.” T:Are you helpful at home? Can you do the dishes? Please do it. / Just do it. 之间的距离。 从师生间的对T: What are you doing? Learn: “What are you 话中自然地引S1: Im doing the dishes. doing ?” “Im doing 出新句型,让学T: (然后问另外一个学生)What is the dishes.” 生更容易接受。 doing? S2: Hes / Shes . 2、 Present“Im reading a book.” T: What can you do in the classroom? S1: I can read a book. T: Please do it. / Just do it. What are you doing? S1: Im reading a book. (板书) T: What is doing? Ss: Hes / Shes . 3、“击鼓传花”活动 T: Now, boys and girls. Lets play a game.Here is a ball.You can pass it one by one. When the music stops, the chidren who has the ball should stand up.We can ask together“×××,×××,what are you doing?”He can answer the questions according to the picture. 4、Present“Im talking to you.” (开小火车问答)the last student can ask teacher:”What are you doing?” T:I am talking to you. 5、Present“This is ×××.” T:Listen the phone rings.Who can anser the phone. Step.、While-reading 1. Listen and find out. Who makes a phone to John? T: Look,whos this boy?What is he doing? Ss: He is answering the phone. T: Who makes a phone to John? Please watch the cartoon and answer the questions: Who makes a phone to John? Check the answer 2. Read after the tape and answer. (1)、What is Zhang Peng doing? (2)、What is John doing? 3.Read and find out quichly. (1)Where do they want to go? (2)What time? 4. Understander“Childrens Center” Learn: Im reading a book. Play a game. Learn “Im talking to you.” Watch the cartoon and answer the questions: Who makes a phone to John? Read after the tape and answer. (1)、What is Zhang Peng doing? (2)、What is John doing? 让学生在真实、轻松的游戏中操练新句型,使英语的学习边成一件快乐的事情,学生学起来会更有兴致。 整体感知文本,并带着一个简单的问题,来理解文本的主要内容。 分段学习文本,使学生更容易抓住文本的细节。 And“Do you want to go to the Childrens Center?“ 5. Read in roles Step.Post-reading 1. T: (课件呈现喜羊羊和沸羊羊的图片)Look,whos this boy? Its Friday today.Xi Yangyang is reading a book.The phone rings. Xi Yangyang:Hello. Fei Yangyang:Hi,Xi Yangyang.This is Fei Yangyang.How are you today? Xi Yangyang :Very well,thanks.And you ? Fei Yangyang Im fine,too.What are you doing? Xi Yangyang:I am talking to you. Fei Yangyang :Come on,Xi Yangyang.What are you doing? Xi Yangyang:I am reading a book.What are you doing? Fei Yangyang:Im drawing pictures.Tomorrow is Saturday.What do you do on Saturdays? Xi Yangyang:I often go hiking and fly kites.What about you? Fei Yangyang:I often play pingpong in the Childrens Center.Do you want to go to the Childrens Center? Xi Yangyang:Sure.What time? FeiYangyang:What about 9:30 in the morning? Xi Yangyang:OK.See you at 9:30. Fei Yangyang;Bye. 2. Read and answer the questions (1)What is Xi Yangyang doing? (2) What is Fei Yangyang doing? (3)What do you do on Saturdays,Xi Yangyang? (5)What do you do on Saturdays, Fei Yangyang ? (6)Where are they going on Saturdays? (7)When are they going? 3.Make a new dialogue with your friend. A: Hello! This is . 1、Read the dialogue with teacher. 2、Read the dialogue with the partner. 3、Answer the questions one by one. 把生词和难点句型放到文本中去理解。 通过学生喜爱的动画人物喜羊羊和沸羊羊之间的对话,让学生进一步理解和运用句型“What are you doing? Im.”,并培养学生理解文本的能力。 B: Hi, !This is .What are you doing? A:I am . What are you doing? B:I am .Tomorrow is .What do you do on ? A:I often .What about you? B:I often .Do you want to go to the ? A: Sure .What time? B: What about in the ? A: OK. See you later. B: Bye. Make a new dialogue Key words: with the friend. 1、doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book , watching TV ,doing homework, 2、go hiking, play football, play the piano, play computer games, 3、KFC, Nature Park, Youngor Zoo, Dongqian Lake, 3. Try to act it. Homework Step.Homework 1. Listen to the tape for ten 1. Listen to the tape for ten minutes. 2. Copy the four-skills sentences four minutes. 2. Copy the four-skills times. 3. Make a phone to your friend and sentences four times. 3. Make a call with your show a new dialogue. friend and show a new dialogue. 板书设计: PEP 6 Unit 4 A Read and write This is Zhang Peng. What are you doing? Im doing the dishes. Im reading a book.


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