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    Unit7SchoolclubsUnit 7 school clubs 只言片语 展览会_ 能;能量_ 参加_ 蜜蜂_ 火箭_ 教;讲授_ 消失_ 摄影_ 吃惊的_ 又一;另一_ 令人大为惊奇的_ 技术_ 大字标题_ 令人厌倦的_ 蝴蝶_ 消息;资料_ 近来的_ 学习_ 在路上;自始自终_ 当然_ 遥控器_ 查阅_ 用某物做某事_ 说文解字 the Club Fair fair是可数名词,意为“_”。 We held the World Fair in Shanghai. fair还可作形容词,意为“公平的,公正的”。The teacher is fair. Photography Club 其中photography是不可数名词,意为“_”; photograph是可数名词,意为“_”。 Tom likes photography. Solar Power Club power是不可数名词,意为“能,能量”。 I did everything in my power to help him.我尽全力帮助他。 Last month, they attended the Clubs Fair. last “最近的,上一个的” Where did you go last week? “最后一个的”意思。She was the last to arrive. attend是及物动词,意为“出席,参加”,指出席会议或重要场合。 出席会议_ 上课_ 出席婚礼_ 辨析:attend;join;join in; take part in Attend: 意为“出席,参加” I didnt attend the meeting. Join: 意为“加入某个组织”,强调成为某个团体中的一员 join a club参加社团, join the army参军, Will you join us for dinner?请你和我们一起吃饭好吗? Join in: 意为“参加某项活动”,尤其指和其他人一起参加某项活动 May I join in the game?我可以参加这个比赛吗? Take part in: 指参加群众性活动、会议、劳动、游行等,往往指参加者持有积极的态度,起一份作用,有时与join in可互换。 Will you take part in the English evening?同我们一起参加英语晚会好吗? 用attend;join;join in; take part in的正确形式填空。 1. He will never forget the day when he _the Party. 12. His brother _ the army three years ago. 3. Come on, come and _ the ball game. 4. Why didnt you _ the talk last night? 5. A great number of students _ May 4 Movement. 6. Do U want to _ my birthday party? 7. He didnt _ the meeting last night. 8. I will _ an important weeding tomorrow. Our club will teach you how to build rockets. teach sb. sth. 教某人某物/某事 sb.是间接宾语 sth.是直接宾语 how to do sth.是“疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语的用法。 Can you tell me _ ? Please show me _. 我不知道该去哪儿。_ 她不知道下一步该做什么。_ Then “然后,其次” Then you can launch them into the sky. 作副词,还可表示“那么”;作名词,意为“那时” Then why did you do it? by then到那时 from then on从那以后 till then到那时为止 Disappear不及物动词,意为“_”, 反义词是_,“出现”。 Surprised;surprising;surprise surprised形容词,意为“对感到惊奇”,句子的主语通常是人; surprising形容词,意为“令人惊奇的”,主语通常是物; surprise名词,意为“惊奇”。 be surprised at对感到惊奇 give sb. a surprise给某人一个惊喜 to ones surprise令某人吃惊的是 He is very _ to see Jay on the street. The news is very _. To my _ , he was a thief. The result is _ . I was _ to see him there. Will it go all the way into space? into介词,意为“到里面去” all the way意为“一路上,自始至终” another形容词,意为“再一的,另一的,别的” another:表示不确定数目中的“另一个”。 2Thats quite another matter.那完全是另一回事。 the other:表示两个人或两样事物中的“另一个”。 Both my uncles are abroad: one is in Paris and the other is in New York. He has two daughters. One is a nurse, _ is a worker. I dont like this one. Please show me _. This glass is broken. Get me _ . I have two markers. One is red, _is green. shout动词,意为“喊叫” shout to是由于距离远,声音小而“高声喊叫”; I shout to her to help me. shout at 表示生气时对某人大喊大叫,态度不友好。Dont shout at that old man. takefrom意为“从中取出” Judy took a pen from her pencil case. Few; a few; little; a little a few意为“几个,少数”,用来修饰可数名词复数。 few意为“几个,少数”,用来修饰可数名词复数。 区别:little, a little +不可数名词 There are a few boys playing on the playground. There are few boys playing on the playground. 1.There is _ water in the glass. Let's go and get some. A. few B. a few C. a little D. little 2. We still have _ apples in the basket. You dont have to buy any. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 3. I am new here. So I have _friends here. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 4. The twins can speak only _ French. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 5.Let's go and have a drink. We still have _time before the train leaves. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little Thats wonderful. wonderful形容词,意为“神气的,绝妙的,极好的” Im sure youll have a wonderful time. Its wonderful to go swimming in summer. on TV意为“在电视上”。 但是“在广播里”“在电脑上”却要用the,表达为on the radio, on the computer. It was boring. boring一般修饰物, 意为“令人厌倦的,乏味的” bored通常修饰人,意为“感到无聊的”。 The boy feels very _. The book is very _. 3I was so excited that I could not sleep. sothat意为“如此以至于”, The little girl is so lovely that everyone loves her. 我弟弟如此小以至于无法照顾自己。_ 这个女孩如此小以至于无法搬动这个箱子。 _ hurry不及物动词,意为“赶紧,匆忙” He hurried to get to school after breakfast. hurry名词,意为“急忙,仓促” in a hurry She ran to school in a hurry. useful形容词,意为“有用的,有益的,有帮助的”,常在句中作表语或定语。 This is a useful book for English beginners. 以-ful结尾的形容词的反义词多是相应的以-less结尾的形容词 usefuluseless helpfulhelpless carefulcareless 重要句型 1. Teach sb how to do sth 教某人如何做某事 2. 主语+be动词+So+adj +that 主语+实义动词+So+ adv+that 如此。以至于 3. Finally,it was time to go home. it iswas time to do sth 是做某事的时间了 跟踪练习: 爱丽丝教我们如何制作蛋糕。 Alice us cakes. 我起床如此的迟以至于我上学迟到了. I get up I am late for school. 汤姆,该吃早饭了. Tom,it is time 这食物太美味以至于我还想再吃一碗。 The dish is I want another bowl. 吉米跑得太快以至于我追不上他。 Jimmy runs I cannot catch him. 语音知识 规则动词词尾加-ed有三种读音: 1. 在清辅音后读作t。 如:asked, helped, watched, stopped 2. 在浊辅音和元音后读作d。 如:enjoyed, studied, moved, called 3. 在t / d后读作id。如:wanted, needed ( ) 1. A. mended B. invited C. called D. arrived 2. A. closed B. listened C. excused D. watched 3. A. worried B. wanted C. loved D. stayed 4. A. worked B. defended C. stressed D. finished 45. A. hired B. planned C. tried D. defended 6. A. punished B. glared C. saved D. proved 今日说法:一般过去时 养兵千日 第一节 语法选择 Most students in America do housework _1_ school. Parents often ask their children _2_ something easy or interesting at home. Also, they want _3_ children _4_ something hard or boring. Parents would like _5_their children _6_ pocket money for their housework. And children can _7_ the money by _8_ the housework. President Obama says that he _9_ his two daughters Sasha and Malia just a dollar every week. Because they often set the table, wash the dishes and _10_ up their bedroom at weekends. One dollar is little for the housework, _11_ the two children are very happy to make their pocket money _12_ their free time. They buy their favourite books or food with _13_. Obama thinks that doing housework _14_ his daughters and hopes that his daughters are able to learn some money-management skills. Boys and girls, _15_ do you get your own pocket money? Do you make the money like Sasha and Malia? 1. A. at B. while C. before D. after 2. A. do B. to do C. doing D. does 3. A. they B. theirs C. them D. their 4. A. to do B. do C. does D. doing 5. A. gives B. to give C. giving D. give 6. A. a few B. any C. some D. many 7. A. make B. making C. makes D. to make 8. A. do B. doing C. does D. did 9. A. is giving B. give C. gives D. gave 10. A. cleans B. cleaning C. to clean D. clean 11. A. but B. and C. so D. because 12. A. at B. with C. on D. in 13. A. them B. their C. it D. its 14. A. is good for B. are good for C. is bad for D. are bad for 15. A. what B. how C. where D. when 第二节 完形填空。 Xiao Yan is thirteen years old, and she studies at Grade Seven _16_ a small village far away from Shenzhen. She is a left-behind child (留守儿童). Three years ago her parents _17_ to Shenzhen for work. Now she _18_ with her grandmother. Her grandmother is so _19_ that she can not do anything. So Xiao Yan has to do _20_ by herself, such as learning to cook meals, doing the washing and _21_ care of her grandmother who is seventy years old. Xiao Yan is quite _22_ and studies very hard. Her parents send some money to her every month and she uses most of them to buy _23_. Xiao Yan misses (想念) her parents so much. She wants to live with her parents, _24_ she knows that her parents make money for their better _25_. She hopes to get a good job, so she can take good care of her grandmother and her parents when she grows up. 16. A. on 17. A. attended 18. A. lives B. in C. after B. left C. took D. under D. went B. works C. studies D. misses 519. A. surprised B. amazed C. old 20. A. everything B. nothing C. something 21. A. finding B. looking C. making 23. A. books 24. A. but 25. A. school D. young D. anything D. taking 22. A. beautiful B. excited C. clever D. happy B. foods C. pictures D. bags B. so C. and B. work C. job A Peter took a trip to Shenzhen during this summer holiday. One night, He stayed in the hotel. All the rooms in this hotel were single (单间的). Suddenly, Peter heard someone knocking (敲) at the door when he was watching TV. Then he opened the door and saw a man standing outside. He didn't know the man at all. The man said to Peter, “I am so sorry, sir! I made a mistake and I thought this was my room." Then he left. Peter closed the door and thought the man must be a thief (小偷). So he called the policeman at once. The policeman caught the man in the room next to Peter after a while. The policeman asked Peter, “Did you see that man go into the room next to you?" “No, he didn't go into the room when I saw him,” answered Peter. “But how do you know he is a thief?" “All the rooms are single in the hotel. The man tries knocking at the door and wants to know whether there is someone in the room. If there is no one in it, he will go in the room. So he must be a thief, I think," Peter said. 26. Who was the thief in the passage? A. Peter. B. The man. C. The policeman. 27. Where did the policeman catch the thief? A. In another hotel. B. Outside the door. D. In the room next to Peter's. C. In Peter's room. D. Peter's friend. D. or D. future 第三节、阅读理解。 28. What was Peter doing when the man knocked at the door? A. He was talking with a man. B. He was standing at the door. C. He was watching TV. D. He was reading the newspaper. 29. Why did the man knock at the door of Peter's room? A. Because he wanted to visit Peter. B. Because he wanted to know whether there was someone in the room. C. Because he thought it was his room. D. Because he wanted to get the money back from Peter's room. 30. What can we know from the passage? A. Peter knew the man. B. There was no one in the room next to Peter's. C. The room next to Peter's was the man's room. D. Some of the rooms were single but some were not. B When you are waiting for a bus at a station, a 31-meter-long bus is coming to you. You must be surprised. In fact, the 31-metre-long bus is the longest bus in the world. And the bus comes from Germany. An ordinary (普通的) bus is only about l0-meter long and it can carry only 80 people once. But the longest bus can carry 256 people. So we will need less buses in the future. The longest bus can save energy, too. That's to say, it will take less energy than an ordinary bus. Moreover, the driver can drive the longest bus as easily as an ordinary one. 6 However, firstly, it has to spend $10,000,000 to buy the longest bus. Someone jokes that we can buy a lot of ordinary buses with that money. Secondly, people think that it is hard for the longest bus to travel on the bustling streets. It may cause new traffic (交通) problems. Thirdly, it is easy for someone to get onto the bus without buying a ticket. 31. How long is the longest bus in the world? A. 10 meters. B. 25 meters. C. 31 meters. 32. How many people can the longest bus carry? A. 80. B. 156. C. 256. D. 10,000,000. 33. What does the underlined word mean in the passage? A. 繁忙的 B. 宽阔的 C. 长长的 34. Where was the longest bus made? A. In the US. B. In China. C. In Britain. 35. Which of the following is NOT true? A. An ordinary bus is 10 meters long. B. The driver drives the longest bus as easily as an ordinary one. C. The longest bus needs less energy than an ordinary bus. D. It is hard for someone to get onto the longest bus without buying a ticket. 第二节 阅读填空 Mothers love is true love. It gives everybody everything in all her life. When you are still a baby, 36 When you are ill, she stops her work to look after you day and night. 37 she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still takes good care of you all the time. 38 she always tells you to put on more clothes. She usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things .When you do well at school, 39 Mother is always ready to give everything to her children. 40 We will remember mothers love forever! A. When you are growing up day by day, B. On cold winter days, C. What true love it is in the world! D. she always holds you in her hands. E. you will see the sweet smile on her face 第四节书面表达。 首字母填空。 41. We don't think he studies hard, so we felt s _ when he got high marks on English. 42. There is something wrong with this computer. You may use a _ one. 43. I like reading the h _


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