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    Unit1 The king s new clothes教案.docx

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    Unit1 The king s new clothes教案.docx

    Unit1 The king s new clothes教案 Unit1 The kings new clothes Period1 Content: story time Teaching aims: 1. Four skills of words: king, clothes, was, were, magic, clever, foolish, walk through, people, shout, beautiful, wear, point at, laugh. 2. Three skills of the sentences: Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people cant see them. The king isnt wearing any clothes. Teaching points 1.Can understand the content of the story 2.Can master the strategies of reading the story 3.Can retell the story Teaching difficulties 1.Can understand the past-tense grammar including the be-verb and behavioral verbs 2.Students can retell the story fluently. Teaching procedures Step 1. Preparation 1. Teach “king”. Teacher draws a picture about the king. T: Introduce the king: Who is he? How do you know? Is his clothes beautiful? (learn: king) Step 2. Presentation & Practice 1. Listen and read to learn “beautiful”, “clothes” T: What does the king like? (播放动画) 引导Ss: He likes new clothes. (teach “magic clothes”) T: Look at the clothes. How nice! They are beautiful! (teach“beautiful”) 2. Talk about the background T: Do you know the story? Who can tell me the name of the story? Chinese is OK. (The Kings New Clothes) Ss: <The Kings New Clothes> T: The story is written by Andersen in 1837. In the story, the kings clothes are new. But the story is very, very old. 1)Watch the cartoon and guess the name of the story. 2)Fast reading. Read the story individually and try to find out: 3. Paragraph 1and 2 1) Look and learn T: Im the king. I am very rich. I like new clothes very much! to S1/S2: Can you make clothes for me? T: Who can make new clothes for me? (teach “make for 学生跟读) 板书 2) Read like a king (板书) Ss read like the king. 3)Read and underline T: Who can make new clothes for him? T: But they can. Why? Please read and underline. (学生自读) Ss read and underline. 引导Ss: Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people cant see them. T: Here are three new words. Can you read them? (学生示范) (teach “clever” “people” “foolish” English-food-foolish, 通过表情的不同,朗读clever people, foolish people) T: Can you read like him? (Clever people can see them. Foolish people cant see them.) 4. Paragraph 3 T: What kind of clothes are they? Look! (拿出新衣) T: What does the king think of the new clothes? T: Can he see the clothes? (No!) Does he like the new clothes? Why? 5. Paragraph 4 1.Learn the text T: What do the people think of the clothes? (出示人群和男孩的图片) Lets read!(出示图片4文字) T: (拿出人群的图片) What do they think? T: Do all the people think they are beautiful? (No) Then who? (The boy.) What does he say? (出示图片5,文字) Heres a new word. (teach “wearing”, pear, bear, wear, wearing) Ha! Ha! The king isnt wearing any clothes. 2.Mini Theatre T: Now lets go to the Mini Theatre and act the period. 一位学生扮演国王巡演,引导其他学生朗读图4 的文字。 Step 3. Production 1. Talk about the characters King: foolish People: foolish Boy: honest 2. Read the story. 1) Read and repeat 2) Read by themselves 3. Act the story Rules: Group acting. If you read well, you can get one star. If you can read without the books, you can get two stars. And if you can do the gestures, you can get three stars. (Ss practice and act) 4. A trick to know the truth 1.Who do you want to be? T: 引导学生总结Welcome back! Today we learned the story <The Kings New Clothes>. If you were in the story, who do you want to be? Ss: King! (Yes, hes very rich. But dont forget to be a good king. And do good things for your people.) Boy! (Be honest! Be yourself! ) 2.A trick T: Wow! You did a great job! Now I have some presents for you. They are Can you see them? (Yes.) Now can you see them? (拿出另一个盒子) (No.) T: Remember! Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people cant see them! Can you see them? (No./ Yes.) T: Remember! Be honest! Be yourself! Step4. Homework 1. Design an ending for the story. The king is back home, 2. Read more English stories from the bookshops and the Internet. Blackboard design Unit1 The kings new clothes King: foolish beautiful clothes People: foolish magic clothes Boy: honest make.for wear-wearing Unit1 The kings new clothes Period2 Content: Grammar time and fun time Teaching aims: 1.The students can master the rules of the verbs in past forms 2. The students can say and act the story by using the simple past tense. 3. The students can try to talk about past events. Teaching points 1. Students can master the past tense well according to the Grammar time 2. Let students experience the happiness of retelling the story and let them know people should be honest Teaching difficulties: 1.Can use the past tense by themselves 2.Can act the story very well and pay attention to the facial express Step1. Preparation 1. Free talk. 2. Revise the words and phrase clever, foolish, laugh, point at, shout. Pay attention to the spelling. T: Last class we learnt a story about a king and his new clothes. Look at the boy. He pointed at the king and laughed. Why? S: Because the king wasnt wearing any clothes. T: Yes. The king was foolish. Do you like the story? Lets read the whole story together. Step 2. Presentation & Practice 1.T: From the story we know Long long ago, there was a king. The king liked new clothes. Who can read the words and sentences like this. 板书is-was, like- liked。 T:Why do they use was/visited? S:Long long ago /one day 2.T: Repeat the other pictures and find the grammar in your groups 3.Discuss in groups and find out the past tense 1.Let students memorize the past-tense time yesterday, ago( two days ago, two years ago, long long ago) this morning, just now, a moment ago, last year/ week 2. Summarize the forms of the past tense 1)一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。引导学生找出句子中的时间标志语,并板书。 long long ago, one day。补充:yesterday, last night, three days ago。 2)Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。are在一般过去时中变为were。 3)动词过去式变化规则: 1一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:point-pointed, shout-shouted 2以不发音的e结尾加-d,如:like-liked live-lived 4) 过去式“-ed”的发音规则 动词词尾为“t,d”时,发/ id /音, want wanted need needed 动词词尾为清辅音时,发/ t / 音。 help helped laugh laughed look looked kiss kissed wash washed watch watched 动词词尾为t,d以外之浊辅音或元音时,发/ d /音。 call called staystayedcrycried Underline the words in the text: was, were, visited, liked, looked, pointed shouted, laughed. 3.Exercise 一.用所给词适当形式填空。 1. He _(visit) the Great Wall last year. 2 .I _(live)in the city long long ago. 3.I often_cartoons at the weekends and I _ a cartoon last Saturday. (watch) 4. What day _ (be) it yesterday? 5.The old man _(be)ill and went to see a doctor yesterdy. 6 There_(be) some jucie in the glass just now. 7 He _(show) us some pictures yesterday. 8 They_(be) at school three days ago. 9 Today _ Tuesday, Yesterday _ Monday. 10 I_ a student now.My sister_a student five years ago. 4.T:Now,you have learn the text. lets have fun time 出示图片和句型I like new clothes. Who can makefor me? Ask one to try Work in groups and act Step 3. Production 1. Prepare for repeat fun time in groups 2.try to continue the story Step4. Homework 1. Remember the part of grammar words past 2. Independent about the kings new clothes this story Blackboard design Unit1 The kings new clothes am- was is was are-were laugh laughed point pointed like- liked live- lived look liked shout shouted show showed walk - walked Unit1 The kings new clothes Period3 Content: Cartoon time, Sound time, Culture time Teaching aims 1.Can pronounce the arand read the rhyme fluently. 2.Can understand the story in the cartoon time and act it with your partner 3.Can understand the culture of American cow boys and Scottish dress. Teaching procedures: Step1:Review the text Who can retell the story? (Long long ago, there was a king. One day, two men visited the king. They can make new clothes for the king. The two men showed the king his new clothes. The clothes are magic. Clever people can see them and foolish people cant see them. The king walked through the city in his new clothes. A lot of people looked at the king and shouted. But one little boy pointed at the king. He laughed and said: The king doesnt wear any clothes.) Step 2: Look and say (Sound time) 1.Look at the picture. Look at the picture. Who is he? He is Mike. What did he get? He got a card from Mark. What did the card say? It said: Come to my party at half past four in the park. Could you try to say something about the picture? Mike got a card from Mark. The card said: Come to my party at half past four in the park. Try to listen and read it. Can you find some other words? ar:arm, card, hard, park, party 2. Look and match (Culture time) Who is he? An American cowboy 图片 A Scottish man What is the American cowboy wearing? He is wearing jeans. What is the Scottish man wearing? He is wearing a kilt. Step 3 Look and say.(Cartoon time) 1.Talk about the picture. What do Miss Fox and her students say? There was a mountain. There was a house on the mountain. An old man and a little boy lived in the house. Why do they say that? They tell a story. 2.Try to say. We tell the story. Each student says one sentence. Who starts? Long long ago, there was a mountain. Who says the next sentence? There was a house on the mountain. Whats next? An old man and a little boy lived in the house. Whats next? The old man told the boy a story. Whose turn? It is Mikes turn. Oh, he is thinking hard. Whats next? Long long ago, We have to start the story again. 1. Lets read. 2. Try to remember. 3. Lets act. Step3 Homework 1. Can read the rhyme fluently. 2. Can retell the cartoon time and act it with your classmates. Blackboard design Unit 1 The kings new clothes Long long ago, there was a mountain. There was a house on the mountain. An old man and a little boy lived in the house. The old man told the boy a story. Unit1 The kings new clothes Period4 Content: Checkout time, Ticking time Teaching aims: 1. Can master the daily words and sentences in this unit. 2. Understand the usage of past tense and the pronunciations of past-tense words. 3. Can feel the language usage in performing and retelling the story. 4. Can check out the study of this unit by Checkout time and Ticking time. Teaching points: 1. Can master the daily words and sentences in this unit. 2. Can master the grammar of past tense 3. Strengthen language training, promoting the comprehensive language use ability Teaching procedures Step 1. Preparation 1. Review a. Act out Cartoon time. b. Finish some exercise about past tense 2. Free talk 3. 听写重点词组和句型。 Step 2. Presentation & Practice 1. Show the ticking time的表格 要求学生认真上好本堂练习课,结束前由四人小组的组长给组员评分。 一颗星 基本掌握本单元的语言知识点。 两颗星 能熟练运用语言知识,不需要他人的提示。 三颗星 能自己用句型组织语言,可以对所学内容适当进行拓展。 2. Checkout time Read the words. Finish the story. Read and learn the new words. Fun reading. b.Circle and say Circle the correct words. Prepare your own story. Tell your story in groups. Choose the best story teller of the group and let him/her tell the story in class. Step 3. Production 1. Do the listening part. Then check the answer. 2. Do the writing part. 3. Check the answer. Unit1 The kings new clothes Period5 Content Test Unit1 单元练习 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。 1. ( ) A. clean B. clever C. class D. classroom 2. ( ) A. king B. boy C. people D. man 3. ( ) A. liked B. visited C. showed D. walked 4. ( ) A. jacket B. wear C. kilt D. jeans 5. ( ) A. short B. long C. ago D. got 6. ( ) A. happy B. new C. old D. make 7. ( ) A. laugh B. foolish C. cry D. shout 8. ( ) A. new clothes B. magic clothes C. make clothes D. like clothes 9. ( ) A. try on B. point to C. shout at D. look at 10( ) A. looked B. lived C. liked D. laughed 二、给下列所听到的句子排序。 1. ( ) All the people said: What beautiful clothes! 2. ( ) He likes new clothes. 3. ( ) But a boy laughed:The king isnt wearing any clothes. 4. ( ) The two men made the new clothes for the king. 5. ( ) Long long ago , there was a king. 三、根据所听到问句选择合适的答句。 1. ( ) A. Yes, there wasnt B. No. there was. C. Yes, there was. 2. ( ) A. Yes, I am B. Oh yes,They fit well. C. No, I dont. 3. ( ) A. We like English and Chinese. B. I dont like Art. C. I like toy monkeys. 4. ( ) A. Do you like spring? B. M e too. C.I dont like spring. 5. ( ) A. No, I dont. B. Yes, there were. C. No, there are. 四、听录音,完成下列短文。 One Mr. and Mrs. White went shopping by car. They stopped their car near a store. They bought a lot of and they to put the things in the car. But Mr. White open the door of the car, so they a to help them. The policeman is very to help them. Just then a man came up and : What are you with my car? 笔试部分 一、单词辨音,判断读音是否相同,相同的打 ,不同的打×(8分) 1long point ( ) 2. laugh afternoon ( ) 3. arm art ( ) 4. start hard ( ) 5. flower show ( ) 6. shout house ( ) 7. through foolish( ) 8. try party ( ) 二、词组翻译 1.皇帝的新装 2. 很久以前 3. 一天 4. 给国王看他的新衣服 5.试穿这些有魔力的衣服 6. 聪明人 7.走过这个城市 8.在街上 词型转换 1. He lived in the new house. He _ (be) happy . 2. The king isnt wearing _ (some) clothes. 3. The _ (man) like drinking_(some) milk. 4. One day, they _ (be ) at school. They walked through the playground. 5. He _(look ) at the pictures and _(laugh) two days ago. 6、Long long ago, the old man _(tell) the boy this story 三、句子翻译 1.很久以前,有一个国王。他喜欢新衣服。 _ _ _, there _ a king. He _ new _. 2.国王什么衣服也没穿。 The king isnt _ _ clothes. 3.一天,两个男人拜访了国王。 9.一个小男孩 10. 指着 One day, two_ _ the king. 4.愚蠢的人看不见它们.


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