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    Unit 新视野视听说教程2答案.docx

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    Unit 新视野视听说教程2答案.docx

    Unit 新视野视听说教程2答案新视野大学英语视听说册 UNIT3 II. Listening Skills 1. M: Will you love him, honor him, comfort him and keep him in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live? W: I will. Q: Who is the woman? 2. W: Mike, wake up! It is time to go to school. Hurry up or youre going to be late! M: Dont worry. I can sleep all day long. Did you forget today is Martin Luther Kings birthday? Q: Who is the woman most likely to be? 3. M: Could I see your drivers license and registration, please? W: Whats the matter, officer? Q: Who is the man? 4. M: Id like to ask you about the research paper you assigned that we have to do by the end of the semester. W: ok. What would you like to know? Q: Who is the woman most likely to be? 5. W: Ive cleaned the windows, mopped the floors, and folded the laundry. Is there anything else that you would like me to do before I cal lit a day? M: Did you do the living room yet? Q: Who is the woman most likely to be? 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.A III. Listening In Task 1: Dont be a chicken! Gilbert: Hey, Henry, is Sarah coming with us? Henry: Yes. Why? Gilbert: Nothing. Im just asking. Henry: Just asking? But why is your face flaming red? Ah-huh, someone has a crush on Sarah, doesnt he? Gilbert: Who has a crush?! Henry: Come on, Gilbert, dont be such a chicken. If you like her, just go and tell her. Maybe she likes you. Gilbert: But I dont have the guts to ask her out. Henry: What are you so afraid of? Gilbert: Id totally die if she turned me down. Henry: But thats better than keeping everything to yourself. Youve got to let her know. Come on! Youve got to take a chance! Gilbert: I dont know Well, maybe youre right, but how am I going to tell her I like her? - 1 - 1. go out 2. flaming red 3. crush 4. chicken 5. likes 6. guts 7. turn him down 8. keeping everything 9. tell her Task 2: Dating in America Before marriage, younger Americans date each other, that is, they often go out together. Casual dating usually begins in the early teens, and in the late teens a pattern of steady dating develops. There is a great possibility that one goes to a dance with one person, to a football game with another, and to a picnic with a third. Sometimes two couples go out together. This is known as “double dating.” Group dating is also popular among young people. Large groups of boys and girls may go around together. Young people may go out together for a long time, which is, in effect, a public statement of their intention to marry. Men and women go out together a great deal, especially those in cities. This is “adult dating.” They ski together, dine together, either at restaurants or in each others homes. The American dating system is a rather casual one. Often young Americans who hardly know each other go out on dates. It is also acceptable for them to arrange a “blind date”, that is, a date between two young people who have not met before. Dating Description Causal dating (1) Early teens Steady dating (2)Late teens (3)Double dating Two couples (4)Group dating Large groups Go out for a long period Intention to(5) marry (6)Adult dating Men and women.e.g.ski, work, dine together Casual dating system Those who (7)hardly know each other (8)Blind dating Those who have(9) never met before Task 3: An American wedding American weddings are not always the same. Id like to show you pictures of my wedding. When we got engaged, an announcement was published in the newspaper. The announcement typically includes the names of the bride, the bridegroom and their parents and the wedding is expected to be held. About a month before the wedding, we sent out wedding invitations to relatives and friends. This is the church where we had the wedding. My father gave me to my future husband. Then the minister started the wedding ceremony. He greeted the guests, and talked about the meaning of marriage. Next, we exchanged vows and gave each other rings. This is the main part of the wedding. After the vows, the minister prayed for us. Then the minister declared us husband and wife, and we kissed each other. Here is my sister, who was a bridesmaid. This is the bouquet I carried. Traditionally, the unmarried women gather after the wedding, and the bride throws her bouquet to them. The one who catches it will, according to tradition, be the next one to get married. At the reception, we cut the wedding cake and fed each other bites of the cake. Then we toasted each other with champagne. Finally the reception was over, and the minister signed the marriage certificate and we were legally married. - 2 - Key: 3-2-1-5-9-7-6-4-8 IV. Speaking Out Model 1 I just broke up with Alice! John: Hey, Se-Jin, whats wrong with you? (1)You look so down! Se-Jin: Nothing. John: I know its not your studies, so it must be girl trouble. (2) You must have a broken heart. Se-Jin: Well, youre right. I just broke up with Alice. John: Oh, Im sorry. (3)I thought you two were made for each other. Se-Jin: Well, you never know. I want to settle down, but she wants a career while shes still young. John: Well, its always difficult to choose between career and family. Se-Jin: Maybe youre right. John: (4)I dont know what to say to comfort you, but try to cheer up! Se-Jin: Yeah, but its hard to forget her at the moment. You know, we were together for almost three years. John: (5)Theres lots more fish in the sea and (6) youll find your perfect match. Model 2 Leo proposed to me. Mary: Laura! Guess what! (1) Leo proposed to me! Laura: Wow. Thats wonderful. (2) Did you accept? Mary: Not yet. I have some doubtslike the age factor. (3) Im really robbing the cradle here. Laura: I know hes fur years younger than you, but (4) hes mature for his age. Mary: (5) Im worried about the cultural differences, too. Laura: But I can see that (61) both of you have the same interests and personalities. Thats even more important. Mary: Maybe youre right. Model 3 Theres something about him. Jane: Laura, I know you like Charles a lot, but (1) what do you like about him? Laura: Well, (2) theres just something about him. Jane: Really? What is this something? Laura: Well, hes mature, handsome, gentle, and successful. I think hes for me. Jane: Hes certainly mature, but (3) dont you think hes a little old for you? Hes almost twice as old as you are! Laura: Well, (4) age shouldnt be something that comes in the way of a persons marriage. Jane: (5) Its true that age isnt the most important issue, but what would your parents think? Laura: (6) I dont care what other people think. I just know that I love him and he loves me. - 3 - Loves all that matters. V. Lets Talk Online dating Online dating is a dating system which allows people to make contact and connunicate with each other over the Internet, usually with the objictive of developing a romantic relationship. Online dating services usually provide matchmaking over the Internet through the use of personal computers or cell phones. Online dating sites generally require applicants to provide personal information before they can search the database for other individuals using criteria they set, such as age, gender, race, religion and location. Most sites allow members to upload photos of themselves and browse those of others. Sites may offer additional services, such as online chatting, telephone chatting, and message boards. Some sites provide free registration, but may offer services which require a monthly fee. For example, they may offer full access to profiles, but provide additional services for pay, such as prtting paying useers profiles at the top of the list, making their profiles appear several times in different places in the search results and giving them a more advanced search engine to work with. In one real example, free users may only search for persons of specified age, gender and city, while subscribers may also search for such information as height, wight and interests. Other dating sites depend on advertising for their income. In recent years such sites have become increasingly popular. Key : BBCDA VI. Furthering Listening and Speaking Task 1: Finding the Right Type of Girl Keith: Hey, Peter! Youve been in the room all night. Get out and dance with someone like that babe over there. Peter: No way, Keith! Shes the intellectual type. My pickup line just wont work with her. Keith: Oh, come on, man! What kind of girl do you like? Peter: I want a girl that gentle and mild, and that babe is not the right type. Keith: Times are changing, and youll never find a woman that will shine your shoes and fill your beer mug all the time. Wake up. Peter: Oh really? I still prefer women that stay home, cook, clean, and take care of the kids. Keith: Okay, then what will you do after you get home from work? Peter: Hmm. Eat, watch TV, and throw our the trash. Keith: Wit, wait, wait. I cant believe my ears. Youll never find a wife. 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A - 4 - Task 2: He thinks Im God. A young woman brings home her fiancé to meet her parents. After dinner, her mother tells her father to find out about the young mans plans. The father invites the fiancé to his study for a drink. “So what are your plans?” the father asks the young man. “I am a Bible student,” he replies. “A Bible student. Hmm.” The father says. “Good, but what will you do to provide my daughter with a nice house such as shes accustomed to?” “I will study,”: the young man replies, “and God will provide for us.” “And how will you buy her a beautiful engagement ring such as she deserves?” asks the father. “I will concentrate on my studies,” the Youngman replies, “and God will provide for us.” “And children?” asks the father. “How will you support children?” “Dont worry, sir. God will provide,” replies the fiancé. The conversation goes on like this, and each time the father questions him, the young man insists that God will provide. Later, the mother asks, “How did it go, honey?” The father answers, “He had no job and no plans, but the good news is he thinks Im God.” 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T Task 3: wedding vows Before the wedding, the groom went up the minister with an unusual offer. “Look, Ill give you $100 if youll change the wedding vows. When you get to the part where Im expected to promise to love, respect and obey her, giving up all others, and be true to her forever, Id be happy if youd just leave that part out.” He gave the minister the cash and walked away with a light heart. The wedding day arrived, and the bride and groom reached that part of the ceremony where they would make vows to each other. When it was time for the grooms vows, the minister looked the young man in the eye and said, “Will you promise to kneel before her, obey her every command and wish, serve her breakfast in bed every morning of your life and make a vow before God and your lovely wife that you will never even look at another woman, as long as you both shall live?” The groom was shocked, but in spite of himself, he said in a low voice, “Yes, I will.” Then the groom whispered to the minister, “I thought we had a deal.” The minister put the $100 into his hand and whispered back, “She made me a much better offer.” 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F Speaking Mutual Love Jill: You know, Robert, weve been dating a long time now. Robert: Yeah. Twelve months next week. Jill: You remembered! Robert: Of course I did. How could I forget the anniversary of our first date? Jill: Youre so sweet. Can I tell you something? Robert: Sure. You can tell me anything. - 5 - Jill: From our very first date, I knew wed be together a long time. Robert: Can U tell you something? Jill: Yes. Robert: The feeling was mutual. - 6 -


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