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    Unit Our new home说课稿.docx

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    Unit Our new home说课稿.docx

    Unit Our new home说课稿五年级英语Unit 5 Our new home说课稿 麾村小学 蒋淑玉 一、说教材分析 本单元主要学习的是家居类物品及对其方位进行描述。讨论方位的句型Wheres? Its in/on/behind/beside Is it in? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.已在三年级下册教材中出现过。本课是对句型的进一步深入,由单数句变为复数句。对教材的处理:在文本结尾对情景进行了拓展。 Su Hais bedroom Su Yangs bedroom 二、说教学目标 知识目标: 1.听说读写句型Wheres ./Where are .?句型及其回答Its ./ Theyre . 2.感知认读单词home,fridge,sofa,table,bedroom,bathroom, living room,kitchen 3.理解并朗读storytime部分的对话,并完成相关的任务。 能力目标: 1.能够在情景中运用所学词句询问家居物品的方位并注意单复数。 2. 能有感情朗读篇章、分角色朗读对话,并能复述对话的大体内容。 3. 能够运用新旧知识完成短小的写作练习。 情感目标 1.通过讨论家居情况的讨论,激发学生对自己家园的热爱。 2.通过多次小组合作,培养合作学习的精神。 三、说教学重点 1.听说读写句型Wheres ./Where are .?句型及其回答Its ./ Theyre . 并能在情境中运用。 2.感知认读单词home,fridge,sofa,table,bedroom,bathroom, living room,kitchen并能在情境中运用 3.理解,朗读,表演storytime部分的对话,并能复述对话内容。 四、说教学难点 1.句型Wheres ./Where are .?及其回答Its ./Theyre .单复数的正确运用。 2.单词fridge,bathroom,kitchen的正确朗读。 3. 在语境中运用所学词句。 五、说教法学法 教法:歌曲导入法、游戏教学法、语言交际法、情境教学法、任务教学法、多媒体教学法 学法:课前预习、小组合作、自编chant、听读训练、综合语用 1 六、教学过程 一、 Pre- reading (一)Free talk&揭题 1. Sing a son g.“Where s the bird?” 2. T: The bird is Where are we now? Are we in the classroom? T: Where are Su Hai and Su Yang? Look, what is it? Yes, its a new home. (揭题&read Our new home) T: What do you think of this new home? S: T: I like this home ,too. Do you want to visit this home? But first we should do some activities, then visit it. OK? ( 先闯关,顺利闯关后才能参观她们的家) (二) Activities 1. Happy words. (单词闯关,看到单词或图片大声说出来,看到手势就说“Yeah”) Revise: where under behind basketball home chair oclock table tennis Learn: clock table (由所学单词引入,一点就可以了) 2. Good memory. ( 看看谁的记忆力好,10秒记住物品所在位置) 共四幅图,两单两复,分别为in, on under, behind 1)T: Wheres the clock? ( 板书) S: Its T: Where are the? ( 板书) S:They are 2)Drill: Where?(四幅图两两迅速操练,问答) (三)Come and visit their home 1. T: Just now you done well, so you can visit their home now. Come with me, Lets go!(逐幅图出现,逐个教授) T: Come and have a look, this is a bathroom, T: This is a kitchen . T: This is a bedroom. What can you see in it? S: A bed. T: There is a bed in a room. So it is a bedroom. T: Is this a bedroom ,too? What can you see? Learn: sofa T: This is a living room. We can see a sofa. 2. Talk about the rooms. Which do you like?说说自己喜欢那个,并发表自己的看法 eg. I like this kitchen. Its big. 3. Learn: fridge T: You see, this is a new home. So Su Hai and Su Yang buy a new fridge. Can you guess where is it? Is the fridge.?让学生学会用一般疑问句。 二、 While-reading T:The fridge is in the kitchen. But where are the other things? 2 1. Listen and tick. What are Su Hai and Su Yang looking for? 2. Watch, match and say. T: They are looking for But where are they? 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Dub for the story. 5. Complete. 6. Act the story. 三After-reading 1、Lets help them. 苏海和苏阳已经整理好一些物品了,让我们去她们家来帮她们其它的整理物品吧! 主题: Keep our home clean and tidy! 2、Lets sing together! 我们把苏海和苏阳的家都整理好了,她们开心的唱歌了,让我们一起唱吧! 四、 Homework 3


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