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    Translation of Internet Buzzwords Related to Culture from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence.docx

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    Translation of Internet Buzzwords Related to Culture from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence.docx

    Translation of Internet Buzzwords Related to Culture from the Perspective of Functional EquivalenceTranslation of Internet Buzzwords Related to Culture from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence从功能对等的角度,网络流行语的翻译与文化 English-Chinese Translation of Food and Drink Trademards from the Functionlist Perspective 从功能角度看英汉翻译的食品和饮料 商标 Domestication and Foreignization in the TV Drama Subtitle Translation with a Case Study of the Vampire Diaries 归化和异化在电视剧字幕翻译与案例研究的吸血鬼日记 The translation of puns in business advertisement under the perspective of Relevance Theory 双关语的翻译在商业广告在关联理论的角度 Humor Translation in Friends from the Perspective of Domestication and Foreignization 幽默翻译在朋友的角度,从归化和异化 An Analysis of the Major Problems and Strategies in the C-E Translation of Political Writings in China from the Perspective of Skopos theorie 从目的理论分析的主要问题和策略在汉英翻译的政治著作在中国的角度,、 On the Translation of Press Neologisms from the Perspective of Foreignization and Domestication 翻译的新闻新词的角度,从异化与归化 Puns Translation in Two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng from Perspective of Relevance Theor y双关语的翻译在两种英语版的红楼梦从关联理论的视角 On Transliteration in Brand Name Translation在品牌名称翻译中音译 On E-C Translation of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 在英汉翻译的汤姆·索亚历险记从目的论的角度 On English Versions Beauty of Chun Jiang Hua Yue Ye from the Perspective of Translation Aesthetics在英语版本美丽的春姜华悦Yefrom翻译美学的角度 A Study on Chinese-English Translation of Scenic Spots Names from the Perspective of Domestication and Foreignization从归化和异化的角度研究汉英翻译景点名称 On the Loss of Beauty in the Translation of Chinese Classical PoetryA Case study of Du Fu's Poems in English Versons上损失的美在翻译中国古典诗歌的一个案例研究杜甫的诗歌在英语Versons On the Translation of Vehicle Brand Name under the Strategies of Foreignization and Domestication翻译的汽车品牌名称下的异化与归化的策略 The Translation of Reduplicated Words from the Aspect of “Three Beauties” in The Nineteen Ancient Poems从“三美”的方面叠词的翻译在古诗十九首 On Translation of Public Signs in Scenic Spots from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence 从功能对等的角度在翻译的公共标志在景区 On Translation of Commodity Instructions uder the Guidance of Skopostheorie 在翻译的商品说明的指导工作Skopostheorie Analysis on Translation Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nomenclature from the Perspective of Skopostheorie 分析中医翻译原则的角度Skopostheorie命名 On the Translation of English Film Titles from the Perspective of Cultural Differences 在英语电影片名的翻译从文化差异的角度 Translation Principles and Methods of Traditional Chinese Medice Terminology from the Perspective of Skopos Theory翻译原则和方法,传统的中国Medice术语从目的论角度 Metaphor Translation in Cartoon Subtitling:A Perspective of Reception Aesthetics隐喻翻译在卡通字幕:接受美学的视角 A Study on the Translation of Cuisine Names in Hong Lou Meng from the Perspective of Translators Subjectivity-Based on Yang Xianyis and David Hawks Translated Versions 一个研究翻译的菜的名字在红楼梦的角度,从译者的主体性的基础在杨宪益先生的作品和大卫霍克斯翻译的版本 Zero Translation in the English Translation of Names of Regular Higher Education Institutions in Chin零翻译在英文翻译名称的普通高等教育机构 On C-E Translation of Public Service Advertisements from the Perspective of Cultural Differences 在汉英翻译的公共服务广告的角度,从文化差异 On Translation of Business Texts under the Politeness Theories 在翻译商务文本根据礼貌理论 A Study on the Translation of English Film Titles from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 研究英语电影片名的翻译从目的论的角度 On the Linguistic Features and Translation Strategies of English Advertising 在语言特点及翻译策略的英语广告 A Study on the E-C Translation Strategies for International Business ContractsFrom the Perspective of Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory研究英汉翻译策略对国际商务合同从奈达的角度功能对等理论 On English Translation of Chinese Press Neologisms: in the Light of Skopos Theory 英语翻译的中国新闻新词:根据目的论 TV Program Title C-E Translation An Acceptance Psychology Perspective 电视节目标题汉英翻译接受心理学视角 On the Translation of Sports News from the Dynamic Equivalence 翻译的体育新闻的动态对等 The Translation of Four-character Words in the Tourism Text under the Guidance of the Peter Newmarks Communicative Translation Theory汉语词汇的翻译在旅游文本的指导下彼得纽马克的交际翻译理论 A Study of “Ren” and “Li” of “Junzi” in KuHungmings English Version of Lun Yu from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 一个研究的“仁”和“礼”的“骏姿”在KuHungming英语版本的Lun玉从目的论的角度 The Application of Functional Equivalence in Subtitles Translation 应用程序的功能对等在字幕翻译 Cultural Transmission Strategy of Domestication and Foreignization in Momemt in Peking 文化传播策略,归化和异化在Momemt在北京 The Translation of Flowers in Dream of Red Mansions from a Cross-Cultural Perspective 翻译的鲜花在红楼梦从跨文化的视角来探讨 On the Translation of Business Cards-from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory 翻译的名片从功能对等理论的角度 The E-C Translation ofTranslation of “龙” from the Perspective of Equivalence Theory 在英汉翻译的翻译的“龙”的角度,从等效理论 On Translation of Company Profiles from Skopostheorie Perspective在翻译公司的资料Skopostheorie透视图 E-C Translation of Puns in Advertisements from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 双关语在广告的英汉翻译从目的论的角度 The Application of Transliteration in English-Chinese Trademark Translation 应用程序在英汉商标翻译的直译 On E-C Translation of Movie Titles from the Perspective of Skopostheorie 在电影片名的英汉翻译的角度Skopostheorie A Study on the English Translation of Chinese Dishes from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory 一个研究中国菜的英文翻译的角度,从适应理论 An Analysis of the Translation of Libai's Poems: From the Perspective of Three Beauties Principle 分析了李白的诗歌翻译:从原理的角度三个美女 Translation of the Metaphors in Luotuo Xiangzi - Domestication & Foreignization 翻译的隐喻在骆驼祥子- - - - -归化与异化 On translation of Business English from the Perspective of the Functional Equivalence 在商务英语的翻译从功能对等的角度 Characteristics and Translation Strategies of Political Speeches 特点和翻译策略的政治演讲 On the Translation of the News Headlines from the Angle of the Skopos Theory 在新闻标题的翻译从目的论的角度 On Application of Three Beauties Principle of Xu yangchong in Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry在应用程序的三个美女的徐yangchong原则在翻译中国古典诗歌 Translation of Internet Buzzwords Related to Culture from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence网络流行语的翻译与文化的角度,从功能对等 The Translation of Chinese Political Neologisms from the Perspective of Skopos Theory中国政治新词的翻译从目的论的角度 On the Translation of Taboo from a Cross- Cultural Perspective 翻译的禁忌从跨文化的视角 Translation Strategies of English Animal Idioms from the Perspective of Equivalence Theory 英语动物习语的翻译策略的角度,从等价理论 On the Translation of Euphemism in Business English Correspondencefrom the Perspective of Skopos Theory在翻译委婉语在商务英语信函从目的论的角度 Translation of Tourism Text under the Guidance of Translation Variation Theory-A Case Study of Hengshan Tourism Text翻译的旅游 文本翻译的指导下变异理论衡山旅游文本的个案研究 Translation of Foreign Trade Correspondence -from the Perspective of the Cooperative Principle 外贸信函的翻译从合作原则的角度 On the Principle of Brand Translation from the Perspective of Cultural Difference 品牌翻译的原则的视角的文化差异 The Translation of the Profile of Shaoyang University from the Receptor's Psychology On E-C Translation of Automobile Brand Name from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory 在英汉翻译的汽车品牌的角度,从适应理论 The Influence of Translator's Subjectivity on Film Title Translation 译者主体性的影响在电影片名的翻译 Analysis of Metaphor Translation in Fortress Besieged from Relevance Theory 分析围城中隐喻的翻译从关联理论 On E-C Translation of Pop Song Lyrics from the Perspective of Translation Aesthetics 在流行歌曲歌词的英汉翻译从翻译美学的角度 On the Translation of Electronic Product Instructions from the Perspective of Skopostheorie 翻译的电子产品的指示Skopostheorie角度 An Analysis of Translation in English-Chinese Transliterated Cosmetic Brand Names 分析翻译在英汉化妆品品牌音译 The Advertising Translation Based on Functional Translation Theory 广告翻译功能翻译理论的基础上 On the Translation of Euphemism from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory 在翻译委婉语的角度,从功能对等理论 Translation of Variation Phenmena in Camel Xiangzi 翻译的变化通过在骆驼祥子 On Translation of Rhetorical Devices in English News Headline Under the Guidance of Functional Equivalance Theory 在翻译英语新闻标题中修辞手法的指导下功能Equivalance理论 English-Chinese Translation of Cosmetic Brand Names from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 英汉翻译的化妆品品牌从目的论角度 Parallel Text Used in Tourist Attractions Translation from Chinese to English 平行文本用于旅游景点翻译从中文变成英文 On the Translation of Cosmetics Instructions in the Light of Skopos Theory 翻译的化妆品指令根据目的论 Application of Skopostheorie to Automonile Brand Name Translation 应用到Automonile Skopostheorie品牌名称的翻译 Translation of Electric Company Profiles from Functional Equivalence Theory 翻译的电气公司资料功能对等理论 Translation of Chinese Menu from the Aspect of Chinese Food Culture 中文菜单的翻译从中国饮食文化方面 On the Translation of Brand Name Under Cultural Perspective 在品牌名称的翻译在文化视角 Studies of Poetry Translaton in A Dream of Red Mansions From the Perspective of Translation Aesthetics诗歌翻译的研究在红楼梦从翻译美学的角度 The Translation of Chinese Cultural Characteristics in Chinese Versions of The Joy Luck Club from the Perspective of Domestication中国文化特色的翻译在中国版本的喜福会的角度,从归化 Subtitle Translation of The Movie Prison Break from the perspective of Functional Equivalence 字幕翻译的电影越狱从功能对等的角度 On the English Translation of Chinese Neologisms From Cultural Perspective 在英语翻译的中文新词从文化角度看 On the Translation Strategies for Humorous Language in English 在翻译策略在英语幽默语言 Translation of Children Literature from Reception Theory in Mark Twain's Novels 翻译的儿童文学接受理论在马克吐温的小说 The Translation of Subtitles in "Supernatural" From the Perspective of Reception Theory 字幕的翻译在“超自然”从接受理论的角度 On the Translation of Cosmetic Brand Names from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics 翻译的化妆品品牌从接受美学的角度 An Analysis of Culture Difference in the Translation of Tang Poetry from the Perspective of Translators' Subjectivity分析文化差异在翻译唐诗的角度,从译者主体性的体现 The Cultural Difference and Translation of Numerals between English and Chinese 文化差异和翻译英语和汉语之间的数字 On the English Translation of Chinese Dishes from the Perspective of Cultural Differences 在中国菜的英文翻译从文化差异的角度 On Translating the 90's American Film Titles from the Perspective of skopostheory 在翻译电影片名的90的美国skopostheory的角度 On Chinese-English Translation of Chinese Brand Name from Cultural Perspective 在汉英翻译的中国品牌从文化角度看 On translation Strategies of Womens Clothing Trademarks 对翻译策略的女性的服装商标 Translation of International Business Contract Translation from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 国际商务合同翻译的翻译从目的论的角度 On Translation of Automobile Brand Names from the Perspective of Skopostheorie 汽车品牌翻译的角度Skopostheorie On English Translation of Vagueness in Chinese Diplomatic Language 英语翻译的模糊性在中国外交语言 On English Advertising Translation- from Adaptation Theory 在英语广告翻译- - - - -从适应理论 On Eco-translatological Tendency in English Novel Translation-A Case Study of Tess of D'Urbervilles by Zhang Guruo 在Eco-translatological倾向在英语小说翻译一个案例,研究苔丝的由张Guruo黛丝姑娘 On Metaphor Translation in Business Contracts under the Functional Equivalence Theory 在隐喻翻译在商务合同在功能对等理论 Translation of Internet Buzzwords Related to Culture from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence网络流行语的翻译与文化的角度,从功能对等 English-Chinese Translation of Food and Drink Trademards from the Funtionlist Perspective 英汉翻译的食品和饮料Trademards从Funtionlist透视图 On Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics 在广告翻译从接受美学的角度 On Xu Yuanchongs Translation of Tang Poems fromthe Perspective of Aesthetics 在徐Yuanchong唐诗翻译的角度从美学 On Translation of Business English Correspondence from the Perspective of Register Theory 在翻译商务英语信函的语域理论的角度 The Translation of English News Headlinefrom the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics 翻译英语新闻标题从接受美学的角度


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