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    there are thirty students in my class 教案.docx

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    there are thirty students in my class 教案.docx

    there are thirty students in my class 教案Module 3 My new school Unite 1 There are thirty students in my class. . Teaching Aims 1. Knowledge Aims Students will be able to: 1) read and spell the new words of this unite; 2) understand and grasp the usage of “there be”; 3) use “in/on/at the front of” to describe the position of furniture in the classroom; 4) remember and differentiate the usage of “how many” “how much”. 2. Ability Aim: Students will be able to use “there be” and “in/on/at the front of” to describe the classroom and school 3. Emotion Aim: After learning this unit, students will love their class and school deeply. . Key and difficult points Students can: 1) use “there be” and “in/on/at the front of” correctly; 2) differentiate the usage of “how many” “how much”; 3) remember and use “thirty/forty/fifty/seventy/eighty/ninety/”. . Teaching aids Tape recorder and computer. . Teaching steps Step 1 Warming up and lead in Ask students the following questions to warm them up. 1. What can you find in your classroom? 2. How many students in our class? Step 2 Presentation 1. Show the sentence structure “There be” with examples and pictures in the computer -There is a map in our class. -“there is ” -There are twenty students in our class. -“there are” -Is there a blackboard in our class? -“Is there?” -Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. -“Yes, there is. No, there isnt.” -Are there twenty desks in our class? -“Are there?” -Yes, there are./ No, there arent. -“Yes, there are. No, there arent.” 2. Ask student to look at the picture in activity 1 and use the sentences in the computer by working in pairs to talk about them. Step 3 Listening 1. Ask students to listen and choose the correct picture in Activity 1. Step 4 Listen and read 1. Ask students to follow teacher to read the dialogue in activity 1 aloud. 2. Explain “there be” and “in/on/at the front of” in detail. 3. Ask students to read aloud the conversation in groups of two. Step 5 Complete the table Ask students to complete the table according to the dialogue. Step 6 Pronunciation and speaking Ask students to 1) listen and repeat the words in activity 4; 2) listen and repeat the numbers in activity 5; 3) match the words with the numbers in activity 6; 4) work in pairs. Write about your classroom. Use numbers in activity 7 5) work in pairs and talk about their ideal classroom. Explain “ many+可数名词”“much+不可数名词”“How many+可数名词”“How much+不可数名” in detail. Step 7 Homework Complete the following sentences. 1. There are some apples on the table.(改为否定句) There apples in our school. 2、There is a desk in front of the blackboard.(改为一般疑问句,并回答) - a desk in front of the blackboard? -No, . 3、There are some computers on the desks.(改为一般疑问句,并回答) - computers on the desks? -Yes, .


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