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    The POWER of determination决心的伟大力量.docx

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    The POWER of determination决心的伟大力量.docx

    The POWER of determination 决心的伟大力量The POWER of determination The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned , pot-belled stove . A little boy had the job of coming to school early each day to start the fire and warm the room before his teacher and his classmates arrived . One morning they arrived to find the schoolhouse engulfed in flames . They dragged the unconscious little boy out of the flaming building more dead than alive . He had major burns over the lower half of his bady and was taken to the nearby county hospital . From his bed the dreadfully burned , semi-conscious little boy faintly heard the doctor told his mother that her son would surely die - which was for the best , really - for the terrible fire had devastated the lower half of his body . But the brave boy didn't want to die . He made up his mind that he would survive . Somehow , to the amazement of the physician , he did survive . When the mortal danger was past , he again heard the doctor and his mother speaking quietly . The mother was told that since the fire had destroyed so much flesh in the lower part of his body , it would almost be better if he had died , since he was doomed to be a lifetime cripple with no use at all of his lower limbs . Once more the brave boy made up his mind . He would not be a cripple . He would walk . But unfortunately , from the waist down he no motor ability . His thin legs dangled there , all but lifeless . Ultimately he was released from the hospital . Every day his mother would massage his little legs , but there was no feeling , no control , nothing . Yet his determination that he would walk was as strong as ever . When he wasn't in bed , he was confined to a wheelchair . One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air . This day , instead of sitting there , he therw himself from the chair . He pulled himself across the grass , dragging his legs behind him . He worked his way to the white picket fence bordering their lot . With great effort , he raised himself up on the fence . Then , stake by stake , he began dragging himself along the fence , resolved that he would walk . He started to do this every day until he beside the fence . There was nothing he wanted more than to develop life on those legs . Ultimately , through his daily massages , his iron persistence and his resolute determination , he did develop the ability to stand up , then to walk haltingly , then to walk by himself - and then to run . He began to walk to school , then to run to school , to run for the sheer joy of running . Later in college he made the track team . Still later in Madison Square Garden this young man who was not expected to survive , who could never hope to run - this determined young man , Dr.Glenn Cunningham ,ran the world's fastest mile !


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