The Five Senses教案反思.docx
The Five Senses教案反思碧桂园教育集团 “The Five Senses”教案反思 Teaching Content : Unit 6 The Five Senses Part 1 Teaching Objectives: 1. To identify parts of the body 2. To identify the five senses Teaching Key Points: 1. To identify parts of the body 2. To identify the five senses Teaching Difficult Points: To identify the five senses Teaching Procedures: I. Warm up Sing a song: Teacher shows a vedio song of body parts, students sing together with their movements.(Head,shoulders,knees and toes) II. Presentation 1. Hear: (1)Teacher plays the sound of cooking, students guess what the teacher is doing.(cooking) T: How do you know I am cooking? Do you see it? S: No. We hear it. T:How do you hear? Do you hear with your eyes? S: No. We hear with our ears. (2)Then teacher plays many different sounds(police car, bird singing, dog barking), students listen and tell what they hear with their ears. -What do you hear with your ears? -We hear_with our ears. 碧桂园教育集团 2. See: (1)Teacher asks students to guess what she is cooking. Then teacher shows the thing shes cooking,pizza. T: Where is the pizza? S: Its in the box. T: How do you know? Do you hear it? S: No. We see it. T: How do you see? S: We see with our eyes. (2)Then students work in groups to tell what they can see with their eyes. -I see_with my eyes. Its_.(red/big/on) 3. Feel: (1)Teacher asks several students to touch the pizza and tell how they feel.”cold”,”hard” (2)Then teacher asks students go around the classroom to touch things they are interested with their partners and tell how they feel. Teacher prepares some objects like”ice, hot water, apple, banana, doll” -I feel_with my fingers. Its_.(cold/hot/hard/soft) 4. Smell: (1)Teacher asks several students to smell the pizza and tell how it smells and how they smell.-We smell with our nose. (2)Then teacher has students smell the perfume and Peters sock and tell how they smell. 5. Taste: (1)Teacher asks three students to come to the front and eat the pizza and then tell how it tastes. T: How do you taste? S:We taste with our mouth. -We taste with our tongue. (2)Game: Teacher prepares three cups of drinks(water,honey water and lemonade)Teacher have three students come to the front to taste and guess whats in the cup. S1: Its water. Because it has no flavor. S2: Its lemonade. Because it tastes sour. S3: Its honey. Because it tastes sweet. 碧桂园教育集团 (3)Read the sentences together. We taste the water with our tongue. It has no flavor. We taste the lemonade with our tongue. It tastes sour. We taste the honey with our tongue. It tastes sweet. 6. Sum up We see the pizza with our eyes. Its in the box. We feel the pizza with our fingers. Its cold. We smell the pizza with our nose. Its good. We taste the pizza our tongue. Its delicious. Oh, we love it so much. III. Experience Teacher gives each group different kinds of food, students share it in groups and tell how it looks,feels,smells and tastes. Then teacher invites several groups to present. e.g. G3: We see the orange with our eyes. Its orange. We feel the orange with our fingers. Its soft. We smell the orange with our nose. Its sour. We taste the orange with our tongue. Its sweet. Oh, we like it. IV. Emotion Aim The five senses are very important for us. We should protect our five senses well. Blackboard Design Unit 6 The Five Senses What do you do with your? We hear with our ears. We see with our eyes. We feel with our fingers. We smell with our nose. 碧桂园教育集团 We taste with our tongue. Reflection: 一学生学习行为自主,真实,有效。 本节课学习的是five senses,老师以披萨作为主线贯穿整堂课,让学生在感知和体验中明白see,feel,hear,smell and taste. 老师在教室各处放了不同的食物,冰块,冷热水,玩具,植物,香水等教具,孩子们自己去看,去闻,去摸,去品尝。通过自身的体验和感受,学生们对see,feel,hear,smell,taste有了较深刻的理解。玩中学,学中玩,自然习得,学生们很喜欢这样的方式。所以整节课,课堂气氛很活跃,学生兴趣浓厚并且也学得很扎实。 二尊重孩子的探究欲望和创新性思维的培养。 尤其是在小组分享同一食物的时候,学生们通过对这一食物的观察,摸,闻,尝,得出自己的结论,体现了学生们的创造性思维。比如第3组得到的是橘子,他们说,这个橘子看起来很小,摸起来很软,闻起来酸,但是尝起来甜。第6组得到的花生牛奶,他们说,这牛奶是装在一个大瓶子里面,摸起来是冷的,闻起来很香,尝起来很甜。 三注重孩子情感目标的培养。 在课堂结尾的部分老师让孩子们思考一下,如果一个人五官不全,他会怎么样?学生们都回答他的生活会不美好,从而告诉孩子们我们应该保护好我们的five senses. Designed by: 碧桂园威尼斯中英文学校:Morgan