TED一篇观后感Your body language shapes who you are 肢体语言塑造人格.docx
TED一篇观后感Your body language shapes who you are 肢体语言塑造人格Your body language shapes who you are Your body language shapes who you are. We always make sweeping judgments and inferences from body language. And those judgments can predict really meaningful life outcomes like who we hire or promote, who we ask out on a date. Amy Cuddy, the lecturer, tells us a lot about functions of body language bring to us. It is true across the animal kingdom that when animals make themselves big, they stretch out, take up space, they are basically opening up and expanding. It's not just limited to primates,and humans do the same thing. Amy Cuddy explains this phenomenon physiologically by cortisol, which is the stress hormone.When we feel powerless, we do exactly the opposite. We close up, wrap ourselves up, and make ourselves small. all we have done because of testosterone, which is the dominance hormone. She also stresses that power posing for a few minutes really change your life in meaningful ways. Presenting a example of her childhood experience, she tells us that your body shapes who you are. What you think doesn't mean what you behave, but someone else's opinion of you precisely depends on your performance rather than what you have in mind. That is what the lecture talks about. My favorite TV series is <lie to me>. Although the stories are about crimes, the main idea which the show expresses to us is that your body language may betray your soul. Once one's words are not matched by deeds, his body language tell the truth instead. I know about body language only stay at this level:your body language reflects who you are. Through Amy Cuddy's speech, I understand much deeper:your body language not only reflects who you are, but also shapes who you are. Since we have found the body language can accurately reflect our inner emotion condition, we can also make the body language a positive means, which motivates our psychological status to be better. People feel tense when Cortisol level is high, so they may curl up body or dodge themselves as physical reaction. On the contrast, if we pretend to be relax and confident, making body language roused, opening shoulders, and smiling with ease, then our testosterone level will rise while cortisol will be inhibited. To some extent, once we faked to be relax and confident, one day it will become real. As Amy said, Fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it. I cannot agree more about her idea, because I had the same experience before. After graduated from primary school, my character totally changed, which due to a person. She is the one I admired most in primary school because she can be very confident in any occasion. Everyday she raised her head proudly, talked with others in humorous way and acted neither humble nor pushy just like a queen. However, i usually curled up in my seat, looked down as answering questions, dared not contact with the one's eyes. It is cortisol that plays the main role, which leads us to be powerless. When I came to middle school, I started to change. I pretended to be another her though I know I am an impostor, I still tried to appear confident and brave. I faked it till I made it, and finally one day I really became it. Learning to tweak this a little bit, it could significantly change the way your life unfolds. So I want to say, rising your head proudly, opening your shoulder with confidence, holding your hands up to top, answering questions as loudly as you can. You are what you do. You are what you say. You are what your body language expresses, because your body language shapes who you are.