Smart Phonics单词表.docx
Smart Phonics单词表Smart Phonics Level 1 Phonics Unit 1 A a , B b , C c Words a alligator, ant, apple b bat, bed, book c cap, cat, cup d desk, dog, duck e egg, elbow, elephant f fan, fish, fork g game, girl, gorilla h hand, hat, hippo i igloo, iguana, ink j jacket, jam, jet k kangaroo, key, king l lamp, lemon, lion m map, melon, mouse n nest, net, nut o octopus, ostrich, ox p panda, pen, pig q queen, question, quiet r rabbit, ring, robot s sea, sock, sun t tent, tiger, top u umbrella, under, up v vase, vest, violin w watch, watermelon, window x box, fox, six y yacht, yellow, yo-yo z zebra, zero, zoo Unit 2 D d , E e , F f Unit 3 G g , H h , I i Unit 4 J j , K k , L l Unit 5 M m , N n , O o Unit 6 P p , Q q , R r Unit 7 S s , T t , U u , V v Unit 8 W w , X x , Y y , Z z Sight Words 总词汇量 a , am , an , are , be , doesnt , has , he , I , in , is , like , likes , my , oh , on , please , says , see , she , the , they , this , under , where , who. 104 个 Smart Phonics Level 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Phonics Short vowel a Short vowel a Short vowel e Short vowel i Words am - dam, ham, jam, ram ap cap, lap, map, nap an can, fan, man, pan at bat, cat, hat, mat et jet, net, vet, wet ed bed, red, hen, pen ib bib, rib, kid, lid ig pig, wig, fin, pin Unit 5 Short vowel i ip dip, hip, lip, rip it hit, sit ix mix, six ot hot, pot, ox box, fox op cop, hop og dog, log ug bug, hug, mug, rug ub rub, tub up cup, pup un bun, gun, run, sun ud bud, nud ut cut, nut Unit 6 Short vowel o Unit 7 Short vowel u Unit 8 Short vowel u Sight Words a , and , are , but , do , for , gives , fun , goes , good bye , has , have , he , her , his , in , into , is , it , no , not , now , oh , on , one , over , says , sees , she , sorry , the , they , this , to , what , where , will , with. 88 个 总词汇量 Smart Phonics Level 3 Unit 1 Phonics Long vowel a Words ake bake, cake, lake, rake ape cape, tape ave cave, wave ame game, name ate date, gate ane cane, mane ase case, vase ine line, nine, pine, vine ike bike, hike ime lime, time ide hide, ride ipe pipe, wipe ite bite, kite ive dive, five ose hose, nose, pose, rose ope hope, rope ote note, vote ole hole, mole, pole, sole ome dome, home one bone, cone ube cube, tube, ute cute, mute ule mule Unit 2 Long vowel a Unit 3 Long vowel i Unit 4 Long vowel i Unit 5 Long vowel o Unit 6 Long vowel o Unit 7 Long vowel u une dune, June, tune Sight Words a , and , at , away , birthday , by , digs , drops , for , get , gets , go , has , have , he , her , here , his , hums , I , in , is , it , its , likes , look , makes , no , now , of , oh , OK , on , opens , over , puts , race , says , see , sees , she , song , the , there , they , this , to , under , up , was , water , with , yes , yum , zoo 83 个 总词汇量 Smart Phonics Level 4 Unit 1 Phonics bl , cl , fl Words bl black, blade, blimp, blue cl clam, clap, cliff, clock fl flag, flame, flap, flute br brake, brave, brick , bride cr crab, crane, crib , cross fr frame, frog , front, frost gl glass, globe, glove, glue pl plane, plant, plate, plum sl sled, slice, slide, slim dr dragon, dress, drive, drum pr press, price, print, prize tr trace, track, truck, trumpet sm smell, smile, smoke sn snack, snake, snore st stone, stop, stove sw sweet, swim, swing ang bang, fang, ing - king, ring ong gong, song ank bank, tank ink pink, wink unk dunk, junk sh- shape, ship, shop -sh brush, fish, flash ch- - cherry, chick, chin -ch bench, branch, catch th- thick, thin, thumb -th bath, math, teeth wh- - whale, wheel, whip -wh whisk, whisper, white Unit 2 br , cr , fr Unit 3 gl , pl , sl Unit 4 dr , pr , tr Unit 5 sm , sn , st , sw Unit 6 ng , nk Unit 7 sh , ch Unit 8 th , wh Sight Words a , all , along , and , animals , are , arent , around , as , away , band , blows , but , by , comes , contest , dont , eat , eats , fast , fly , for , get , gets , go , goes , going , great , guess , happy , has , have , he , her , hes , his , I , Id , in , is , its , kisses , lets , like , live , lives , magic , new , no , not , oh , on , only , out , over , picnic , plays , put , puts , said , says , scares , sees , she , silly , sky , some , take , the , there , they , to , trip , under , want , washes , water , what , will , with , yells , your. 总词汇量 138 个 Smart Phonics Level 5 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Phonics ee, ea oa, ow ai, ay Words ee - bee, feet, green, peel, seed, tree ea leaf, meat, peanut, sea, seal, tea oa boat, coat, goat, road, soap, toast ow blow, bowl, pillow, snow, window, yellow ail mail, nail, rail, tail ain rain, train ay clay, gray, hay, play, pray, tray oi boil, coil, coin, foil, oil, point, soil, toilet oy boy, joy, soybean, toy ow - brown, clown, cow, crown, gown, owl ou blouse, cloud, count, house, mouse, mouth ir bird, girl, shirt, skirt er letter, singer, soccer, teacher ur nurse, purple, purse, turtle ar arm, car, card, farm, park, star or cork, corn, fork horse, north, store /u/- book, cook, foot, hook, look, wood /u:/ - food, goose, moon, pool, spoon, zoo Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 oi, oy ow, ou ir, er, ur Unit 7 Unit 8 Sight Words ar, or oo a , all , am , an , and , are , asks , at , better , big , bubble , by , comes , does not , eats , falls , farm , fast , for , from , full , funny , gives , go , grows , has , have , he , here , his , hooray , hungry , hurt , I , in , into , is , it , its , jump , jumps , just , like , live , magic , make , makes , me , more , my , nice , no , of , oh , on , one , our , out , puts on , race , rock , say , says , sees , she , silly , splash , strong , takes , thank you , that , the , their , they , to , too , under , waits , want , wants , watch , we , where , will , wins , with , wow , you , yucky , yum 136 个 总词汇量 总计5册书词汇量:549个