Scrapman and the Incredible Flying Machine.docx
Scrapman and the Incredible Flying MachineCharacter Abbreviation: S=Scrapman Sc=Scrptcat E=Emma W=Winston P=Patch F=Fireman CP=Chief Policeman L=the Little Boy C=Crowd of People D=Mowing Machine Driver N=Narrator Chapter One N: It is a bright sunny day. And Winston just ate the breakfast. W: Hello! Im Winston, the owner of the scrapyard. Look! Heres my Robot “Scrapman”. Say “Hello” to every one. S: Hel-low W: OK! Go and check my Flying Machine. (Scrapman go to the Flying Machine.) W: (Look at scrapcat) Come on! Look! This is my cat “Scrapcat”. Say “Hello” to every one. Sc: Arf ,Arf! W: Oh! There must be something wrong with you. Let me check where the problem is. (Winston mends the Scrapcat) S: (Walk to Wiston) Food! (Give a Cat Food to Winston) W: Yuk! Thats a cat food! I cant eat that! Dont you see Im busy! (Give food to Scrapcat) Sc: (Burp) W: (Finish mending Scrapcat) Ok! Say “Hello” again. Sc: Miaow! W: Good! Go and play with your friend Patch. (Scrapcat run to play with Patch) (Scrapman push the Flying Machine forward to the stage. End For about 40 to 50 seconds Chapter Two N:At last,the day came for the first test flight.Winston had cleared a runway through the scrap-yard. W:Wait and see!(清理场地,测量风向) Emma进场,Patch随其后 E:If the incredible flying machine takes off,well have a picnic. W:Open the doors.Start well back.(proudly) 推飞行器进场 C:Oh! (clap) W:Welcome!(wave the hand) C:Oh!Will it tke off? I think so.(clap) L:RUN AROUND THE GROUND. Winston上飞行器,Scrapman随后 W:Stop!You cant come with me,Scrapman.Youre too big.The machine could never get off the ground with you in it. S:Od ear. Emma上前,拉S的手 W(检查)Everything has been OK!Chocks away! E与S上前抽掉木头。 W踩, N:The machine reached the first field.It was going very fast indeed,but it didnt take off.It reached the second field going faster still and it got to the very end of thatBut it still didnt take off. S:Od ear. W:I need your help.This Time I want you to get behind and push.The machine has to go much faster before it can get off the ground. S上前,准备 W:Chochs away! (推,要显得更快了) L:Oh,take off!(挥袜子) N:It was going so fast ,it left S crapman behind.But it still didnt take off.(S跪下,W欢呼) C:Oh,no!Whats the matter? W骑车回来,E摊开野餐用具 W 叹气W:The machine probably needed a good oiling before it coul fly. E拉S,Scrapman,you should try to learn to read Chapter Three N:That night,Winston finished work on the flying machine. W:Scrapman,my old lad,it may never take off from the ground.But its a fine machine all the same.(擦手) S:e-bye(点头,拿出书)R.o.b.o.t,Robot.Od,ear.(睡觉) N:The next morning,Scrapman woke up and wondered where he was. S:Patch喵喵叫。此时W和人群上场,若有所语 E:Oh,Winston,there is something wrong!Scrapman wasWhat are we going to do? W:I dont know.(S一直绕着飞) CP:Youll have to get him down.We cant have flying machines buzzing around the sky.Its not safe.(用手遮着额头,愁眉苦脸) W :But how?Hes too high up to hear me. Fireman(进场,最好有背景音乐):Mabe youcantry to climbed up to the top.(W望一眼,有些害怕,F用手做出请的动作) 爬上去后 W:Co-come down,Scrapman! S:Od,ear SC:Get it down! Chapter Five CP:We must follow him. 回头上车 行路顺序:警车-货车-消防车(最好有背景音乐) S:Od ear,Od ear,how to get it down?(手打颤,摇动) E:Poor Scrapman.He looks scared.I dont think he knows how to come down. W:But its simple.He only has to slow down and the machine will come down.All he needs is a big open field to land in. (做一个大牌子,上面写着SCHOOL,由两个群众举着) E:Stop!(挥手) S停止蹬,停下来,所有人鼓掌 E冲上前去抱住S S行军礼 W(上前)Well,well,well.I don't think the flying machine would ever get off the groud. S:I dun no how it ever got down. W:Well done,my ole lad.So who taught you to read? S:M.R W:In that case.I think Emma should be very first person to go up with you in the flying machine.Just once,mind.Very carefully,round the church and back again. 谢幕:所有人站在一起,拉起手,由S讲述一个道理:没有做不到,只有想不到。