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    Rules around us教案.docx

    Rules around us教案Module 2 Places and activities Unit 4 Rules round us 晋城市阳城县白桑乡白桑完小 琚晋芳 教学设计说明: 一、教学背景 1. 本课执教对象是六年级的学生,他们普遍具有较强的好奇心和求知欲。因此在课堂上应注重师生互动、生生互动,以多样化的教学形式来吸引学生的兴趣和注意力。 2. 本单元的标题叫“Rules round us”。通过对rules的学习,了解一些通用规则的标志的含义,学会用“We must do .”, “We mustnt do .”和 “Dont do ”来阐述规则,并了解不同规则的英文表述,从而学会能够自己制定一些简单的规则。这个话题句型贴近日常生活,有一定的实用性。本课是该单元的第一课时,因此,重点在于对这两个句型的操练。 3.教学内容中,新授词汇和句型的结构相对简单,因此教学的重点应该立足于句型的操练以及如何应用到生活中,以现实生活为语境,实现语言知识的整合和应用。 二教学的设计主线 在英语教学中,学生因其内容枯燥对于自然科学的学习缺乏应有的兴趣,因此本课设计中,适当采用情境教学法,利用多媒体课件,把学生的学习活动带到真实的生活环境中。从个人练习到group work练习,争取让每个学生都能够开口说英语。同时,在练习中设置了自己一定不同的规则,让学生在模仿和朗读后,能够自己动手操练,提高学生的学习兴趣。 教学目标: 知识目标 1、To have the students identify the places which have certain rules 2、Learning to use the sentence structures “we must do ”, “we mustnt do ” and “Dont do ” 3、Learning to use the phrases: run across the road, leave rubbish, pick the flowers, listen to our teachers and so on. 能力目标 1、To develop students ability of speaking by learning how to express “we must do ”, “we mustnt do ” and “Dont do ” 2、To have the students identify the meanings of various signs around us and know how to express different rules for different places. 情感态度价值观 To have the students know much more about the rules around us so that they can obey the rules better. 教学重难点: 重点: 1、Using modals “must” / “must not”to express obligations / prohibitions. 2、To use the useful phrases correctly. 难点: Using modals “must” / “must not”to express obligations / prohibitions. 教学用具: 录音机、磁带、文字幻灯片 Teaching Procedure: Steps Pre-task preparation Teachers Guide Students activities Teaching Aims 1. Tell the Try to express To have a review students what I their opinions. on the sentence see when Im structures they walking to learned last school. Then ask Lesson. them what do they see when theyre walking to school. While-task procedure 1. Show students some pictures of obey the rules. 2.Make the students try to use the sentence structures “We must” to describe pictures. Tell teachers what they can see in the pictures. Learn how to read and how to spell the To make students interested in the topic and make the teaching more effective. Show students the correct usage of the key structures. Then, help the students to practise and use the structures correctly. Review the words and help them to practise the sentences structures they have learned. And make the teaching more active. new words. Try to know how to use the structures correctly. the Practise the sentence structures. 3. Show the students some pictures about breaking the rules. And ask them try to use the sentences structures “We mustnt do ”, Show their opinion immediately. “Dont do” to describe the pictures. 4. Ask the students to read the together. 5. Let rules Read the rules loudly. Practise the key sentence structures. Help students to use the the structures Do pair works according to the pictures. students do the pair work according to the pictures. correctly. develop ability speaking. And their of Post-task activity 1. Divide the Do the group Arouse students interest and develop their ability of speaking, cooperation and interactive Talk about the communication. the rules they wrote. Making students to do group works their in different groups can catch all the students eye and make the learning more effective. works in different groups. Then, they will performance in front of the class. students into four groups and ask them to write some different rules in different places. 2. Ask student introduce own rules. Assignments 1. Try to writer some rules for your class. 2. Listen to the tape, and read the new words and the text we have learned today. Try to recite the text and the words. 板书设计: Unit 4 Rules round us We must listen to our teacher . listen to our teacher keep quiet wait for the green man We must not play ball games . play ball games =Dont play ball games. leave rubbish eat or drink draw on the desk run across the road walk on the grass pick the flowers climb the trees 教后反思: 整个课堂上,我选择了“任务型教学”为主的方法,将一个个围绕重难点的带有任务的活动抛给学生,让学生主动地合作地去学习,目的是为了给学生更多的小组活动的机会,学生能主动的获取知识,积极的参与活动,从而达到综合运用语言的能力,并且提高学习的成就感,激发学习的兴趣,为学生的终身学习打下良好的基础。充分突出了学生的主体地位。 同时我给了学生一些示范与引导,运用了示范法与情景创设法,给学生一个轻松的表现自我的舞台。教学过程中运用了大量的形成性评价,还运用了多媒体等手段,为学生营造了和谐的活跃的课堂气氛。突出了教师的主导作用。不管学生的能力有多强,在知识的准确性方面还是需要教师的指导与帮助,所以我在课堂上帮助孩子纠正了语言上的不规范之处,目的是让孩子有一个准确的标准的英语发音,为孩子将来的发展打基础。 纵观这一课,我觉得自己有以下几个成功之处:教学环节清晰,思路敏捷,在备好的课的基础上有了灵活的变化;课堂的驾御能力较好,课堂气氛活跃,师生配合默契,体现了主体与主导的不同地位;教学重难点突出,教学活动紧扣主题,体现了小组活动与任务性教学的交叉运用;课件的运用激发了孩子的兴趣,减轻了教授之难度;练习的设计符合孩子的接受能力,并且为知识的熟练与掌握进行了检测。 不足之处有: 学生的发言面应该再多些,形成性评价还需要更多的形式。对学生的平日训练还应该更彻底些。 我的想法: 在教学中,因为学生的程度有不同,教师在教学中应该要注意调节好优秀生、中等生以及后进生之间的开口机会,要给不同层次的学生不同的发挥机会。比较难的先请程度好的讲,然后再让程度弱的同学模仿。给予学生最大的信任,树立学生学习信心。自信心就是对自己实现个人理想、目标的坚信程度。所以有人说自信是使人走向成功的第一要素。每个人只有相信自己,才能激发进取的勇气,才能最大限度地挖掘自身的潜力。而信任是培养学生自信心的前提,尊重、赞许与鼓励是对孩子最大的信任,在课堂上对于学生的发言,能够及时的赞许和表扬,尤其是自信心差的、学习意志比较薄弱学生,更是多应给予肯定和表扬,多给他们提供适当机会让他再尝试,努力让每个学生在课堂上都能获得成功的体验。 其次,我认为,课堂实效与否,关键看教师的教学设计,设计的时候多备备学生,从学生的角度去思考,设计活动,就会充分激发学生的学习积极性!提高课堂实效! 以上是我在教学这节课的一些体会,希望大家能给我提出更多的宝贵的意见。 Steps Pre-task preparation Teachers Guide 1. Tell the students what I see when I walk to school. Then ask them what do they see when they come to school. Students activities Teaching Aims Answer a question To have a and express their review on the opinions. sentence structures they learned last time. To make students interested in the topic and make the teaching more effective. While-tas1. Show students Tell teachers k some pictures of what they can procedurobey the rules. see in the e pictures. Learn how to read and how to spell the new words. 2. Make the students try to use the sentence structures “We must” to describe the pictures. Try to know how to use the structures correctly. Practise the sentence structures. Show their the structures 3. Show the opinion correctly. students some immediately. pictures about Review the breaking the rules. words and help And ask them try to them to practise use the sentences the sentences structures “We structures they mustnt do ”, have learned. Show students the correct usage of the key structures. Then, help the students to practise and use “Dont describe pictures. do” to the And make the teaching more active. 4. Ask the students Read the rules to read the rules loudly. together Practise the key sentence structures. Help 5. Let the students Do pair works students to use do the pair work according to the the structures according to the pictures. correctly. pictures. Practise the key sentence structures. Help students to use the structures correctly. And develop their ability of speaking. Post-task 1. Divide the activity students into four groups and ask them to write some different rules in different places. Do the group works in different groups. Then, they will performance in front of the class. Arouse students interest and develop their ability of speaking, cooperation and interactive communication. Making students do group works in different groups can catch all the 2. Ask the student to introduce their Talk about the own rules. rules they wrote. students eye and make the learning more effective. Assignme1. Try to writer some rules for your class. nts 2. Listen to the tape, and read the new words and the text we have learned today. Try to recite the text and the words. 教学设计说明 一、教学背景 1. 本课时的执教对象是六年级的学生,普遍具有较强的好奇心和求知欲。因此在课堂上应注重师生互动、生生互动,以多样化的教学形式来吸引学生的兴趣和注意力。 2. 本单元的标题叫“rules round us”。通过对rules的学习,了解一些通用规则的标志的含义,学会用“We must do .”, “We mustnt do .”和 “Dont do ”来阐述规则,并了解不同规则的英文表述,从而学会能够自己制定一些简单的规则。这两个话题句型贴近日常生活,有一定的实用性。本课时该单元的第一课时,因此,重点在于对这两个句型的操练。 3.教学内容中,新授词汇和句型的结构相对简单,因此教学的重点应该立足于句型的操练以及如何应用到生活中,以现实生活为语境,实现语言知识的整合和应用。 二教学的设计主线 在英语教学中,学生因其内容枯燥对于自然科学的学习缺乏应有的兴趣,因此本课设计中,适当采用情境教学法,利用多媒体课件,把学生的学习活动带到真实的生活环境中。从个人练习到group work练习,争取让每个学生都能够开口说英语。同时,在练习中设置了自己一定不同的规则,让学生在模仿和朗读后,能够自己动手操练,提高学生的学习兴趣。


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