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    Role play a job interview.docx

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    Role play a job interview.docx

    Role play a job interviewA朱 B羊C嫦 D竹子 E燕子 F小马 Scene 1: A: We are going to a job interview. C:嫦 Let me tell you a key to getting hired. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does. Do you remember the four-minute mile? Athletes had been trying to do it hundreds of years and finally decided it was physically impossible for humans. Then one human proved the experts wrong. Roger Banister broke the four-minute mile. D: Yes, I cant agree any more. I think you also need to find a way to make a difference. Curt Carlson is the wealthiest man in Minnesota. The International Airport was closed because of a snowstorms. The airport opened a runway for small craft only. As we were taxing down it to take off, Curt said to me:”Look, no tracks in the snow” . a 70 years old man still sparkle with excitement about being first. B: 杨 I got it, thank you. Scene 2: A B: Nice to meet you! E F: Nice to meet you too. E:燕 Well, Mr. A, can you sell yourself and the reason why are you applying to our company? A: When I was a college student, Ive won a lot of awards and scholarships for being a excellent student. Im hard-working, responsible and diligent in every project I undertaken. I think theres a promising future both with your company and me if I get the position. 小马F: How about you, Miss. B? B: I have been the monitor of my class for three years, and organized many activities such as a CAD competition. I know it has a good organizational system and a good working environment. I think the experience of mine is enough to help the company. E: OK, if you want to do well in the job, you must prepare to win. The Micheal Jordans of the world have talent, yes, but they are also the first ones on and the last ones off the basketball court. The same preparation applies in every form of human endeavor. F: In addition, you should never stop learning. Recently I played a doubles tennis match paired with a 90-year-old. “I always like to work on my weaknesses”. He said. What a fantastic example. You can do the same if you want. To be able to compete, youve got to keep learning all your life.


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