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    personal statement,个人情况模板.docx

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    personal statement,个人情况模板.docx

    personal statement,个人情况模板Personal statement (XXX 专业) As a 23-year-old student who changed his direction several times for persisting in chasing a dream. At the meantime, he understood the essence of his favorite major, the XXX. Thats me, my name is XXX. I come from a ordinary family in Shanxi Provence of China. As long as I can remember things, I was told to work hard and I did as I was told. In my undergraduate years, I was major in Transportation of xxx University. I focused on automotive engineering and tried to find my interest on it during my college years. I also involved myself in a lot of different kinds of activities for the purpose of developing my social ability. Finally, I was found that I can work in my major but not try my best. It felt like I was lost in the vast sea. Then the XXX Control guided me to a magical world just like a ray of light in my life and I started to understand that what I want. Every time when I came back to my hometown, I saw large tracts of desert. The sands cannot hold the water for the plants and the earth was not suitable for planting or farming. There was no forest in the North-West of China, my hometown. I made up my mind to change the situation of area. So I chose to be a graduate of XXX. My endeavor of studying made the miracle happened. I was accepted by Shanxi Normal University for a further study in XXX. However, I want to learn more and research more. I studied a lot about your school and I know your school had made great success in desertification control. I have enjoyed an interdisciplinary approach in my studies and become fascinated by the clash between desertification control and the greenhouse effect. I pursued an additional major in English to better understand this conflict because a lot of thesis and previous researches are written in English. Furthermore, my work for my tutor will train me in the most advanced techniques. A chance given to me, I would like to continue exploring this clash in your school. Ideally, I would like to find ways for preventing the desertification and infertile lands. The aim of this statement is to apply to your school, University of Florida. I know the XXX in your university is the cutting edge. I want to get a chance and study in your school. The curses of mine increase my interest in the environment of worldwide. As people know that the greenhouse effect is very severe. I wish to devote all my lifetime to research and find cure for the desert and infertile lands. I need your advanced technology to help me to finish my mission given by myself. The spirit of never giving up before success of your school inspires me so much. After completing my postgraduate program, I would like to continue my education and obtain a PH.D in the same field. The degree would enable me to practice my study to work out annoying problems. The software ARCGIS and Autocad can be a useful tool in helping me analysis maps. I would like to be an expert of XXX and a professor in college to guide students to make further achievement in the future. I wish I could get your agreement. My phone number isXXXXX and my email address is XXX. Wish you a happy day.


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