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    Pep小学英语五年级上册第五单元ALetstalk课堂实录课堂实录 第五单元A Lets talk 一 教学内容:A Lets try Lets talk Talk and draw 二、教学目标: 知识与技能目标: 1复习巩固lets learn的单词,在此基础上使学生能够听懂、会说本课对话, 2. 学生能够听、说、认读句型There is a/There 并使学生能在情景中正确运 用。 过程与方法; 通过小组学习能够让所学there is there are句型表达运用于实际情景中。 情感与价值观 使学生在积极主动的学习过程中体验成功的喜悦,进一步提升学生的学习积极性。 三教学重难点: 本课重点句型为:There is和There are 教学难点:I have my own room now. Whats it like? 四教学方法 尝试法 小组合作 五教学准备: 图片,录音机 六、教学步骤 T:Good morning boys and girls ,today I am your English teacher ,you can call me Mr Li ,OK? Ss:OK. T:Lets chant together.师生齐唱歌谣。 The end tables are big. The curtains are blue. The closet is full. The garbage is empty. The mirror is terrific. The air-conditioner is cool. Ss:The end tables are big. T:Do you remember what did we learn in the last lesson? Ss:Yes. T:Now ,I say you guess.Its a basket,you can put the garbage in it.Guess! Ss:Trashbin! T:Good!Youre clever.The next word,its a furnature,people often put it near the bed.Guess! Ss:End table. T:Wonderfull.its an electrical thing,when you turn it on,it can make your room coll or warm.Guess! Ss:Mirror. T:Yes.Very good.Its a cloth,when you close it up,it can keep the sun out of the room.Guess! Ss:Curtain. T:Good!Youre clever.Now,look at me, whats this? Ss:Its a book. T:Yes.This is a book .This is my own book.“Own”read after me . Ss:own. T:OK.This is my own pen .师手举钢笔说,我自己的钢笔。Where is your own book?Show me ,please. Ss:Here.This is my own book. T:OK.Very good.Now,look at the picture,this is my own room.in my room ,what can you see? Ss:I can see a closet. T:Yes.There is a closet.There is a bed.There are curtains.OK,Sarah has her own room, too.Lets have a look,whats it like?Now,listen carefully then tell me whats Sarahs room like?OK? Ss:OK. T:Now open your books to Page 59.Read follow the tape. Ss: T:Boys to be Sarah ,girls to be Chenjie.OK? Ss:OK.生读对话。 T:Wonderfull.Look at the scree,there are two rooms,tell me whats are they like?And one of the them is Mikes.Which one? Ss:In room A ,there is a desk,a shelf ,a lamp and an end table.There are yellow curtains. T:Yes!youre great.whats the room B like ? Ss:In room B , there is a picture,a desk ,a bed and a bear.There are blue curtains. T:Good!Youre great,too.Next,lets try.Which is Mikes room? Ss:The picture 2. T:Yes!Very good!Look at the scree.There are two rooms:room A and room B.Whats are they like ? Ss:In the room A there is a closet,a new air-conditionder and a white end table.There are red curtains. T:Wonder!Whats the room B like ? Ss:In the room B, there is a mirror,a trashbin and a new closet.There are yellow curtains. T:Youre wonderfull.OK. Next lets draw a picture of your own room,and introduce it to us like this ,OK? Ss:生在书上画画。 T:Who has done ?You, please. S:In my room,there is a bed, a trashbin and a mirror.There are pink curtains. T:Good!Now,look at the scree,lets play a game.Find and Say.Two of the rooms are the same.Find and describe them. Ss:Picture1 and picture 2are the same.There is a bed, a closet,a trishbin, a mirror and a chair. T:Youre clever.OK,Lets summary.Close your books ,please,lets have a try to recite.Trust yourself! Ss:I have my own room now. Relly?whats it like? There is a big closet ,a mirror and a new air-conditionder.there are bule curtains. T:OK.Class is over.Thats all.Homework is introduce your own room to your parents.Thanks for listening.ByeBye! 七、板书设计 There is There are 八、教学反思 本节课是五年级上册第五单元A部分的Lets talk的第一课时,是组要学习方位词的用法。以方位词为线设计了丰富多彩的教学活动。通过这节课的学习,学生熟悉地掌握了方位词的用法。在这节课中我注意到了这几点: 1 采用多样化的教学方式呈现新词。 2.采取小组活动以及教师及时评价,鼓励学生积极参与活动。激发学生学习积极性。 3培养学生观察,记忆,思维能力,开发学生智力的多元化。让学生在活动中获取更多的乐趣和知识。 4.注意培养学生听说读写综合能力,适当渗透语音和字母的联系。 在这节课教师引导过多,还没有充分发挥学生的积极主动性,今后要在这方面多下功夫。


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