ModernismModernism: Modernism appeared after the First World War. It is a reaction against realism. It rejects rationalism(理性主义) which is the theoretical base of realism; it excludes(拒绝考虑) from its major concern of external, objective, material world, which is the only creative source of realism; by advocating a free experimentation on new forms and new techniques in literary creation, it casts away (throw away) almost all the traditional elements in literature such as story, plot, character, chronological narration, etc., which are essential to realism. Modernism takes the irrational(非理性的) philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base. David Herbert Lawrence, James Joyce for example, are the important figures. 现代主义小说从题材内容说,它从传统小说着重反映外部物质世界转向反映个人内心的精神世界,即着重表现“自我”。从写作手法说,传统小说象平面镜一样用反射的方式如实的反映外部现实,现代主义小说象三棱镜用扭曲折射的方式映照出客观现实。