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    Mean Girls Transcript 台词剧本.docx

    Mean Girls Transcript 台词剧本-Www.K555.Cn 光影时代 -专业英文剧本下载-影评基地 收集制作 转载请注明出处,谢谢! -Mean Girls Transcript 台词剧本-This is your lunch, OK?Now, I put a dollar in thereso you can buy some milk.You can ask one of the big kidswhere to do that.You remember your phone number?I wrote it down for you, just in case.Put it in your pocket,I don't want you to lose it.OK? You ready?I think so.It's Cady's big day.I guess it's natural for parents to cryon their kid's first day of school.But, you know, this usuallyhappens when the kid is .I'm and until today,I was home-schooled.I know what you're thinking."Home-schooled kids are freaks."X-Y-L-O-C-A-R-P.Xylocarp.Or that we're weirdly religiousor something.And on the third day, God createdthe Remington bolt-action rifleso that Man could fight the dinosaurs.And the homosexuals.- Amen.- Amen.But my family's totally normal.Except for the fact that both myparents are research zoologistsand we've spent the lastyears in Africa.I had a great life.But then my mom got offered tenureat Northwestern University.So it was goodbye Africaand hello high school.I'm OK. Sorry.I'll be careful.Hi.I don't know if anyonetold you about me.I'm a new student here.My name is Cady Heron.Talk to me againand I'll kick your ass.You don't wanna sit there. KristenHadley's boyfriend is gonna sit there.Hey, baby.He farts a lot.Hey, everybody.Oh, God, I'm so sorry.It's not you. I'm bad luck.Ms. Norbury?My T-shirt's stuckto my sweater, isn't it?- Yeah.- Fantastic.Is everything all right in here?- Oh, yeah.- So.how was your summer?- I got divorced.My carpal tunnel came back.- I win.- Yes, you do.Well, I just wanted to leteveryone knowthat we have a new student joining us.She just moved hereall the way from Africa.Welcome.- I'm from Michigan.- Great.Her name is Cady. Cady Heron.- Where are you, Cady?- That's me.- It's pronounced like Katie.- My apologies.I have a nephew named Anfernee,and I know how mad he getswhen I call him Anthony.Almost as mad as I getwhen I think about the factthat my sister named him Anfernee.Well, welcome, Cady.- And thank you, Mr. Duvall.- Well, thank you.And.if you need anything or if youwanna talk to somebody.Thanks.Maybe some other time,when my shirt isn't see-through.OK.OK.Good day, everybody.The first day of school was a blur.A stressful, surreal blur.I got in trouble for themost random things.- Where are you going?- Oh, I have to go to the bathroom.You need the lavatory pass.OK. Can I have the lavatory pass?Nice try. Have a seat.I had never lived in a worldwhere adults didn't trust me,where they were always yelling at me.- Don't read ahead!- No green pen!No food in class!I told you, I saw the whole thing.- Everything.- Did you see nipple?- It only counts if you saw a nipple.- That's true, dude.I had a lot of friends in Africa.What?But so far, none in Evanston.Hey. How was your first day?Is that your natural hair color?- Yeah.- It's gorgeous.Thank you.See, this is the color I want.This is Damian.He's almost too gay to function.- Nice to meet you.- Nice wig, Janis.- What's it made of?- Your mom's chest hair!- I'm Janis.- Hi, I'm Cady.Do you guys knowwhere Room G is?"Health, Tuesday/Thursday,Room G ."I think that's in the back building.- Yeah, that's in the back building.- Yeah, we'll take you there.Thanks.Watch out, please!New meat coming through!"Health. Spanish."You're taking th-grade calculus?- Yeah, I like math.- Why?Because it's the samein every country.That's beautiful. This girl is deep.Where's the back building?It burned down in .Won't we get in somesort of trouble for this?Why would we get you into trouble?We're your friends.I know it's wrong to skip class,but Janis said we were friends.And I was in no positionto pass up friends.I guess I'll never know what I missedon that first day of health class.Don't have sex. Because youwill get pregnant and die.Don't have sexin the missionary position,don't have sex standing up.Just don't do it, promise?OK, everybody take some rubbers.Why didn't they just keephome-schooling you?They wanted me to get socialized.Oh, you'll get socialized, all right.A little slice like you.- What are you talking about?- You're a regulation hottie.- What?- Own it.How do you spell yourname again, Cady?It's Cady. C-A-D-Y.Yeah, I'm gonna call you Cady.In the name of all that is holy, will youlook at Karen Smith's gym clothes?Of course all The Plasticsare in the same gym class.- Who are The Plastics?- They're teen royalty.If North Shore was Us Weekly,they would always be on the cover.That one there, that's Karen Smith.She is one of the dumbestgirls you will ever meet.Damian sat next to herin English last year.She asked me how to spell "orange".And that little one?That's Gretchen Wieners.She's totally rich becauseher dad invented Toaster Strudel.Gretchen Wieners knowseverybody's business.She knows everythingabout everyone.That's why her hair is so big.It's full of secrets.And evil takes a humanform in Regina George.Don't be fooled, because she may seemlike your typical selfish, back-stabbing,slut-faced ho-bag. But in reality,she is so much more than that.She's the queen bee.The star. Those other twoare just her little workers.Regina George.How do I even beginto explain Regina George?Regina George is flawless.She has two Fendi pursesand a silver Lexus.I hear her hair's insuredfor $.I hear she does car commercials.In Japan.Her favorite movie is Varsity blues.One time, she met John Stamoson a plane.And he told her she was pretty.One time,she punched me in the face.It was awesome.She always looks fierce.She always wins Spring Fling Queen.- Who cares?- I care.Every year, the seniors throwthis dance for the underclassmencalled The Spring Fling.And whomsoever is electedSpring Fling King and Queenautomatically becomes head of theStudent Activities Committee.And since I am an active memberof the Student Activities Committee,I would say, yeah, I care.Damian, you've trulyout-gayed yourself.Here. This map is gonnabe your guide to North Shore.Now, where you sit inthe cafeteria is crucialbecause you got everybody there.You got your freshmen,ROTC guys,preps, JV jocks,Asian nerds,cool Asians,varsity jocks,unfriendly black hotties,girls who eat their feelings,girls who don't eat anything,desperate wannabes,burnouts,sexually active band geeks,the greatest peopleyou will ever meetand the worst.Beware of The Plastics.Hey. We're doing a lunchtimesurvey of new students.Can you answer a few questions?- OK.- Is your muffin buttered?What?Would you like us to assignsomeone to butter your muffin?- My what?- Is he bothering you?Jason, why are you such a skeez?I'm just being friendly.You were supposedto call me last night.Jason. You do not come to a partyat my house with Gretchenand then scam on some poor, innocentgirl right in front of us three days later.She's not interested.Do you wanna have sex with him?- No, thank you.- Good. So it's settled.So you can go shave your back now.Bye, Jason.Bitch.Wait. Sit down.Seriously, sit down.Why don't I know you?I'm new. I just moved here from Africa.- What?- I used to be home-schooled.Wait. What?- My mom taught me at home.- No, no.I know what home-school is.I'm not retarded.So you've actually never beento a real school before?Shut up.Shut up.- I didn't say anything.- Home-schooled.- That's really interesting.- Thanks.But you're, like, really pretty.- Thank you.- So you agree.- What?- You think you're really pretty.- Oh, I don't know.- Oh, my God, I love your bracelet.- Where did you get it?- Oh, my mom made it for me.- It's adorable.- Oh, it's so fetch.- What is "fetch"?- Oh, it's, like, slang. From England.So if you're from Africa.why are you white?Oh, my God, Karen, you can't justask people why they're white.Could you give us some privacyfor, like, one second?Yeah, sure.What are you doing?OK, you should just knowthat we don't do this a lot,so this is, like, a really huge deal.We wanna invite youto have lunch with usevery day for the rest of the week.- Oh, it's OK.- Coolness.So we'll see you tomorrow.On Wednesdays, we wear pink.Oh, my God!OK, you have to do it, OK?And then you have to tell me allthe horrible things that Regina says.Regina seems sweet.Regina George is not sweet.She's a scum-sucking road whore!She ruined my life!She's fabulous, but she's evil.- Hey, get out of here!- Oh, my God, Danny DeVito.I love your work!- Why do you hate her?- What do you mean?Regina. You seem to really hate her.Yes. What's your question?- Well, my question is, why?- Regina started this rumor- that Janis was.- Damian! Shall we not?Now, look. This isn'tabout hating her, OK?I just think that it would be, like,a fun little experimentif you were to hang out with them andthen tell us everything that they say.- What do we even talk about?- Hair products.- Ashton Kutcher.- Is that a band?Would you just do it? Please?OK, fine.Do you have anything pink?- Yes.- No.By eighth period, I was so happyto get to math class.I mean, I'm good at math.I understand math.Nothing in math classcould mess me up.Hey, do you have a pencilI can borrow?I've only had one othercrush in my life.His name was Nfume,and we were .It didn't work out.But this one hit me like a big,yellow school bus.- Cady, what do you say?- He was.So cute.I mean, A-sub-N equalsN plus one over four.That's right.That's good. Very good.All right, let's talkabout your homework.Hey. How was your second day?- Fine.- Were people nice?- No.- Did you make any friends?Yeah.Having lunch with The Plasticswas like leaving the actual worldand entering "Girl World".And Girl World had a lot of rules.You can't wear a tank toptwo days in a row,and you can only wear yourhair in a ponytail once a week.So I guess you picked today.Oh, and we only wear jeansor track pants on Fridays.Now, if you break any of these rules,you can't sit with us at lunch.I mean, not just you. Like, any of us.OK, like, if I was wearing jeans today,I would be sitting over therewith the art freaks.Oh, and we always vote before we asksomeone to eat lunch with usbecause you have to be considerateof the rest of the group.Well, I mean, you wouldn't buy a skirtwithout asking your friends first- if it looks good on you.- I wouldn't?Right.Oh, and it's the same with guys.Like, you may think you like someone,but you could be wrong.A hundred and twenty calories and calories from fat. What percent is that?Forty-eight into ?I'm only eating foods with less thanpercent calories from fat.It's percent.Well, over equals X over and then you cross-multiplyand get the value of X.Whatever. I'm getting cheese fries.So have you seen any guysthat you think are cute yet?Well, there's this guyin my calculus class.- Who is it?- It's a senior?- His name's Aaron Samuels.- No!Oh, no, you can't like Aaron Samuels.That's Regina's ex-boyfriend.They went out for a year.Yeah, and then she was devastatedwhen he broke upwith her last summer.I thought she dumped himfor Shane Oman.OK, irregardless. Ex-boyfriendsare just off-limits to friends.I mean, that's just, like,the rules of feminism.Don't worry. I'll never tell Reginawhat you said.It'll be our little secret.We define the sumof the infinite geometric series.Even though I wasn'tallowed to like Aaron,I was still allowed to look at him.And think about him.And talk to him.- Hey, Aar.- Hey, you're the Africa girl, right?- Yeah.- I'm Kevin Gnapoor,captain of the North Shore Mathletes.We participate in math challengesagainst other high schools in the state,and we can get twice as much fundingif we've got a girl.So you should think about joining.- Oh, you'd be perfect for it.- Yeah, definitely.Great, great.Let me give you my card.OK, so think it over.Because we'd like to get jackets.OK.Hey!Get in, loser. We're going shopping.Regina's like the barbie dollI never had.I'd never seen anybodyso glamorous.- So how do you like North Shore?- It's good.I think I'm joining the Mathletes.- No! No, no.- No, no.You cannot do that.That is social suicide.Damn, you are so luckyyou have us to guide you.Being at Old Orchard Mall kind ofreminded me of being home in Africa.By the watering hole.When the animals are in heat.Oh, my God, there's Jason!Where? Oh, there he is.- And he's with Taylor Wedell.- I heard they're going out.Wait. Jason's not going outwith Taylor.No. He cannot blow you off like that.He's such a little skeez.Give me your phone.- You're not gonna call him, right?- Do you think I'm an idiot?No.- Wedell on South Boulevard.- Caller ID.Not when you connectfrom Information.- Hello?- Hello.May I please speakto Taylor Wedell?She's not home yet. Who's calling?Oh, this is Susan fromPlanned Parenthood.I have her test results. If you can haveher give me a call as soon as she can.It's urgent. Thank you.She's not going out with anyone.OK, that was so fetch.Mom.Your house is really nice.I know, right?Make sure you check outher mom's boob job.They're hard as rocks.I'm home! Hey, Kylie.Hey.Hey, hey, hey!How are my best girlfriends?Hey, Mrs. George. This is Cady.Hello, sweetheart.- Hi.- Welcome to our home.Just want you to know, if you needanything, don't be shy, OK?There are no rules in this house.I'm not like a regular mom.I'm a cool mom. Right, Regina?- Please stop talking.- OK.I'm gonna make you girlsa "hump day" treat.This is your room?It was my parents' room,but I made them trade me.Hey, put on .Cady, do you even knowwho sings this?- The Spice Girls?- I love her.She's like a Martian.- God, my hips are huge!- Oh, please. I hate my calves.At least you guys can wear halters.I've got man shoulders.I used to think therewas just fat and skinny.Apparently, there's a lot of thingsthat can be wrong on your body.- My hairline is so weird.- My pores are huge.My nail beds su


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