IGCSE 第二语言英语 口语测试.docx
IGCSE 第二语言英语 口语测试IGCSE ESL口语 培诺教育 上海中心 IGCSE ESL口语 1. 考试形式 12m,3个部分。20分,单独记分。提供纸和笔供作笔记使用。 2. 具体内容 Part 1: Introductory interview with student (23m) 暖场 The interlocutor introduces him/herself and asks the student a set of simple introductory questions. These questions are centred on a familiar topic, such as home or leisure, and the interlocutor works from a set of prompt questions provided by Edexcel. Part 2: Student talk (1m preparation, plus a talk of 12m) 交谈 The interlocutor gives the student a task card containing a topic, some bullet points to stimulate ideas, and a question relating to the topic. The student is also given some paper and a pen to make notes if they wish. The student has one minute in which to prepare for the talk, during which they may make notes. These notes are collected by the interlocutor at the end of the test and destroyed at the end of the testing day by the centre. They are not assessed. The student is then asked to talk about the given topic. The talk should last no more than two minutes. The student does not need to address all the bullet points, but they are expected to address the specific question on the task card in the allotted time. Part 3: Extended discussion (maximum 5m) 话题延伸 The interlocutor will lead the student into an extended discussion on the presentation topic used in Part 2. The interlocutor will ask questions that start with the more familiar and everyday contexts, and then, with more able students, move on to questions on abstract themes related to the chosen topic. 1 IGCSE ESL口语 培诺教育 上海中心 3. 范例 Part 1: Introductory interview with student (23m) 暖场 In this first part, Id like to ask you some questions about yourself. Lets talk about transport. What form of transport do you and your family usually use? What do you like about it? Is there anything you dislike about it? (Why is that?) What form of transport do you prefer to use for long journeys, for example when you go on holiday? (Why is that?) Part 2: Student talk (1m preparation, plus a talk of 12m) 交谈 Now I am going to give you a task card with a topic and ask you to talk about this topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You are going to talk about living in cities. You can use some or all of the ideas listed below in your talk but you must answer this question: Which city in your country would you prefer to live in and why? You must talk for 1 to 2 minutes. You have 1 minute to think and make notes before your talk begins. Here are some ideas to help you. Architecture Places of Interest Shopping Entertainment Other Part 3: Extended discussion (5m) 话题延伸 We have been talking about living in cities and I would like to ask you some more questions on this topic. What are some of the differences between living in a city and living in the countryside? If you had a choice between living in a city or in the countryside, where would you live? (Why is that?) Which type of person would find it easy living in a city/in the countryside? (Why is that?) What makes a city unpleasant to live in? (Tell me about that.) Why can living in the city be dangerous sometimes? How can we overcome the difficulties of living in cities? Why do so many people choose to live in large cities? What impact does living in a very large city have on people? (Why is that?) What do you think cities of the future will be like? (Tell me about that.) 2