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    I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud赏析.docx

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    I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud赏析.docx

    I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud赏析I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud The Dancing Daffodils I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, commonly known as "Daffodils" or "The Daffodils", is usually considered a classic of English romanticism within poetry, and also Wordsworth's most famous work. It was inspired by an event on April 15, 1802, in which Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy, came across a "long belt" of daffodils. The poem is 24 lines long, consisting of four six-line stanzas. Each stanza is formed by a quatrain. And the poet also makes great use of the “music” of the language to achieve sound beauty in addition to convey meaning. He employs masculine rhyme in “a, b, a, b, c, c” pattern to receive emphasis as a musical effect. The poet wandered lonely as a cloud at the very beginning of the poem, we can feel his depression and disconsolateness as a cloud. Then he encountered a host of golden daffodils “fluttering and dancing in the breeze” and his loneliness turns into relaxation and joy. Thus the shift of the poets mood from sadness to happiness manifests the theme - the great influence of nature upon human being. It is a poem about nature. We come to realize the great power of nature at the delight moment his heart “with pleasure fills ”. The poet fully appreciated the cheerful sight of the dancing daffodils. The image of "Dance" is distinct in the poem, almost throughout the whole Psalm: the dancing daffodils in the first stanza; The sheer number of daffodils in stanza II ; the sparkling waves and the dancing daffodils jointly drew into a pleasing scene in stanza III . These Dancing daffodils has a magical power, makes all the difference. And the beauty of nature has the ability of curing people of trauma. We can also get enlightenment from this poem. Since nature has such a powerful purification power of the heart, we ought to often go to the contact with nature, feel natural. Now people are living in a rapid pace of life in the city with skyscraper cut the sky into pieces, they rarely have the opportunity to go in touch with nature. More than that, people are continuing to pollute the environment, destroy the environment. As modern people, we should handle the relationship between human and nature, and the modern sustainable development is a scientific concept. We can also appreciate our daffodils and feel the beauty of nature as we use our own heart.


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