20句迪斯尼动画经典台词中英对照1. Let your heart guide you. It whisperss, so listen closely. - The Land Before Time 跟随你心的指引吧。它总是低诉着前进的方向,所以请仔细聆听。大脚板走天涯 2. "HAKUNA MATATA".it means no worries - The Lion King “哈库那马塔塔”就是没有烦恼的意思。狮子王 3. The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King 陈年往事固然伤人,但你可以选择从中吸取教训,或者远远地逃离。狮子王 4. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie the Pooh 如果你要活到一百岁,那么我只要活到一百岁差一天,这样我就不用度过没有你陪伴的分分秒秒。小熊维尼 5. Remember: Always let your conscience be your guide. - Pinocchio 记住:要凭着你的良心做事。木偶奇遇记 6. You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew. - Pocahontas 你自以为只有你那样的才算是人类,必须长得像你同你一样思维。但倘若你愿跟随用陌生人的脚步,你就会学到你从不明白的事情。风中奇缘 7. Nothing's impossible. - Alice In Wonderland 没有什么是不可能的。爱丽丝梦游仙境 8. Hmm! Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch and they swim all over you! - Little Mermaid 哼嗯!小屁孩。总是自以为是。得寸进尺,赶明儿就游你头上去了。小美人鱼 9. I'm not worthless - and I don't have fleas. - Aladdin 我可不是一无是处我身上也不带跳蚤。阿拉丁 10. All it takes is Faith and Trust - Peter Pan 只需要一些信仰和信念。彼得·潘 11. Look for the bare necessities - The Jungle Book 找到熊熊的生存之道。丛林王子 12. Dreams can come true! - Cinderella 梦想是可以成真的。灰姑娘 13. A dream is a wish your heart makes - Cinderella 梦想是你的心许下的一个愿望。灰姑娘 14. It's kinda fun to do the impossible - Walt Disney 做一些不可能的事情,其实挺好玩的。华特·迪斯尼 15. To die would be an awefully big adventure - Peter Pan 死亡是一场华丽异常的冒险。彼得·潘 16. The world is my backyard - The Aristocats 世界是我们家后院。猫儿历险记 17. Reach for the sky! - Toy Story 朝天空发射!玩具总动员 18. Even miracles take a little time. - The Fairy Godmother 就算是奇迹也要花点时间才能发生的。仙女教母 19. Keep your chin up, someday there will be happiness again. - Robin Hood 抬起头来吧,幸福快乐终有一天会重临。罗宾汉 20. What do you do when things go wrong? Oh! You sing a song! - Snow White 事情不顺利的时候要怎么办呢?哦,就唱歌吧!白雪公主与七个小矮人