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    14秋英语电影赏析作作业系统-14秋英语电影赏析作业314秋英语电影赏析作业3, gaimeihong1未做完作业单击,下次可以继续做作业; 2做完作业后,单击则作业被提交给教师,提交后作业将无法进行修改,请慎重操作。 3单击可以对未提交的作业进行客观题成绩预算。 题号:1 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:What is Miss Temples married name?选项:a、Mrs. Whitlockb、 Mrs. Blackc、 Mrs. Longfellowd、 Mrs. Nasmyth 题号:2 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Where did Mr Rochester propose to Jane?选项:a、The Libraryb、 The Nurseryc、 The Atticd、 The Garden 题号:3 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:How did Mr Rochesters wife die?选项:a、She stabbed herselfb、 In a firec、 Jumped off the roofd、 Mr Rochester killed her 题号:4 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Who left Jane so many property?选项:a、her uncleb、 her auntc、 her motherd、 her friend题号:5 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Where did the princess and Joe meet for the first time?选项:a、on a bench in the streetb、 at a shopc、 on the busd、 at a conference题号:6 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Where were the princess going to visit except?选项:a、Londonb、 Romec、 Amsterdamd、 Sydney题号:7 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Naughty Mr. Rochester had Mistresses in all of these countries but one. Which one is it?选项:a、Franceb、Germanyc、Irelandd、Italy 题号:8 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:What kind of drink did Joe order for himself when invited the princess?选项:a、orange juiceb、 cold coffeec、 hot coffeed、 champagne题号:9 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:How much did Jane earn as a governess?选项:a、30 poundsb、 40 poundc、 50 poundsd、 60 pounds题号:10 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Where did Joe want the princess to sleep at the first night?选项:a、on bedb、 on the floorc、 on the streetd、 on a couch题号:11 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:What was the ending of the story?选项:a、Jane left Rochester foreverb、 Jane Stayed at Rochesters home as a governessc、 Jane got married with Rochester and had childrend、 Jane died.题号:12 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:What did Joe do?选项:a、bankerb、 reporterc、doctord、 writer题号:13 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:There is a line in the film, " All is not ( ) that glitters.选项:a、medalb、 goldc、 sund、 light题号:14 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Why doesnt Mr. Rochester take off the red cloak after he reveals to Jane that he was the gypsy?选项:a、he forgotb、 it is part of his regular outfitc、 the tie is in a knotd、 it was cold in the room 题号:15 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Where did Jane go after leaving her aunts home?选项:a、Lowoodb、 Thornfieldc、 Wutheringd、 London题号:16 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Where did Jane and Rochester meet?选项:a、on the busb、 at homec、 on a muddy roadd、 in a church题号:17 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:What is strange about Jane saying Go! Your folly sickens me!?选项:a、She is saying it to herselfb、 She is saying it to Mr. Rochesterc、 She is saying it to Adeled、 she is saying it to Mrs. Fairfax 题号:18 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:What was the name of Janes bullying cousin?选项:a、Henryb、 Edwardc、 John Reedd、 St. John Rivers 题号:19 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:What is Miss Temples first name?选项:a、Mariab、 Maryc、 Helend、 Sarah 题号:20 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Who answered Janes advert for employment?选项:a、Mr Rochesterb、 Mr Lloydc、 Mrs Reedd、 Mrs Fairfax 题号:21 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:How many children do Bessie and Robert have?选项:a、4b、1c、3d、2 题号:22 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:How long had Jane and Edward been married at the end of the book?选项:a、2 yearsb、 10 yearsc、 5 yearsd、 15 years 题号:23 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:What was the name of the girl whom Jane was governess to?选项:a、Georgianab、 Adelec、 Maryd、 Helen 题号:24 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Who was the superintendent of Lowood School?选项:a、Miss Smithb、 Miss Scatcherdc、 Miss Templed、 Mr Brocklehurst 题号:25 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Where was Mr Rochester living when Jane returned?选项:a、Moor Cottageb、 The Rochester Armsc、 Ferndeand、 Thornfield Hall


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