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    00600高级英语 中英翻译B5trifles.docx

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    00600高级英语 中英翻译B5trifles.docx

    00600高级英语 中英翻译B5triflesLesson Five Trifles (Part One ) By Susan Glaspell Text Characters人物 George Henderson , county attorney乔治?亨德森,县法官 Henry Peters ,Sheriff亨利?彼得斯,司法官 Lewis Hale, A neighboring farmer路易斯?黑尔,附近的农场主 Mrs. Peters 彼得斯夫人 Mrs.Hale黑尔夫人 Scene场景 The kitchen in the now abandoned(閒置的) farmhouse of John Wright, a gloomy kitchen , and left without having been put in order -unwashed pans under the sink , a loaf of (一條)bread outside the breadbox , a dish towel on the table -other signs of incompleted work. 约翰?赖特的农场里现已闲置的房屋中的厨房。这是一间阴暗的厨房,人离开时尚未收拾整齐洗涤槽下有没洗的煎锅,装面包的盒子外面有一块面包,桌子上有一块擦桌布还有其他未干完活儿的迹象。 At the rear the outer door opens and the sheriff comes in followed by the county attorney and Mr. Hale . 後侧,大门打开,司法官走上,身后跟着县法官和黑尔先生。 The sheriff and Mr. Hale are men in middle life , the county attorney is a young man , all are much bundled up(臃腫) and go at once to the stove . 後侧,大门打开,司法官走上,身后跟着县法官和黑尔先生。司法官和黑尔先生是中年人,县法官是个年轻人,三个人都穿着臃肿,立刻走向炉火。 They are followed by two women -the sheriff s wife first ; she is a slight wiry瘦长却很结实 woman , with a thin nervous face .Mrs. Hale is larger and would ordinarily be called more comfortable looking , but she is disturbed now and looks fearfully about as she enters . The women have come in slowly , and stand close together near the door . 琐事 他们的身后跟着两个女人前面的司法官夫人,她身材略显瘦长却很结实,面庞消瘦,而且紧张不安。后面是黑尔夫人,她身材高大,模样平时还称得上令人愉快,但现在却心烦意乱,一进屋就惊恐地四处张望。两个女人缓缓地走进房间,紧挨在一起站在门边。 County attorney : ( rubbing his hands . ) This feels good . Come up to the fire , ladies . 县法官:这儿感觉不错。到炉火这边来吧,女士们。 Mrs. Peters: ( After taking a step forward . ) I m not - cold . 彼得斯夫人:我不冷。 Sheriff : ( Unbuttoning his overcoat and stepping away from the stove as if to mark the beginning of official business . ) Now, Mr. Hale , before we move things about , you explain to Mr. Henderson just what you saw when you came here yesterday morning . 司法官:黑尔先生,在我们移动任何东西之前,你向亨德森先生讲讲你昨天早晨来这儿时看到的一切。 County attorney : By the way , has anything been moved ? Are things just as you left them yesterday ? 县法官:等一下,有什么东西动过吗?是不是一切都和你昨天离开时一样? Sheriff : ( Looking about ) It s just the same . When it dropped below zero last night I thought I d better send Frank out this morning to make a fire for us -no use getting pneumonia (肺炎)with a big case on , but I told him not to touch anything except the stove -and you know Frank . 司法官:完全一样。昨晚温度降到零度以下时,我想最好派弗兰克今早来给我们生上火,发生大案时得肺炎可没什么好处,可我跟他说除了炉子以外什么也别动你知道弗兰克这个人。 County attorney : Somebody should have been left here yesterday . 县法官:昨天这里应该留下个人。 Sheriff : Oh -yesterday . When I had to send Frank to Morris Center for that man who went crazy -I want you to know I had my hands full yesterday , I knew you could get back from Omaha by today and as long as I went over everything here myself - 司法官:呵昨天。我派弗兰克去莫里斯中心处理那个发疯的人时我想告诉你我昨天手头事儿很多,我知道今天你能从奥马哈赶回来,而且只要我亲自查看了这里的一切 County attorney : Well , Mr. Hale , tell just what happened when you came here yesterday morning . 县法官:好了,黑尔先生,告诉我昨天早晨你来这儿时出了什么事? Mr. Hale : Harry and I had started to town with a load of potatoes . We came along the road from my place and as I got here I said , I m going to see if I cant get John Wright to go in with me on a party telephone (公用電話). 我同哈里带着一车土豆动身进城,从我家出来走到这时,我说我想看看是不是无法让约翰?赖特跟我一起装一部公用电话。 I spoke to Wright about it once before and he put me off , saying floks talked too much anyway , and all he asked was peace and quiet - 我以前跟赖特提过一次,他没回答,只是说不管怎么着人们说话太多了。他想要的只是不受打扰,安安静静。 -I guess you know about how much he talked himself ; but I thought maybe if I went to the house and talked about it before his wife , though I said to Harry that I didnt know as what his wife wanted made much difference to John- 我猜你了解他自己平时说多少话,但我想也许我要是到他家当着他妻子的面跟他谈,尽管我告诉哈里,据我所知妻子的要求不会对约翰起多大作用 County attorney : Lets talk about that later , Mr. Hale . I do want to talk about that , but tell now just what happened when you got to the house . 县法官:这些我们以后再谈,黑尔先生。我的确想了解这些情况,可现在告诉我你进屋后的事情。 Mr. Hale : I didnt hear or see anything ; I knocked at the door , and still it was all quiet inside . I knew they must be up , it was past eight oclock . So I knocked again , and I thought I heard somebody say , Come in . I wasnt sure , I m not sure yet , but I opened the door -this door ( Indicating 指出the door by which the two women are still standing . ) and there in that rocker搖椅 -( pointing to it . ) sat Mrs. Wright . 黑尔先生:我什么都没听见也没看见;我敲了敲门,屋里一点动静都没有。我知道他们已经起床,当时已经八点多了。于是我又敲了敲门。我觉得有人说进来,可又不能肯定,直到现在我也不能肯定。我就打开了门这扇门,赖特夫人就坐在那把摇椅上 ( They all look at the rocker . ) County attorney : What -was she doing ? 县法官:她在干什么? Mr. Hale : She was rocking back and forth . She had her apron圍裙 in her hand and was kind of -pleating it . 黑尔先生:她正在前后摇晃,手里拿着围裙,有点像在编辫子。 County attorney : And how did she -look ? 县法官:她看上去怎么样? Mr. Hale :Well, she looked queer . 她看上去挺古怪。 County attorney : How do you mean -queer ? 县法官:古怪什么意思? Mr. Hale: Well , as if she didnt know what she was going to do next . And kind of done up . 黑尔先生:好像她不知道自己接下来要做什么,而且有点精疲力尽。 County attorney :How did she seem to feel about your coming ? 县法官:对你的到来她看上去有什么感觉? Mr. Hale : Why , I dont think she minded -one way or other . She didnt pay much attention . I said , How do , Mrs. Wright , its cold , aint it ?And she said , Is it ? 黑尔先生:哼,我认为她不在乎在某个方面是这样。她没怎么注意我。我说,好吗?赖特夫人?天真冷啊。她说,是吗? -and went on kind of pleating at her apron . Well , I was surprised ; she didnt ask me to come up to the stove , or to sit down , but just sat there , not even looking at me , 然后接着在围裙上不停地编着。咦,我挺奇怪。她没请我到炉边去或请我坐下,她只是坐在那里,甚至看都不看我一眼。 so I said , I want to see John . and then she -laughed . I guess you would call it a laugh . I thought of Harry and the team outside , so I said a little sharp : Cant I see John ? 于是我说,我要找约翰。可她却大笑起来。我猜你也会把那叫做大笑。我想起外面的哈里和马车,于是有点生气地说,我可以见一见约翰吗? No, she says , kind of dull(遲疑) like . 她样子有点迟疑地说,不行。 Aint he home ? says I . Yes, says she , hes home . 他不在家吗?她说,不,他在家。 then why cant I see him ? I asked her , out of patience .(不耐煩) 我不耐烦地问,那我为什么不能见他? Cause hes dead , says she . Dead? says I . she just nodded her head , not getting a bit excited , but rocking back and forth . 她说因为他死了。我说死了?她只是点点头,一点也不激动,仍然只是前后摇晃着。 Why -where is he ?says I , not knowing what to say . 为什么,他在哪儿?我简直不知说什么好了 She just pointed upstairs -like that . ( Himself pointing to the room above . ) I got up , with the idea of going up there . I walked from there to here -then I says , Why , what did he die of ? 她只是指了指楼上就这样我起身,想着走上去看看,我从那儿走到这儿,然后问到,为什么,他是怎样死的?我问 he died of a rope 繩子round his neck , says she , and just went on pleating at her apron . 她说,是绳子绕在脖子上勒死的。边说边接着编她的围裙。 Well , I went out and called Harry . I thought I might -need help . We went upstairs and there he was lying - 于是,我出去叫哈里,我想我也许需要帮助。我们走到楼上,看到他就躺在那里 County attorney : I think I d rather have you go into that upstairs , where you can point it all out . Just go on now with the rest of the story . 县法官:我想最好让你到楼上讲这部分情况,你在那里可以把一切都指出来,现在接着讲其他的情况吧。 Mr. Hale : Well , my first thought was to get that rope off . It looked ( Stops , his face twitches . ) but Harry , he went up to him , and he said , No, hes dead all right , and wed better not touch anything . so we went back downstairs . 黑尔先生:当时,我第一个想法就是将绳子拿下来,那看上去可是哈里,他走到他跟前,说道,不,他确实已经死了,我们最好哪儿也别碰。于是我们又回到楼下 she was still sitting that way . Has anybody been notified ? I asked . No, says she , unconcerned . 她仍然像刚才一样坐在那里。我问,通知什么人了吗?她漠不关心地回答,没有。 Who did this , Mrs. Wright ? says Harry . He said it businesslike -and she stopped pleating of her apron . : I dunno, she says . 哈里问,是谁干的,赖特夫人?他问话时就像执行公务她答道,不知道。 You dont know ? says Harry . No, says she . Werent you sleeping in the bed with him ? says Harry . 哈里问,你没跟他睡在一张床上? Yes, says she , but I was on the inside . 她说,不是,可我睡在里面。 somebody slipped a rope round his neck and strangled(勒死) him and you didnt wake up ? says Harry . 哈里问,有人把绳子系在他的脖子上勒死了他,可你却没有醒? I didnt wake up , she said after him . We must have looked as if we didnt see how that could be , for after a minute she said , I sleep sound . 睡得很死 她重复着他的话说,我没醒。我们当时准是看上去无法理解这怎么可能,因为过了一会她又说,我睡得很死。 Harry was going to ask her more questions but I said maybe we ought to let her tell her story first to the coroner 驗屍官or the sheriff , 哈里还想再问她更多的问题,可我说也许该让她先把事情讲给验尸官或司法官听 so Harry went fast as he could to Rivers s place , where theres a telephone . 于是哈里以最快的速度赶到了雷佛斯家,那里有一部电话。 County attorney : And what did Mrs. Wright do when she knew that you had gone for the coroner ? 县法官:赖特夫人知道你们去叫验尸官后做了些什么? Mr. Hale : She moved from that chair to this one over here . ( pointing to a small chair in the corner . ) and just sat there with her hands held together and looking down . 黑尔先生:她从那把椅子上移到这边的这把上。坐在那里双手握在一起,两眼看着下边。 I got a feeling that I ought to make some conversation , so I said I had come in to see if John wanted to put in a telephone , and at that she started to laugh , and then she stopped an looked at me -scared . ( The county attorney , who has had his notebook out , makes a note . ) 我有种感觉应该说点儿什么,于是我说我来是看看约翰是否愿意装一部电话,她听后大笑起来,然后停下来注视着我神色惊慌。 I dunno , maybe it wasnt scared . I wouldnt like to say it was . Soon Harry got back , and then Dr. Lloyd came , and you , Mr. Peters , and so I guess thats all I know that you dont . 我不知道,也许那不是惊慌,我不想说那是惊慌。不久哈里回来了,劳埃德医生也来了,还有你和彼得斯先生,所以我想这就是我所知道的所有你们不知道的事情。 County attorney : ( Looking around . ) I guess well go upstairs first -and then out to the barn (谷倉)and around there . ( To the sheriff. ) Youre convinced that there was nothing important here -nothing that would point to any motive .動機 县法官:我想我们先上楼,然后最先到谷仓和房子周围看看。你相信这儿没有任何重要的东西任何能说明有某种动机的东西。 Sheriff : Nothing here but kitchen things . 司法官:这儿除了厨房用品什么也没有。 ( The county attorney , after again looking around the kitchen , opens the door of a cupboard closet 食品壁橱. He gets up on a chair and looks on a shelf . Pulls his hand away , sticky . 尴尬 ) County attorney : Heres a nice mess . 县法官:这里乱七八糟。 ( The women draw nearer . ) Mrs Peters (to the other woman . ) Oh , her fruit ; it did freeze . ( to the county attorney . ) She worried about that when it turned so cold . She said the fired go out and her jars would break . 彼得斯夫人:哎呀,她的水果,果真冻坏了。天变得这么冷,她就担心这个。她说炉火会熄灭的,她的罐子就会冻破。 Sheriff : Well , can beat the women !真拿女我沒法 Held for murder and worrying about her preserves . 罐頭 司法官:好了,真拿女人没办法。因为谋杀被关了起来反倒担心她的水果罐头。 County attorney : I guess before were through she may have something more serious than preserves to worry about . 县法官:我猜想在我们干完之前她可能还有比水果更重要的东西要担心。 Mr. Hale : Well , women are used to worrying over trifles . 黑尔先生:唉,女人总是习惯于为琐事担忧 ( The two women move a little closer together . ) 两个女人靠得更近了一些) county attorney ( With the gallantry果敢 of a young politician . ) and yet , for all their worries , what would we do without the ladies ? 县法官:然而,尽管她们有此担忧,可没有女士我们又能做些什么呢? ( The women do not unbend . He goes to the sink , takes a dipperful of water from the pail 水桶and pouring it into a basin , washes his hands . (两个女人神情并未松弛。他走到洗涤槽前,从水桶里舀出一大勺水倒进盆中,洗完手, Starts to wipe them on the roller towel , turns it for a cleaner place . ) Dirty towels !( Kicks his foot against the pans under the sink . ) Not much of a housekeeper , would you say , ladies ? 开始用环状毛巾擦手,转动毛巾寻找一块比较干净的地方)肮脏的毛巾。不是个很会管家的好主妇,女士们,你们说呢? Mrs. Hale : ( Stiffly . ) There s a great deal of work to be done on a farm . 黑尔夫人:一个农场中有很多很多的活儿要干。 County attorney : To be sure . And yet ( with a little bow to her . ) I know there are some Dickson county farmhouses which do not have such roller towels . 县法官:一点儿不错。据我所知,迪克逊县有些农场的住户不使用这样的环状毛巾。 ( He gives it a pull to expose its full length again . ) (他拉一下毛巾以再次使它全部展开) Mrs. Hale : Those towels get dirty awful quick . Mens hands arent always as clean as they might be . 黑尔夫人:那些毛巾脏得特别快。男人并不总是尽量让手上干干净净。 County attorney : Ah , loyal to your sex , I see . But you and Mrs. Wright were neighbors . I suppose you were friends , too . 县法官:哈哈,忠实于你们妇女,我明白了。你与赖特夫人是邻居,但猜想你们也是朋友吧。 Mrs. Hale : ( Shaking her head . ) I ve not seen much of her of late years . I ve not been in this house -its more than a year . 黑尔夫人:近年来我们见面不多。我一直没进过这所房子已经一年多了。 County attorney : And why was that ? You didnt like her ? 县法官:为什么会这样?你不喜欢她吗? Mrs. Hale : I liked her all well enough . Farmers wives have their hands full , Mr. Henderson . And then - 黑尔夫人:她这个人我确实很喜欢。农场主的妻子总是特别忙。亨德森先生 County attorney : yes -? 县法官:什么? Mrs. Hale : (looking about )It never seemed a very cheerful place . 黑尔夫人:这儿似乎从来就不是个令人愉快的地方。 County attorney : No-its not cheerful . I shouldnt say she had the homemaking instinct . 县法官:是的,这里并不令人愉快。我应该说她没有持家的天性。 Mrs. Hale : Well , I dont know as Wright had , either . 黑尔夫人:我认为赖特也没有。 County attorney : You mean that they didnt get on very well ? 县法官:你的意思是他们相处得不太好? Mrs Hale : No, I dont mean anything . But I dont think a placed be any cheerfuller for John Wrights being in it . 黑尔夫人:不,我并没有任何意思。我认为约翰?赖特住的地方不会更令人愉快 County attorney : I d like to talk more of that a little later . I want to get the lay of things upstairs now . 县法官:我想过会儿再继续谈这个问题。现在我要看看楼上的情况。 (He goes to the left , where three steps lead to a stair door . ) 他走到左边,那儿有三个梯级通向楼梯的门) Sheriff : I suppose anything Mrs. Peters does ll be all right . She was to take in some clothes for her , you know , and a few little things. We left in such a hurry yesterday . 司法官:我想彼得斯夫人做什么事情都可以,她要为她取一些衣服,你知道,还有一些小玩意儿。我们昨天太匆忙了。 County attorney : Yes , but I would like to see what you take , Mrs Peters ,and keep an eye out for anything that might be of use to us . 县法官:是的。但我想要看看你拿的东西,彼得斯夫人,请睁大眼睛注意可能对我们有用的任何东西。 Mrs. Peters : Yes , Mr. Henderson . 彼得斯夫人:好的,亨德森先生。 ( The women listen to the mens steps on the stairs , then look about the kitchen . ) 两个女人听着男人们的脚步声走上楼梯,然后在厨房里四处打量) Mrs. Hale : I d hate men coming into my kitchen , snooping around and criticizing . 黑尔夫人:我不喜欢男人进我的厨房,四处窥探,说三道四。 ( she arranges the pans under sink which the county attorney had shoved out of place . ) Mrs. Peters : Of course its no more than their duty . 彼得斯夫人:当然,那不过是他们的职责。 Mrs. Hale : Dutys all right , but I guess that deputy sheriff that came out to make fire might have a little of this on . 黑尔夫人:职责我并不反对,可我猜想来生炉火的助理司法官可能已经让它变得更脏了。 ( Gives the roller towel a pull . ) Wish I d though of that sooner . Seems mean to talk about her for not having things slicked up when she had to come away in such a hurry . 真希望我能早点儿想到这点,似乎有意要说她在不得不那样匆忙离开家时没有把东西收拾整洁。


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