高级英语LessonDisappearing Through the Skylight 词汇.docx
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高级英语LessonDisappearing Through the Skylight 词汇.docx
高级英语Lesson Disappearing Through the Skylight 词汇Lesson 6 Disappearing Through the Skylight 词汇(Vocabulary) skylight (n.) : a window in a roof or ceiling天窗 thermodynamics (n.) : the branch of physics dealing with the reversible transformation of heat into other forms or energy,esp. mechanical energyand with the laws governing such conversions of energy热力学 genetics (n.) : the branch of biology that deals with heredity and variation in similar or related animals and plants 遗传学 mutation (n.) : a change,as in form,nature,qualities,etc.(在形式、本质等上)变化 discredit (v.) : reject as untrue;disbelieve不相信;怀疑 corollary (n.) : an inference or deduction推理,推论 homogeneous (adj.) : of the same race or kind同类的,同族的 clarity (n.) : the quality or condition of being clear;clearness明晰;清辙 streamline (v.) : design or construct with a contour that offers the least resistance in moving through air,water,etc把制成流线型 asset (n.) : anything owned that has exchange value;a valuable or desirable thing to have财产;有交换价值的占有物;有价值的东西 cylinder (n.) : the chamber in which the piston moves in a reciprocating engine 汽缸 carburetor (n.) : an apparatus for carbureting air or gas;eapa device in which air is mixed with gasoline spray to make an explosive mixture in an internalcombustion engine化油器,汽化器;碳化器 transmission (n.) : the part of an automobile,truck,etcthat transmits motive force from the engine to the wheels,usually by means of gears or hydraulic cylinders传动;变速器 1 mall (n.) : a completely enclosed,air-conditioned shopping center密闭式空调商场 cosmopolitan (adj.) : common to or representative of all or many parts of the world;not national or local世界主义的,属于世界的;不限于国家或地区范围的 imperative (n.) : a binding or compelling rule,duty, requirement,etc规则;义务;要求;必须履行的责任 catastrophe (n.) : a disastrous end,bringing overthrow or ruin;any great and sudden calamity,disaster or misfortune 悲惨的结局;毁灭;骤然而来的大灾难 reminisce (v.) : think,talk,or write about remembered events or experiences追忆往事;怀旧 blasphemy (n.) :profane or contemptuous speech,writing。or action concerning God or anything held as divine:any remark or action held to be irreverent or disrespectful渎神,亵渎(上帝或圣物);辱骂,谩骂 rehabilitation (n.) : the restoration to reputation,rank,etc恢复(名誉、地位等);雪耻 plasticity (n.) : state or quality of being easily shaped or moulded可塑性;适应性 insubstantial (adj.) : not substantial;not real;imaginary;not solid or firm非物质的;无实体的;想象的;不结实的 undermine (v.) : wear away at the base or foundation; injure;weaken削弱的基础;伤害;削弱 molecule (n.) : smallest unit into which a substance can be divided without a change in its chemical nature分子 galaxy (n.) : any of innumerable large groupings of stars, typically containing millions to hundreds of billions of stars星系 artifact (n.) : any object made by human work人工制品 skepticism (n.) : doubting attitude怀疑态度 particle (n.) : a piece of matter so small as to be considered without magnitude though having inertia and the force of attraction粒子;质点 2 juxtaposition (n.) : the act of placing,or the state of being placed,side by side or close together并列,并置 collage (n.) : an art form in which bits of objects,as newspapers,cloth,pressed flowers,etc,are pasted together on a surface in incongruous relationship for their symbolic or suggestive effect美术拼贴(在画面上拼贴报纸、布、压平的花等互不相干的碎片的艺术形式) ad hoc (Latin) : for this specific parpose;for a special case only,without general application为此目的;特别,特定 static (adj.) : not moving or progressing;at rest;inactive;stationary静止的;不活动的;固定的 virtuosity (n.) : great technical skill in some fine art,esp in the performance or music,interest in or taste for the fine arts;esp,a sensitive but amateur interest(音乐演奏的)精湛技艺;对艺术的爱好(或浅薄涉猎) lacy (adj.) : of lace;like lace有花边的;花边状的 etch (v.) : engrave(a metal plate,glass,etc)by the action of an acid,espby coating the surface with wax and letting acid eat into the lines or areas laid bare with a special needle蚀镂,蚀刻(图案、图画等) assertive (adj.) : marked by or expressing forceful statements or claims肯定的,断定的,武断的 bulldozer (n.) : a large,shovellike blade on the front of a tractor for pushing or moving earth,debris,etc,a tractor with such a blade推土铲;推土机 truss (n.) : an architectural bracket or modillion;a bundle or pack构架,托座;束,捆,扎 bleary (adj.) : dim or blurred as the eyes are from lack of rest or when one first awakens睡眼惺忪的;(视力)朦胧的 malice (n.) : active川will;desire to harm another or to do mischief敌意;怨恨 granite (n.) : a very hard,crystalline,plutonic rock,gray to pink in color,consisting of feldspar,quartz,and smaller amounts of dark ferromagnesian minerals花岗岩 3 vault (n.) : a secure room,often with individual safedeposit boxes。for the safe keeping of valuables or moneyas in a bank(银行等的)保险库;贵重物品储藏处 slotmachine : a machine,as a vending machine,worked by inserting a coin in a slot投入一枚硬币即自行开动的机器(如自动售货机) trailer (n.) : a cart,wagon,or large van,designed to be pulled by an automobile,truck,or tractor,for hauling freight 拖车,挂车 transaction (n.) : something transacted事务(尤指交易、协议) haze (n.) : a thin vapor of fog,smoke,dust,etc,in the air that reduces visibility阴霾,薄雾 - 短语 (Expressions) in the fullness of time: at the appropriate or right time;eventually 在适当的时候,时机成熟时,终于 例: Im sure hell tell us whats bothering him in the fullness of time.我肯定他会在适当的时候告诉我们他的困扰的。 in the middle distance : the normal distance for the eye to observe objects通常肉眼看到物体的距离 例: The building is in the middle distance,so we can see it clearly.楼房跟我们距离适中,我们能很清晰地看到 4