面试问答 对上一份工作有什么不满意的地方.docx
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面试问答 对上一份工作有什么不满意的地方.docx
面试问答 对上一份工作有什么不满意的地方What didnt you like about your previous job? (Q&A) 你对上一份工作有什么不满意的地方? There was a lack of growth opportunities, as the company wasquite small. One of the reason I am so interested in yourcompany is that it is much bigger organization with formalcareer planning structures in place. 公司规模太小,缺少成长空间。我对贵公司感兴趣的原因之一就是,贵公司是一个规模较大的公司,并且有职业规划体系。 There was very little opportunity for me to use my initiative. I regard this as one of my strengths. Ifound it frustrating that I was unable to get past the bureaucracy of such a big company toimplement any improvements. This is why I am enthusiastic about working for a smaller companylike this one, which I know will encourage employees to use their initiative. 过去很少有机会能让我运用自己的自主能力。我将这种能力视为我的优势之一。我发现在大公司,我根本无法与官僚主义抗衡做出贡献时,我很失望。这就是我希望在一个像贵公司这样较小型的公司工作的原因,因为规模较小的公司都鼓励员工发挥他们的自主能力。 Ive given this question some thought, and overall Ive been very satisfied with my jobs. Ive beenable to work with some really interesting people. But I have to say that I did have a job wherethere was an inordinate amount of paperwork. Because working with people is my strength, thepaperwork really bogged me down at times. 针对这个问题,我思考过很多次,整体来说,我很满意我之前的工作。我可以和一些很有趣的人一起工作,但是我必须要说,我工作中的文书工作实在是多得不合常理。与人打交道是我的特长,但是文书工作常常让我陷入僵局。 As a fresh face in the working world, the company offers a great opportunity for a good entry levelposition. However, after being there for so many years, I felt I was not able to reach my fullpotential because the lack of challenges. I also didnt think there was room for advancement in thecompany. I did enjoy working there and appreciate the skills I developed while with the company.But I feel my skill set can be better utilized elsewhere, where my capabilities are more recognizedand there is the opportunity for growth. 作为一个职场新人,公司提供了一个很好的入门级工作机会。但是工作这么多年后,我发现我没法充分发挥自己的潜能,因为缺少挑战。我也不认为在公司有上升空间。我喜欢在那里工作,我也感激在那里学到的技能。但是我觉得我的技能在别处能得到更好的利用,同时我的能力也会受赏识,我也更有成长空间。