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    雅思写作范文my favourite magazine.docx

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    雅思写作范文my favourite magazine.docx

    雅思写作范文my favourite magazine 最权威的国际教育服务平台 雅思写作范文:my favourite magazine Whats your favorite magazine? Mine is easily teen vogue (even though I also subscribe to Lucky, seventeen and instyle). I love love love their fashion spreads, celebrity interviews, articles and just the whole thing. Its a treat to get in the mail each month. On a different note Im very interested in signing up for WWD (womens wear daily) its a fashion newspaper thats delivered to your house 5 times a week (its not like a magazine though, it covers the busniess aspect of fashion). It sounds really cool. To be honest, my first magazine was probably Highlights, a kids magazine that taught me about animals and letters and seemed to always have a hot air balloon, or something of the sort, on the cover. From there, I moved on to whatever my mom kept in the bathroom, primarily Reader's Digest, which sucked me in with its "Drama in Real Life" feature and the jokes used as space-fillers after articles. As I grew older and had my choice in magazines, I began reading RELEVANT magazine, GOOD, Paste magazine and Real Simple. After reading plenty of national magazines and working for local ones, my consistent favorite is Real Simple magazine. It's simple. Really. 资料来源:教育优选 最权威的国际教育服务平台 Every time I get it in the mail, it sits on our kitchen table for a couple of days before I have time to even open it, and I just admire the cover. I can't think of another magazine with the ability to make me giddy month after month just by gazing at that cover. Maybe it's a vintage chair by a hanging red dress in a perfectly organized closet. Perhaps it's a shoejust one shoeand a handbag. Whatever it may display on a given month, the cover of Real Simple is always stunning. And it doesn't end there. Once I'm thoroughly entranced by the front and finished impatiently waiting for an available moment, I actually get to enjoy the magazine cover-to-cover. I love the tidbits and tips that make me smile and then make my life a little easier. Really? I can store my jewelry in an ice cube tray? I can take a scratch out of a wood floor by rubbing a walnut over it, releasing its natural oils? Thank you, Real Simple. Thank you very much. 资料来源:教育优选


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