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    裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第11课.docx

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    裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第11课.docx

    裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第11课Lesson 11 0ne good turn deserves another 礼尚往来 Who paid for Tony's dinner? I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. 'I have never borrowed any money from you,' Tony said, 'so now you can pay for my dinner!' 参考译文 我正在一家饭馆吃饭,托尼.斯蒂尔走了进来。托尼曾在一家律师事务所工作,而现在正在一家银行上班。他的薪水很高,但他却总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还。托尼看见了我,就走过来和我坐到一张桌子前。他从未向我借过钱。当他吃饭时,我提出向他借20英镑。令我惊奇的是,他立刻把钱给了我。“我还从未向你借过钱,”托尼说道,“所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了!” 1 turn t:n n.行为,举止 2 deserve di'z:v v.应得到,值得 3 lawyer 'l:j n.律师 4 bank bæk n.银行 5 salary 'sælri n.工资 6 immediately i'mi:ditli ad.立刻 一、单词讲解 turn v. turn on; turn off turn on the light 打开灯 turn off the light 关掉灯 turn on the TV 打开电视 turn off the TV 关掉电视 turn on the tap 打开水龙头 turn off the tap 关掉水龙头 turn down 调小一些 turn up 调大一些 turn over 翻身 turn round 转过身来 turn around 转过身来 take sb down/let sb down 让.失望 eg. Don't turn your mother country down. 不要让祖国失望。 eg. Don't turn your parents down. 不要让父母失望。 eg. Don't turn yourself down. 不要让自己失望。 turn sth down 拒绝某事 turn my plan down 拒绝我的计划 turn my help down 拒绝我的帮助 turn against 背叛 eg. I'll never turn against my motherland. 我永远不会背叛我的祖国。 turn n. 1) 举止,行为 eg. Oh, good turn. 干得不错。 2) 轮流,顺序 eg. I knew that my turn had come. 我知道这回轮到我了。 eg. They are on duty in turn. 他们在轮流值班。 deserve v. 应得的,值得 eg. You deserve it . 你应得的。/ 活该。 or: You are worthy of it. eg. I don't deserve you. 我配不上你。 eg. I don't deserve that. 不敢当。 eg. One good turn deserves another. 礼尚往来。 eg. Joe deserves the top prize. 乔应该得到一等奖。 worth adj. 值得的 be worth doing 值得做 eg. The film is worth seeing the second time. 这部电影值得再看一遍。 eg. The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。 be worthy of 值得.的,足以.的 be worthy of praise / be worthy to be praised 值得被表扬的 worthwhile adj. 值得花时间、金钱的,值得做的 a worthwhile task 一件值得做的工作 lawyer (law) n. 律师 需要保守秘密的行业: secretary 'sekrtri 秘书 lawyer 律师 priest 牧师 bank n. 银行,河岸 eg. Why is a river so rich? 为什么说一条河这么富有? Because it has two banks. 因为河有两家银行。 eg. I'm going to bank some money. 我准备去银行存钱。 名词用作动词表示"去银行存款" bank holiday (Br.) 一般公休日 (Am.) 法定银行假日 banker 银行家 salary 工资 salary-one's privacy (age, weight, salary, marital 'mæritl status 'steits, .) income n. 收入 salary 月薪 wage 周薪 bonus 'buns 奖金,红包 pay 雇主定期付给的工资 eg. Today is pay-day. 今天是发工资的日子。 pay-day 发工资的日子 wage earner 体力劳动者 salary man 专业人员,办公室人员 nine-to-fiver 有固定工作的人;朝九晚五的白领 an annual salary 年薪 basic salary 基本工资 a fat salary / a high salary /a good salary 高薪 a poor salary / a low salary 低薪 a meager 'mi:g salary 微薄的薪水 immediately adv. 立即,马上 同义短语:at once, right away, straight away, quickly, promptly immediate adj. 立刻的,很快的 an immediate answer 立即答复 take immediate action 立即采取行动 an immediate cause 直接原因 an immediate boss 直属上司 二、关键句型Key Structures 现在进行时:be+ v. ing 例: It is raining now. 正在下雨呢。 一般现在时:通常是V. 原型 例: Do you always get up so late? 你总是起这么晚么? 一般过去时: V. +ed或不规则变化 例:What happened?发生什么事了? 现在完成时:have/has + V. ed或不规则变化 例:What has happened? 已经发生什么事了? 过去进行时: was/were十 v. ing 例: What were you doing when I telephone? 我打电话时你在干什么? 被动语态: be +v. ed或不规则变化 例:It was made in Germany. 它在德国制造。 Exercise用正确的时态填空 l)He usually _(get) up at 7 0' clock, but this morning he (get)up at 6. 他总在7点起床,但今天他6点起床了。 答案为gets got 2) So far, we (not have) a reply. 目前为止,我们还没有个答复。 答案为have not had 3) While he _(write) on the blackboard, the children_(talk) . 当他在黑板上写字的时候,孩子们在说话。 答案为was writing, were talking 4) I can't come now. At the moment I_(type)a letter. 我现在不能来,我正在打一封信。 答案为am typing 5) As the royal visitors _(pass),the people cheered. 当王室参观者经过时,人们欢呼起来 答案为were Passing或者为passed。因为主句为一般过去时,从句必须也要用过去的时态。 三、课文讲解Text I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in 用过去进行时表示过去某时动作正在发生,描述故事背景 dinner 正餐 have breakfast have lunch have supper have dinner have a meal 吃一顿饭 Tony worked in a lawyers office years ago, but he is now working at a bank in + 大地方 in Tokyo 在东京 at + 小地方 at the theatre 但也不是绝对的,比如文中的在律师事务所in a lawyers office He gets a good salary ,but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back 表示工资很高可以用 a good/ a high / a fat salary 工资很低可以用 a poor / a low salary 关于借东西的短语: borrow 借入 borrow sth from sb lend 借出 lend sth to sb / lend sb sth借给某人东西 payback 还钱 pay-paid-paid pay money for为付款 pay for 付款 pay back 还钱 = return the amount of money pay off 还清 pay off the debt 还清债务 eg. I paid 29 yuan for this NCE book. 我花29 元买了这本新概念英语。 eg. I paid 100,000 yuan for this car. 这辆车我花了十万元。 eg. I'll pay you back. 我会还你钱的/ 我会报复你的。 An eye for eye, a tooth for tooth. 一眼还眼,以牙还牙。 payback 还钱 表花费的词: spend time/money/energy on sth / (in) doing sth 在花时间/金钱/精力,在某事上/用来做某事 cost v. 花费 cost-cost- cost take It takes sb some time to do sth. 做某事花某人时间 It took sb some time to do sth. 已做某事花了某人时间 eg. It takes me 20 minutes to go to work every day. 每天去上班花费我20分钟。 return 归还 eg. Will you return my key to the car? 你把车钥匙还给我,好吗? return + n. + to 把还给某人;把归还某处 eg. You should return the book to the shelf after you read it.读完书后把书放回到架子上去。 repay 1) 偿还,还钱 eg. He has not repaid me $ 10 yet. 他还没还我10 美元呢。 2) 报答,回报 eg. I will repay her for her kindness. or: I will repay her kindness. 我会报答她的好意的。 Tony saw me and came and Sat at the same table (一连串动作) eg. The old lady saw me and came and gave m e a bear hug. 老太太看见我走过来给我一个热烈的拥抱。 sat at the same table 同桌进餐 sit at table 吃饭 sit at the table 坐在桌旁 He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. ask sb to do sth 让某人做某事 lend sb sth 借给某人某物 lend me twenty pounds 借给我20 英镑 To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. to my surprise 令我吃惊的是 to my joy 令我高兴的是 to my sorrow 令我伤心的是 to my disappointment 令我失望的是 to one's + n. 令某人的是 Special difficulties 1. 语序:有些动词的后面用动词不定式作宾语时,往往要在动词后面先加上一个名词或代词。 eg. I ask him to lend me twenty pounds. him是不定式to lend的逻辑主语 eg. He wants me to ask you a question. eg. Frank helped Tom to dig this hole. eg. She taught her son to read. eg. We advise them to stay at home. eg. They did not allow us to enter the museum before 9 o'lock. 总结: want sb to do sth ask sb to do sth allow sb to do sth help sb to do sth or: help sb do sth beg sb to do sth teach sb to do sth advise sb to do sth expect sb to do sth 练习 将括号内的词用正确的语序排好: 1) The officer ordered ( to fire, at the enemy, the men ) The officer ordered the men to fire at the enemy. 2) He wants ( his wife, this dress, to wear ) He wants his wife to wear this dress. 3) She wants ( us, it, to explain) She wants us to explain it. 4) I cannot allow ( the room, him, to enter) I cannot allow him to enter the room. 2. salary 月薪 wages 周薪 eg. He collects his salary at the end of each month. 他每个月末领取工资。 eg. The workmen collected their wages at the end of the week. 工人们每周末领取工资。 3. borrow 借进来 lend 借出去 eg. He has never borrowed any money from me. eg. I asked him to lend me $20. I asked him to lend $20 to me. 练习;用恰当的词填空 salary, wages, borrow, lend 1) He is a book manager and he gets a good salary. 2) I lent him some money and he said he would give it back to me when he got his salary/wages. 3) Yesterday he borrowed my laptop (手提电脑). I hope he returns it soon.答案:borrowed laptop放到腿上比较轻便的东两,于是laptop就成为手提电脑的意思。 4) The postmen are on strike again. They want higher wages. 5) Workmen's wages have gone up a lot in the last year.去年工人的工资上涨了很多 四、练习 Exercises l. Tony is working at a bank_. A. at the moment B. a year ago C. since last year D. for a year 分析: B选项表示一年前,搭配一般过去时; C表示从去年以来; D表示有一年时间他们搭配现在完成时; A表示此刻眼下,可以试用现在进行时。 答案是A. 2. He gets a good salary. His salary is very_. A. good B. well C. fine D. beautiful 分析:修饰工资用good 答案为A B表示健康的; C表示良好的,美好的; D表示漂亮的 3. Tony must pay the money back. He must _. A. pay it again B. pay it C. repay it D. pay to co once more 分析:A表示再次付款; B表示付钱,付清; D表示再次付款pay it again相当子pay to once more。 答案为C表示偿还欠款或者债务 4. I have devoted four weekends to writing papers and now I feel I _a rest. 我花了四个周末写论文,现在我要休息一下 分析: A表示应该得到: 答案为A B表示保护维持:C表示理解领悟: D表示受到,通常指受到物品时的动作。 六、补充内容 量词 1. a mop of非正式用法一团 例:She had a mop of black hair. 她有一头蓬乱的黑发。 mop n. 拖把;蓬乱的头发V. 用拖把拖洗:擦干 2. a mouthful of 口; 一点 例: Having a mouthful of breakfast, she hurried out. 他吃了一点早饭就匆匆出去了。


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