英语前言致 读 者 语言是人类沟通思想最直接的工具,是人类相互交流的必要手段。而英语,因其应用普遍性,成为国际上最通用的语言。在世界全球化和信息化时代人,英语的显得更为重要。 许多儿童教育家和心理学家经过多年的潜心研究,普遍认为英语学习的最佳时机是在儿童阶段,特别是612岁。英国剑桥大学的语言专家,经过长时间的广泛调查和研究,专门为非英语国家的少年儿童学习英语设计出了新的学习系统-“芭芭英语”。 为了进一步保证“芭芭英语”的教学质量,安徽文达教育集团开发有限公司开发这套芭芭英语新版教材。经多位名师评审之后一致认为,新版教材在内容上更加贴近“芭芭英语”的培养目标,教学方式更加灵活,符合儿童的心理特点,整个教学过程更能激发儿童学习英语的兴趣,并为他们今后的继续提高打下坚实的基础。希望这套教材有助于提高少年儿童的英语水平,增强他们在末来的社会中的竞争能力。 文达教育集团开发有限公司 Human language is to communicate the most direct tool, is a necessary means of human interaction.English, because of the application of universal, become the most common language.In the world of globalization and information era, English is more important. Many children's educators and psychologists after years of painstaking research, is generally believed that English learning is the best time in childhood, especially 6 12 years old.University of Cambridge language experts, after a long time of extensive investigation and research, specifically for the non-English speaking children learning English to design a new learning system - - - - - - "Baba". In order to further guarantee "Baba" in English teaching quality, Anhui Wenda Education Group Development Company Limited development of this set of "Baba" new edition teaching material english.The number of teachers evaluation after that, new edition teaching material content closer to the "Baba" in English training target, teaching method is more flexible, consistent with the psychological characteristics of children, the whole process of teaching can stimulate children's interest in learning English, and for their future continue to improve and lay a solid foundation.I hope this set of teaching materials to help improve children's English level, enhance their at the end to the society competition ability. Wenda education group development limited company