船舶驾驶员实用英语口语 .docx
船舶驾驶员实用英语口语 Lesson Six Acquiring and Providing Information on VHF 在甚高频上询问与提供信息 Dialog A: Ships Particulars 对话1: 船舶细节 Yokohama Radio: 横滨台: M/V Yu Long: “育龙”船: Yokohama Radio: 横滨台: M/V Yu Long: “育龙”船: Dialog B: 对话2: M/V Nathan: Please tell you ships particulars, over. 请告诉你船船舶细节,请讲。 LOA, 121metres. Breadth, 20.6metres. TGT 12,800 tons, draft forward 7.5metres. draft aft 8.5metres. Over. 总长121米,宽20.6米,总吨12800吨,前吃水7.5米,后吃水8.5米,请讲。 What is your intention of calling this port? Over. 你船靠该港意图是什么?请讲。 We are calling at this port for replenishment of fuel oil. Over. 我们靠该港的目的是加燃油,请讲。 Changing Channel 转换频道 Kobe Radio, Kobe Radio. This is M/V Nathan, M/V Nathan. Singal strength 2. Advise you change channel 12, over. “内森”船: 神户台,这是“内森”船。信号较弱,建议换到12频道,请讲。 Kobe Radio: Positive. Over. 神户台: 同意,请讲。 M/V Nathan: “内森”船: Kobe Radio: 神户台: M/V Nathan: “内森”船: Dialog C: 对话3: Hong Kong Radio: 香港台: M/V Jin Jiang: “金江”船: Hong Kong Radio: 香港台: Kobe Radio, Kobe Radio. This is M/V Nathan, M/V Nathan. How do you read me? Over. 神户台,这是“内森”船信号强度如何?请讲。 Signal strength 2, There is a crosstalk. Advise you change channel 26. Over. 信号强度2,有串线,建议改到26信道,请讲。 Negative. Reason, I do not have Channel 26. Over. 不同意,理由是我没有26信道,请讲。 Port of Call, Destination 挂港与目的港 What was your last port of call? Over. 你上一次挂港是哪里?请讲。 My last port of call was Dalian, over. 我上一次挂靠大连,请讲。 What will be your destination? Over. 你的目的港呢?请讲。 M/V Jin Jiang: My destination will be London, over. “金江”船: 我的目的港是伦敦,请讲。 Hong Kong Radio: What is your ETA at Hong Kong? Over. 香港台: 你预抵香港的时间是多少?请讲。 M/V Jin Jiang: My ETA at Hong Kong July 1st, 1700 local time. “金江”船: 我预抵香港的时间是当地时间x月x日1700时。 Practical Expressions 实用表达方式 1. What is your name, call sign? 你船船名,呼号是什么? What is your identification? 你船识别是什么? 2. What is your flag state? 你船船籍国是哪? What is your port of registry? 你船注册港是哪? 3. What is your position? 你船船位在哪? 4. What is your present course and speed? 你船现在的航向和航速是多少? My course 185°, speed 20 knots. 我船航向185°,航速20节。 5. From what direction are you approaching? 你船从什么方向进港? I am approaching from northeast. 我船从东北方向进入。 6. What is your destination? 你船目的港是哪? My destination is Liverpool. 我船目的港是利物浦。 7. What was your departure? 你船的始发港是哪? My departure was London. 我船始发港是伦敦。 8. What was your last port of call? 你船上次挂靠哪一港? My last port of call was Chiba. 我船上次挂靠千叶港。 9. What is your ETA in position 35°50N, 121°05E? 你船预抵35°50N,121°05E处时间是多少? My ETA in position 35°50N 121°05E, 0900 hours local time. 我船预抵35°50N,121°05E处的时间是当地时间0900时。 10. What is your draft forward? 你船的前吃水是多少? What is your draft aft? 你船的后吃水是多少? 11. What is your maximum draft? 你船最大吃水是多少? My maximum draft in summer is 12metres. 我船夏季最大吃水是12米。 My maximum draft in fresh water is 13metres. 我船最大淡水吃水是13米。 12. What is your freeboard? 你船干舷高是多少? My freeboard is 5metres. 我船干舷高5米。 13. What is your air draft? 你船空高是多少? My air draft is 15metres. 我船空高15米。 What is your LOA? 你船总长是多少? LOA 105 m. 总长105米。 What is your LBP (Length between perpendiculars)? 你船的垂线间距是多少? LBP 121 m. 垂线间距121米。 Whats your LPP? 你船两柱间长度多少? LPP 113 m. 两柱间长度113米。 What is your beam? Whats your width? What is your breadth? Are you underway? Yes. I am underway. No. I am not underway. I am ready to get underway. What is your full speed? My full speed 22knots. What is your full manoeuvring speed? 你船全速操纵速度是多少? My full manoeuvring speed 10knots. 我船全速操纵速度是10节。 What is your cargo? We are carrying bulk. We are carrying general cargo. My cargo ores. 你船的宽度是多少? 你船的宽度是多少? 你船的宽度是多少? 你船在航吗? 是的,我船在航。 不,我船不在航。 我船已准备起航。 你船全速是多少? 我船全速22节。 你船装什么货物? 我装散货。 我装杂货。 我装矿石。 14. 15. 16. 17.18. My cargo coals. 我装煤炭。 19. Do you have any dangerous goods? 你船装有危险货物吗? No, I do not carry any dangerous goods. 不,我船没有装危险货物。 Yes, I carry following dangerous goods: chemicals 130tonnes. IMO class B. 对,我船装有下列危险货物:130吨化学品,系国际危规B等级。 20. Do you have any deficiencies? 你船是否有缺陷呢? Do you have any restrictions? 你船是否受限呢? 21. M/V Fu Hai hampered by draft. “福海”船吃水受限。 22. Maximum permitted draft 15metres. 最大允许吃水15米。 Deep draft 10metres. 深度吃水10米。 23. Do you have any list? 你船有横倾吗? No, I have no list. 不,我船没有横倾。 Yes, I have list to port of 3 degrees. 对,我船向左舷倾斜3度。 Yes, I have list to starboard of 3 degrees. 对,我船向右舷倾斜3度。 24. Are you trimmed by head? 你船是否艏倾? Yes, I am trimmed by head. 对,我船艏倾。 Yes, I am trimmed by head by 1.5metres. 对,我船艏倾1.5米。 No, I am not trimmed by head. 不,我船没有艏倾。 25. Are you trimmed by stern? 你船艉倾吗? Yes, I am trimmed by stern. 对,我船艉倾。 Yes, I am trimmed by stern by 2.5metres. 对,我船艉倾2.5米。 No, I am not trimmed by stern. 不,我船没有艉倾。 26. Are you on even keel? 你船平吃水了吗? Yes, I am on even keel. No, I am trimmed by the head. No, I am trimmed by the stern. 27. Are you hogged? Yes, I am hogged. No, I am not hogged. Are you sagged? Yes, I am sagged. No, I am not sagged. 28. Instruction Advice Warning Information Question Answer Request Intention 对,我船平吃水。 不,我船艏倾。 不,我船艉倾。 你船中拱吗? 是的,我船中拱。 不,我船不中拱。 你船中垂吗? 是的,我船中垂。 不,我船不中垂。 命令 建议 警告 信息 问题 回答你的问题 请求 目的 29. How do you read me? 你台听我台的信号如何? I read you with signal strength one. 你台听我台的信号无法接收。 I read you with signal strength two. 你台听我台的信号较弱。 I read you with signal strength three. 你台听我台的信号尚可。 I read you with signal strength four. 你台听我台的信号很好。 I read you with signal strength five. 你台听我台的信号极好。 30. What is your signal strength? Signal strength one. Signal strength two. Signal strength three. Signal strength four. Signal strength five. 31. Wilco 32. Roger 33. Correction 34. Positive Affirmative 你接收的信号强度如何? 信号强度1。 信号强度2。 信号强度3。 信号强度4。 信号强度5。 收悉照办 信息已明 纠正 同意 同意 35. Negative 不同意 36. Say it again. 再说一遍 I repeat. 我重复一遍 I say. 我刚才说. 37. What is the UKC (under keel clearance) in your position? 你处龙骨下富余水深有多少? UKC in my position 6metres. 我处龙骨下富余水深6米。