绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 绩效考核与员工满意 摘要:绩效考核通常也称为业绩考评或“考绩”,是针对企业中每个职工所承担的工作,应用各种科学的定性定量的方法,对职工行为的实际效果及其对企业的贡献或价值进行考评。绩效考核作为一种有效的企业管理手段,在企业管理中发挥着非常重要的作用,是企业人力资源管理的核心。本文对当前我国绩效考核中存在的问题做了详细的分析。针对问题,文章提出从绩效考核的各个角度进行控制,从而确保绩效考核高效到位,最终发挥人力资源管理的作用。 关键词:绩效考核 问题 分析 建议 21世纪是知识经济时代,随着经济竞争的加剧,人们越来越认识到人力资源是当今时代经济发展的第一资源。随着人力资源管理在中国企业的发展的日趋成熟,绩效管理作为人力资源管理的重要组成部分在企业内部的地位也越发重要。绩效考核是人力资源管理的核心问题之一,是保障并促进企业内部管理机制有序运转,实现企业各项经营管理目标所必须进行的一种管理行为。 美国组织行为学家约翰·伊凡斯维其认为,绩效考核可以达到以下八个方面的目的:为员工的晋升、降职、调职和离职进行评估;组织对员工的绩效考评的反馈;对员工和团队对组织的贡献进行评估;为员工的薪酬决策提供依据;对招聘选择和工作分配的决策进行评估;了解员工和团队的培训和教育的需要;了解员工和团队的培训和教育的需要;对工作计划、预算评估和人力资源规划提供信息。 绩效考核是企业管理员工的有效手段,也是主要途径,在企业管理中具有不可替代的核心地位。但是,现在有很多企业的绩效考核与企业的发展策略相脱节,企业绩效考核体系也只是一个空壳而已,根本达不到对员工进行考核的目的,甚至还适得其反,导致人才流失。因此,对企业的绩效考核工作进行分析,找出存在的问题,并解决这些问题成为企业势在必行的工作。 1当前绩效考核中存在问题及原因分析 1.1对绩效考核的认识不充分 认为绩效考核只是人力资源部的事。很多企业认为绩效考核是绩效管理的内容,而绩效管理又是人力资源管理职能之一,所以认为绩效考核只是人力资源部的事。企业高层只做关于实施绩效考核的指示并未具体指导;人力资源部在与其他职能部门进行沟绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 通如何完善绩效考核时不能得到积极配合。 对绩效考核目标认识不够。现在许多企业强调引进先进考核手段,而领导者认为考核只是奖优罚劣,对绩效考核的最终目的没有一个清楚的认识。绩效考核的根本目的是要促进工作效果和效率,改进绩效;绩效考核的根本目的是改进,是考核员工是否按照工作规定完成工作任务。考核结果的好坏不是目的,而是要分析原因。 认为绩效考核独立存在。绩效考核虽然是企业管理不可缺少的一项核心工作,但并不是可以独立存在的,它需要有其他的相关工作作为基础。考核只是最终的一个环节,而且这种考核必须建立在这样几个基础之上才会有效:合理的绩效目标、明确的绩效标准、绩效辅导和客观绩效记录、绩效改进和员工技能发展。只有在以上这些工作的基础上,绩效考核才会是客观公正的,才能让员工接受,也才更有实际意义。 1.2绩效考核目的不明确 目标设定模糊,设定过程缺乏有力控制。工作计划表中有目标设定一栏,考核制度也有要求每项工作必须有清晰的目标。如果企业要实行绩效考核,那么就要清楚的知道为什么要实行绩效考核。但从实际执行情况来看,当前我国很多企业绩效考核目的不明确,许多企业没有明确绩效考核目的,有时甚至是为了考核而考核,企业考核方和被考核方都未能充分清楚地了解绩效考核只是一种管理手段,本身却并非是管理的目的。绝大多数企业在工作计划表的目标设定一栏基本上填写的都是“完成”,但这并不能反映工作“完成”的具体状况,所以使考核无从下手。 对企业绩效考核的目的认识不够的现象是很多企业都存在的问题。许多管理者将绩效考核看作是管理和控制员工的一种手段,认为绩效考核的目的是让员工依照管理者的安排和意愿来做工作。因此,管理者会以绩效考核的方式来牵制员工,建立自己的威信和展示自己的权威,把绩效考核的成绩当作挑员工毛病、批评和惩罚员工的依据,这种绩效考核对员工的心理带来很大的压力,造成不好的影响,使员工觉得绩效考核是管理者用来控制他们的手段和工具,所谓的绩效考核也就相当于挑毛病。因此,员工会产生逆反心理,增加恐惧感,自然的就会对绩效考核产生抵触情绪,最终造成绩效考核实施失败。 绩效考核的目的可分为五类:一、作为晋升、解雇和调整岗位的依据;二、作为确定工资、奖励的依据;三、作为潜能开发和教育培训的依据;四、作为调整人事政策、激励措施的依据;五、考核结果供生产、采购、营销、研发、财务等部门制定工作计划和决策时参考。只有明确了绩效考核的目的后,绩效考核工作才可能围绕这个目的有条不紊地展开。 绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 1.3绩效考核标准设计不科学 绩效考核标准模糊, 表现为标准欠缺、标准与工作的相关性不强,操作性差或主观性太强,过于单一和标准没有量化等现象。工作标准中只有一些文字性评语,没一个可以客观评分的标尺,使得评价者可以随意给个分数或考核结果。 对企业员工进行绩效考核,其结果难以客观的进行判断,不同的主观理解使考核结果产生偏差。结果,就会产生对标准衡量尺度的宽严不一。有些考核者要求过高,经常表现出对员工的工作感到失望,在考核时,就会低估员工应得到的评价。相反,有些考核者认为最好的员工是根本不存在的,最差的员工也是很难找到的,于是往往习惯于将员工都评定为中间等级。所以,企业员工也不愿接受这样的考核结果。 缺乏明确的绩效目标。员工不清楚企业对自己的要求是怎样的,不清楚做到哪个程度才算是做好,因此,员工的表现也难以得到企业的认可。还有一些企业的绩效考核只是一种是形式,没有真正的内容,绩效考核虽然每年都在实行,但是每年都只是“隔靴搔痒”、“走马观花”。使绩效考核的结果失去了意义,不再具有客观性、可比性和有效性。 1.4绩效考核指标体系存在缺陷 绩效考核体系设计不切合实际。由于企业的规模与管理水平的参差不齐,企业对绩效评价的投入与管理层次也差别较大。有些企业虽然制定了自己的企业管理绩效目标,但由于现阶段在理论上绩效管理尚缺少科学实用的方法,又或因为公司绩效管理考核委员会成员经验不足,使得绩效指标的分解不恰当、考核目的不明确、考核原则的混乱和自相矛盾等问题,由此埋下了绩效目标难以完成的隐患。 绩效考核体系设计缺乏科学性、实用性。管理绩效评价指标体系是评价工作的基础和核心,而许多企业并没用完全理解绩效评价的重要意义,完全流于一种形式,表现为为了考核而考核。在考核的内容、项目设定以及权重设置等方面常表现出无相关性和随意性,长官意志和个人好恶明显。同时,很多企业的绩效考核标准过于模糊,难以准确量化,实用性较差,极易引致不全面、非客观公正的判断,使绩效考核的结果很难使被信服。 2 解决绩效考核存在问题的建议 2.1.树立科学绩效观 领导层需明确绩效考核的巨大作用。绩效考核不但可以增强企业的竞争力,还绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 能提高员工的工作效率,绩效考核的好坏决定着企业管理的好坏,其功能也越来越被凸显出来。首先,绩效考核是员工提升和培训工作的重要依据。通过定期的考核,能使员工清楚地看到自己在哪些方面有所提高,在哪些方面需要继续坚强,正确的给自己一个定位。同时,绩效考核也是给不同层级的员工提供一个畅所欲言的平台,把那些庸人和懒人的不良行为给揭露出来,优化企业的人力资源;更是员工学习和强化正确行为的明镜和奖励员工的有效依据。现在很多企业的老观念、旧做法依然没有改变,人力资源环境也不容乐观,要想建立先进、高效的绩效考核制度尤其不易,企业的领导层一定要树立科学的绩效观,建立合理的绩效考核制度,否则,很难达到预期的效果。 加大对各级员工的培训与宣传工作。绩效考核是晋升和培训工作的依据。通过定期考核,也可以使员工自己了解在哪些方面已有提高,在哪些方面还有不足。绩效考核制度虽然只是一套书面制度,但是在具体实施过程中需要各级主管人员具备绩效考核的各项技能,如确定工作目标的技能、面谈的技能、评价的技能等,这些都需要培训。通过培训,使管理者制订出工作要项和工作目标,了解员工绩效考核方法、流程和责任,提高沟通技巧,制订绩效改进计划,有效实施辅导。通过宣传,使员工对绩效考核系统的组成及各部分间的有机联系非常了解,而且对实施员工绩效考核方案的内在联系认识清楚。最终通过宣传和培训,使体现人本管理的绩效考核成为大家的共识,从而想方设法地发掘企业中蕴含的丰富的人力资源,达到考核的预期目的。 2.2建立合理的绩效考核制度 确立目标。企业要有明确的的工作目标,围绕这个目标来展开工作,并且要引导员工朝向目标发展。 在确定绩效目标后,需进行业绩辅导环节,部门经理要在员工实现目标的过程中不断与之沟通,尽其所能的与员工保持密切联系,不断给员工支持,为其清除前进道路上的障碍。 也就是把员工与企业的目标结合在一起,尽量使公司的每一位员工,特别是管理者,所做的工作都是在为实现公司的目标、共同朝一个方向努力,要把个人的绩效提升、组织的绩效提升和员工的切身利益相结合,建立激励制度。 借鉴方法。绩效考核的方法很多,企业要根据自身的实际情况来借鉴他人的考核方法。但是,借鉴绝不是照搬。科学的、先进的考核方法,如平衡计分卡BSC、作业成本法ABC、整合绩效管理IPM等都是很值得借鉴的方法。 考核周期系统化。平时考核要与月度、季度、年度考核紧密的联系在一起。以平时考核为主,把平时绩效考核成绩作为对企业员工工作评价的重要依据之一。要充分发绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 挥目标管理导向的绩效考核制度的效果,在年度总评时,要根据合理的绩效评价给予员工鼓励,更为重要的是针对员工的工作成果与工作能力,建议并给与其应接受的培训,以有效地提高其工作能力与发展潜能。 2.3优化绩效考核指标及标准 设计一个科学合理的绩效考核指标及标准体系,对全面反映一个企业管理绩效优劣至关重要。因此,构建企业绩效考核指标及标准要遵循科学性、系统性、重要性、可比性、可操作性的原则,将独立的单个指标,按其内在联系有机组合起来,构建一个可以真实、科学、全面反映企业管理状况的绩效考核指标及标准体系。建立正确的绩效考核指标和标准,就需要确定绩效考核的战略方向,加强考核方法在实施过程中的监督及总结完善,对每个工作岗位进行客观、合理的分析。而且要根据分析的结果,制定出各个岗位的绩效考核指标及标准,实施过程要注意“二个结合”: 业绩考核与素质考核相结合。完善的绩效考核内容除了有业绩考核之外,还应有素质考核。业绩考核可以有效的刺激员工按照要求完成岗位职责;素质考核则促进员工注重个人的整体素质提升,鼓励培养团队精神。二者之间有着相互促进的作用,使企业和员工两者都得到和谐发展。 重点考核和一般考核相结合。企业把考核指标定下来后,还要在总的指标中确立重点指标和一般指标。把影响大,难度大,关系到企业的发展和战略目标,体现岗位重要职能的指标,要确定为重点考核指标;对于影响较小,难度较小,短时间内能完成,对企业的发展没有太大联系的指标,要确定为一般考核指标。重点考核指标和一般考核指标有效结合,主次分明,才能起到更好的考核其作用。 2.4综合运用考核结果,进行有效的反馈 绩效考核结果是否得到合理的运用,在整个绩效考核效果中是至关重要的一个环节。恰当的运用考核结果,对绩效考核的实施会有着非常大的促进作用,也是对绩效考核作用的一个肯定;反之,则将会对绩效考核工作的有效性产生很大的影响。所以,重视绩效考核结果的综合运用是非常重要和必要的。 建立考核结果公开化的原则。企业的绩效考核标准、考评的程序和考评的结果都应该有明确的规定,鼓励员工参与并对全体员工公开,而且在评估中应该严格遵守这些规定,做到整个评估过程的透明和公开。这样才能使员工对绩效考核产生信任感,才能对绩效考核的结果持理解和接受的态度。同时,考核的结果一定要及时反馈给本人,让其真正了解和认同自己前一时期的工作情况,双方在此基础上可共同商讨改进绩效的可能。在绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 绩效反馈面谈中,应该注意双向沟通、多问少讲,问题诊断与辅导并重,不仅谈论过去,更要立足将来。 考核结果出现后及时与员工沟通。绩效考核不是由考核主体一人进行的,它是由考核主体、考核对象、考核标准、考核方法、考核程序等组成的相互联系的整体。在绩效评估中,要遵循沟通的原则,不能搞家长制,允许员工有提出问题、解释问题和提出建议的机会,要和员工平等沟通、互相交流,让员工参与整个评估活动。如果绩效评估中没有对评估指标的具体内容和评估依据等向员工作充分说明,而且不给员工参与的机会,很可能导致员工对评估结果不理想时产生不满,所以必须建立双向的沟通机制,主管和员工共同制定绩效指标,对完成情况进行评估分析并提出改进的方法,这样才能使员工认为绩效考核是公开、公平的,员工才会对考评结果理解、接受并改进自己的不足 结束语 我国当前企业在实施绩效考核时,出现不同问题在所难免,重要的是要在过程中思考,找到问题的所在,并对问题进行合理的分析,然后找到有针对性的措施方法来处理这些问题。 只有清楚地分析问题的根源,根据企业的实际情况有针对性地、及时准确地采用适当的方法和技术手段把绩效考核做实做好,才能充分发挥绩效考核在提升企业核心竞争力中的巨大作用,更有效的促进企业战略目标的达成,促进企业不断健康持续发展。 绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 Performance appraisal and employee satisfaction Abstract:The performance appraisal is often referred to as performance appraisal or "performance" is for the enterprise work undertaken by each employee, qualitative and quantitative application of scientific methods, the actual effect on staff behavior and their contribution to the enterprise or value evaluation. Performance appraisal as an effective business management tools, in the enterprise management plays a very important role, is the core of human resource management. This article on the current performance appraisal of the problems to do a detailed analysis. To tackle the problem, the paper proposes the performance evaluation of all angles from the control to ensure effective performance appraisal in place, and ultimately play the role of human resource management. Keywords: Performance Evaluation with analysis of the proposed 21st century is the era of knowledge economy, as economic competition intensifies, it is increasingly recognized that human resources are the current era of economic development of the first resource. As the human resources management in the development of Chinese enterprises become more sophisticated, performance management, human resources management as an important component of 绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 the position within the enterprise is also more important. Human resource management performance appraisal is one of the core issue is to protect and promote the orderly operation of the internal management mechanism, the management objectives of the enterprise must be carried out by a management behavior. Organizational behavior United States where scientists Yuehan Yi Las its view that performance assessment can achieve the purpose of the following eight areas: staff promotion, demotion, transfer and separation of the assessment; organization employee performance evaluation feedback; employees and team to assess the contribution of the organization; to provide the basis for employee compensation decisions; for the recruitment selection and assessment of the work allocation decisions; understand the staff and team training and education needs; understanding of staff and team training and education needs; the work plan, budget and human resources planning assessments to provide information. Employee performance appraisal is an effective means of business management is the primary means of business management in the core of irreplaceable. However, there are a lot of business performance evaluation and business development strategy for the phase out of line, business performance evaluation system is only an empty shell it impossible to achieve the purpose of staff appraisal, and even 绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 counterproductive, leading to brain drain. Therefore, the work of the enterprise's performance appraisal analysis to identify problems and solve these problems become imperative to work. 1 Current Problems and Performance Assessment Analysis 1.1 pairs of inadequate understanding of performance appraisal (1) That the performance appraisal is only human resources matter. Many enterprises believe that the performance appraisal is performance management content, and performance management is one of the functions of human resource management, so that HR performance evaluation is only a matter. Corporate executives only the instructions on the implementation of performance appraisal is not specifically guidance; Human Resources functions in communication with the other how to improve the performance appraisal can not be actively cooperate. (2) Insufficient understanding of the objectives of performance appraisal. Many companies now emphasize the introduction of advanced assessment tools, and leadership that the assessment is Jiangyoufalie, the ultimate goal of performance appraisal is not a clear understanding. The fundamental purpose of performance appraisal is to promote the effectiveness and efficiency, improve performance; 绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 performance evaluation is to improve the fundamental purpose is to work in accordance with the provisions of assessing whether the staff to complete tasks. The quality is not the purpose of examination results, but to analyze the reasons. (3) That the performance evaluation exist independently. Although performance appraisal is an essential business management core, but not to independent existence, it needs as a basis for other related work. The final appraisal is just a part of, and this assessment must be based on a few to be effective based on: reasonable performance goals, clear performance standards, performance counseling and objective record of performance, performance improvement and employee skills development. Only on the basis of these work, performance evaluation will be objective and fair in order for staff to accept, but also a greater practical significance. 1.2 The purpose of performance appraisal is not clear (1) Goal setting fuzzy, set during the lack of effective control. Work schedule has set a target column, has asked each of the assessment system must have clear objectives. If the enterprises to implement performance appraisal, then they would know exactly why the implementation of performance appraisal. However, the actual implementation point of view, the current performance appraisal of the purpose of many companies is not clear, many companies do not have 绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 a clear purpose of performance appraisal, and sometimes even for assessment and evaluation, business evaluation appraisal side by side and not fully clear understanding of the performance appraisal just a management tool in itself is not the purpose of management. Most enterprises in the work schedule is basically a column filled goal setting are "complete", but this does not reflect the work "completed" the specific conditions, so that assessment can not start. (2) The purpose of the enterprise performance appraisal is not enough understanding of the phenomenon is that many companies have problems. Many managers will be the management and performance appraisal as a means of controlling employees that the purpose of performance appraisal is to enable employees in accordance with the arrangements and willingness of managers to do work. Therefore, managers will be a way to contain the performance appraisal staff, to establish their own credibility and to show their authority, the performance appraisal of staff performance problems as challenges, criticism and punishment according to the staff that the psychological staff performance appraisal a great deal of pressure, creating a bad impact, so that employees feel that performance appraisal for managers to control their instruments and tools, it is equivalent to the so-called fault-finding performance appraisal. Thus, employees will have reverse psychology to increase the fear, it will naturally produce 绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 resentment on the performance appraisal system, and eventually failure of the implementation of performance appraisal. (3) The purpose of performance appraisal can be divided into five categories: First, as a promotion, dismissal, and adjust the position of the basis; Second, for determining the salary and bonus basis; three, as the potential basis for the development and education and training; four, as adjusted personnel policy, based on incentives; five, examination results for the production, procurement, marketing, research and development, finance and other departments to develop work plans and decision-making reference. Only the clear purpose of performance appraisal, the performance assessment may focus on this goal was well underway. 1.3 Performance evaluation standard design unscientific (1) Performance appraisal standard fuzzy, lack of performance as a standard, standards and relevance of the work is not strong, operational poor or too subjective, too single, and standards are not quantified and so on. Work standards, only a few words of reviews, not an objective scoring scale so that the evaluators are free to give a score or examination results. (2) Employee performance appraisal, the result difficult to judge objectively, the subjective understanding of the different results 绩效考核中英文对照外文翻译文献 of the evaluation bias. Result, the standard will have a different measure of more or less favorable. Some assessment were too high, often show the work of the staff was disappointed in the assessment, they will underestimate the evaluation of staff should be. On the contrary, some assessment of employees who think the best is simply not exist, the worst is hard to find employees, so employees are often used to be classified as middle class. Therefore, employees do not want to accept the examination results. (3) Lack of clear performance goals. Business employees do not know what their requirements are not clear what extent do considered as well, therefore, their performance is difficult to get corporate approval. Some companies are just a form of performance appraisal, there is no real content, performance appraisal every year, although in practice, but every year is "nowhere near", "fly." So that the performanc