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    独立主格结构独立主格结构 the absolute construction 带有自己的逻辑主语的短语,一般在句中做状语。 n./n phrases./Pron. + to do, doing, done, adj. Adv. Prep. Phrases n Here are the first two volumes, the third to come out next month. They agreed on a division of labor, each to translate one-third of the book. So many members being absent, the meeting had to be put off till next week. The teacher having left, the students resumed their discussion. The duty completed, he had three months leave. Our minds _ , we could make the best success. a. Emancipated b. being emancipated, c. to be emancipated, d. having emancipated Liberate, liberation She looked at him expectantly, her eyes full of excitement and curiosity. The director was waiting, his face white with anger. All the lights on, the square looks more beautiful than ever. Class over, all the students went out from the classroom. The teacher entered the classroom, chalk in one hand, textbook in the other. People came running round the corners, a policeman at their head. She sat alone in the room, her only company a dying fire. His first shot failure, he fired again. With him to give us a lead, our team is bound to turn out well. She looked nervous, with many eyes fixed on her. He hurried out, with no hat on. Without a word spoken, they went away. There being no money left, we have to change our plan. 1. Some hospitals use TV for medical students _ close-up views of operations. A. getting B. to get c. to be getting d. to be got 2. There are many problems _ in the wide use of solar energy in industry. a. considered b. being considered c. to be considered d. to have been considered 3. in other words, we made elements combine in _ as to produce new materials which are not element. a. a way b. such way c. many ways d. such a way 4. This classroom is _ to hold a hundred people. a. very large b. so large c. large enough d. enough large 5. I left home at eight this morning _ arrive late again. a. in order to b. so as to c. as not to d. so as not to 6. _, I am afraid I cant go with you. a. With so much work to do b. With so much work doing c. For so much work to do d. To do so much work 7. _ no mistake, you must recheck the results got from the experiment. A. There is b. For there to be c. There being d. With being 8. The books are not allowed _ out of the library. a. taking b. to take c. to be taken d. to have taken 9. They are said _ out a simple method for producing plastics. a. to have found b. to find c. will find d. to be finding 10. I did nothing but _ to raise her level of political understanding. a. helping b. help c. helped d. have to help 11. I expect to _ the book by the end of the year. a. be finishing b. have finished c. finish d. be finished 12. Last Sunday I had nothing to do besides _ some letters. a. answer b. answering c. having answered d. have to answer 13. Would you like _ a meeting to discuss the question? a. there to be b. there is c. there being d. there are 14. How difficult it is _ the modern world without oil. a. imagining b. imagined c. to imagine d. having imagined 15. Its right _ up smoking. a. to you to give b. for you to give c. of you to give d. with you giving 16. Would you be _ as to answer this letter by return? a. very kind b. so kind c. much kind d. kind 17. I could not help but _ that something was wrong. a. realize b. to realize c. realizing d. having realized 18. When she was just a little girl, she used to watch the groups of tourists _ around some famous historical sites. a. being led b. led c. to lead d. leading 19. All metals are fairly hard, _ nonmetals. a. compared to b. comparing with c. compared with d. to compare to 20. The equipment _ by the research group will be tested tomorrow. a. having improved b. to have improved c. being improved d. to have been improved 21. The number of the people _ in the cities has been increased. a. to live b. living c. lived d. having lived 22. Of course, we have to go on _ the air and water and the earths resources. a. using b. to use c. with the use d. to the use 23. That is a good example _. a. for our following b. for us to follow. c. followed d. following 24. I dont remember the boiler _during these years. a. being repaired b. having been repaired c. to be repaired d. to have been repaired 25. Atoms are too small _ even with a powerful microscope. a. to see b. for it to be seen c. to be seen d. to have been seen 26. _ for several times, this new-type product will be put into mass production. a. Tested b. Having tested c. Having been tested d. Being tested 27. _ Saturday, they had no classes in the afternoon. a. It being B. Its being C. Being d. Having been 28. He preferred me _ nothing about it at present. a. say b. to say c. saying d. having said 29. He was lucky to escape _ to prison. a. being sent b. sending c. to be sent d. sent 30. You didnt hear us come in last night. Thats good. We tried _ noisy. a. to not be b. not to be c. being not d. not being 31. The police were told that some boys were seen _ on the street. a. to play b. playing c. to be playing d. played 32. He had me whipped, with all the town _. a. looking on b. look on c. looked on d. to look on 33. All flights _ because of the storm, they decided to take the train. a. having canceled b. having been canceled c. were canceled d. have been canceled 34. With a great weight _ his mind, he went to bed. a. to have taken off b. taking off c. taken off d. having taken off 35. He knew that with him _, she could and would succeed. a. help b. to help c. to be helped d. having helped 36. The speeding car had missed the turn and now lay on its back, wheels _ in the air. a. having spun b. spun c. were spun d. spinning 37. An atom consists of a central collection of protons and neutrons with electrons _ around this nucleus on definite paths. a. move b. to move c. having moved d. moving 38. The light we see, with its colors ranging from deep red to deep violet, _ us in our daily lives. a. serving b. to serve c. serves d. served 39. if something is moving, _, it will go on forever, coasting at a uniform speed in a straight line. a. without nothing touching it b. with nothing touching it c. with touching nothing d. without something 40. The report _, a lively discussion began. a. being read b. to read c. having been read d. to be read 虚拟语气 He looks as if ill. If only we had telephoned him in advance. If only the rain might stop. If only the teacher were here. Whetheror, no matter how/what, however, whatever, even if (though) 引导的让步状语从句 However hard a solid may be, we can change its shape. Whether the figures be accurate or not, they have to be rechecked. Even if you had enough money, you could not buy the lost time. Even though she had been very busy, she would have helped us. Be the weather what it may, I will go out. Be it ever so late, I must do another experiment. 表示惊奇、喜悦、怀疑、不满等意义的形容词之后的状语从句中 I am sorry that he should think otherwise. I am disappointed that she should have been so careless. I am surprised that he should not have made such serious mistakes. 形容词比较级形式表示虚拟条件 A more responsible comrade would not have left the work half done. 表示祝愿、诅咒、禁止等句中用虚拟语气 May our friendship last forever! Long live the Peoples Republic of China! God bless you! 1 If there were no steel, there _ no trains, cars or planes. a. will be b. would be c. have been d. are 2. You had better go now, or you _ the bus. A. will miss b. have missed C, missed d. would have missed 3. If they had arrived ten minutes earlier, they would have been able to hear the whole lecture. That means: _. a. they arrived too early for the lecture b. They did not arrive in time c. They missed the whole lecture d. They arrived ten minutes earlier 4. I wish I _how to operate the electronic computer now. a. know b. have know c. will know d. knew 5. You would have made fewer mistakes if you _ more rapidly. a. do the exercises b. had done the exercises c. have done the exercises d. will do the exercises 6. But for the sunlight, there _ no moonlight. a. is b. will c. would be d. has been 7. The doctor ordered that the wounded soldiers _ to the hospital without any delay. a. must be sent b. will be sent c. have been sent d. be sent 8. _, we would have been able to use it. a. If this metal were produced earlier b. Had this metal been produced earlier c. Should this metal be produced earlier d. If this metal is produced earlier 9. It is strange that she _ in the last examination. a. should have failed b. had failed c. failed d. fails 10. Were it not for the atmosphere, the stars _ seen shining at any time in the day. a. can be b. could have been c. are d. could be 11. In this shop there was much rubbish which, I think, ought to _ away earlier. a. have been taken b. be taken c. take d. have taken 12. He put his coat over the soldier lest he _cold. a. will catch b. catches c. should catch d. has caught 13. Without air, the earth _ extreme changes in temperature. a. undergoes b. would undergo c. will undergo d has undergone 14. My suggestion is that the experiment _ in another way. a. is done b. will be c. has been done d. be done 15. His improvement has made the design better than it _. a. would otherwise have been b. will otherwise be c. has otherwise been d. would otherwise be 16. The earth is a powerful magnet and all magnets behave the same whether they _ large or small. a. be b. would be c. will be d. have been 17. It is time we _ computers to the production of iron and steel. a. will apply b. applied c. have applied d. would have applied 18. Even though she had been very busy that day, she _us. a. would have helped b. would help c. had helped d. helped 19. The teacher proposed that the question _ discussed at once. a. must be b. will be c. is being d. be 20. _ we had not made any mistakes in the calculations! a. But for b. If only c. Let d. Without 21. We _ you came to visit our laboratory tomorrow than today. a. had better b. rather than c. would rather d. will rather 22. Suppose that you wanted to speed up the car, you _ to apply an additional force. a. would have b. will have c. have d. had had 23. I do wish you _ come earlier next time. a. will b. had c. would d. have 24. I am really very busy, otherwise I _ with you. a. certainly go b. would certainly go c. have certainly gone d. will certainly go 25. The commander issued the order that the company _ the river. a. must cross b. will cross c. cross c. crossed 26. it is suggested that we _ the design of the machine before May Day. a. should finish b. have finished c, will finish d. should have finished 27. I move that how _ discharged for his serious mistake. a. is b. will be c. should be d. has been 28. He acted as if he _ an old hand. a. is b. were c. has been d. would be Couldnt you understand such a simple question? Isnt is a fine day? Which ever do you want? What about having a game of table tennis? How come (that) your little son is not going with you? Anything is better than nothing, isnt it? Something is wrong with the engine, isnt it? Nothing could make her change her views, could it? This/that isnt a fast train, is it? Those/these are Spanish, arent they? Everybody agreed, didnt they? Neither side could win, could they? One should be ready to help others, shouldnt one/you/he? There is no doubt about it, is there? There used to be a cinema here, didnt/usednt there? Must He must keep his word, mustnt he? You must return the book tomorrow, neednt you? He must be Japanese, isnt he? You must have misheard, havent you? Dare, need These homeless boys needed constant attention, didnt they? Open the window, will you? Let me have a look, will you? Hand in your homework tomorrow, wont you? Work harder, wont you? Marvelous splendid China and Japan have a lot in common. The local government considered and adopted the plan. And, but, or, otherwise, nor, so, for, still, yet, while, whereas 添加:and, furthermore, moreover, in addition, as well as, besides 次序:first/firstly, to begin with, in the first place, then, later, finally, last, lastly, secondly, last but not least 转折:but, yet, however, while, nevertheless, though, in any case, on the contrary, on the other hand, 类似:likewise, similarly, in other words, that is to say, namely, equally 因果:therefore, so, consequently, in consequence, as a result, in that case, 举例:for example, for instance, take as an example, a case in point 强调:in fact, as a matter of fact, of course, indeed 换题:by the way, incidentally 总结:in general, in a word, on the whole, in short, in sum, to sum up, to conclude, in conclusion What she said proved to be correct. The professors idea is that we make a draft first. If the reader cannot figure out what the writer meant to say, he often cannot even analyze what went wrong with the sentence, and he certainly cannot suggest to the writer how the bewildering sentence might be fixed up.


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