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    物流专业英语第三方物流论文Third Party Logistics For a long time, China's domestic enterprises procurement, transportation, warehousing, agents, packaging, processing, distribution and other aspects of control is not strong, in the "Procurement black hole", "Logistics trap" in the waste is difficult to calculate losses. Therefore, the third party logistics research, the overall effectiveness in promoting the improvement of China's economy has a very important theoretical and practical significance. The meaning of the third party logistics Third Party Logistics is a kind of business mode inside which a specialized logistics company provides logistics service to both supplier and demander. Third-party logistics is the social division of labor and goods the product of economic development, and with the deepening social division of labor and the development of commodity economy and evolving. The superiority of the third party logistics The third party logistics can reduce the operating costs of the production enterprise. Professional third party logistics providers make use of their professional advantages of scale production and cost advantages, by improving the resource utilization of each link to achieve cost saving , make the enterprise benefit from it. Using the third-party logistics enables users to gain competitive advantage, adding measurable value to products, enhancing customer service and assisting in opening new markets. Information network of the third party logistics enterprise make them have unique advantages in improving customer satisfaction. They can shorten the processing ability, to increase the order of customer demand, to reflect the time for direct to home the point to point distribution using powerful convenient information network, the realization of fast delivery of goods, improve customer satisfaction. The functions of the third party logistics One of its functions is as a one-step distribution center, warehousing, trucking and shipping documentation for the client. Together with the flow of goods, the information flows simultaneously. A third-party logistics company not only provides service to the local manufacturers, but also to the overseas cargo buyers. With its worldwide, information network, the cargo status is followed step by step and constantly reflected in the network , through which the overseas clients can easily see the entire progress. The present situation of Chinese logistics enterprises There is a huge gap in domestic and foreign logistics enterprises. The third party logistics is expected to become the engine of the global logistics industry growth. While the annual business volume of the third party logistics segment in developed countries account for a large part of the total logistics industry volume, he figure on global level is lower. Meanwhile, china is the worlds largest single consumer goods. With a population of billion, the retail market in China is greatly attractive to investors. However, the low efficiency of distribution in retail sector has seriously hampered the development of retailing industry. By expecting to solve this problem, the retailers are desired to win a new competitive advantage over their competitors. As investment in the third party logistics infrastructure is increasing in China, and the third party logistics technique and equipment is enhancing, the third party logistics industry is booming. The rapid development of chain sales, auto, steel, medicine, and coal industry, arouses the development of related industries. With an enlarging scale and rapid growth speed, Chinas modern logistics is enhancing its operating efficiency, performing more obvious functions in supporting and promoting economic development. The reasons for the growth of the third party logistics Some of the major companies have been taking various measures in order to reduce operating costs. Whereas the area where companies want to strengthen by investing more is their core competency, the third party logistics can do their best to provide value-added services for their customer companies and help them cut down the total cost of logistics. For the customers, demand an exceptional service but are not willing to pay an extraordinary price for it. This requires the use of fast and frequent transportation services and flexibility in inventory levels. A third party logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pick-ups and deliveries, whereas in-house transportation cannot.


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