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    牛津译林七年级英语下册Unit单元练习题Unit 2单元练习题 1恐怕他们不会欢迎像你这样的参观者. 欢迎参观动物园 2他长得不像他爸爸 3他害怕狗 他害怕晚上独自一个人出去(2) 4厨师 厨具 男服务员 女服务员 5在你的街区 在你的街区周围 整个街坊都在议论此事 6在5月3号 7. 教室里不超过5个学生 8在5月的一个晚上 在一个寒冷的冬天 9 在社区中心 河上有一座桥 10 上面的/下面的答案 住在我楼上/下两层 11他自愿帮我复习家庭作业 12相互分享他们不同的技能 13.各种不同的问题 噪音问题 解决问题 回答/问问题 14.开一个援助之手的会议 15其他某个人的钱包 一些有趣的事情 16.There is something wrong with my computer. 17你的洗衣机怎么啦?我的洗衣机坏了。 18一辆坏的自行车 修电脑 19检查电脑 一个工程师 20找他检查机器 21 发现他正在读书 我觉得学习英语很难 22上大学 大学生 23看点书/买点东西 24你很幸运住在像那样的居民区里. 我很幸运在这儿 25祝你在学习方面好运 幸运的是他没有受到重伤 。很不幸他受了重伤。 26帮助他打扫教室 帮助他复习功课 在他们的帮助下 27 一个社会工作者 如此多的购物者 28 请您找个人来修理一下机器,好吗? 29 你准备如何处理这台机器? 30 进行冬令营 30 看日出/日落 在日出/日落时 31 something anything nothing someone anyone ,somebody anybody nobody no one everyone every one 的用法 我们中的每个人都在教室里。 32明天的聚会一切都已经准备好,我准备帮助他复习功课。请为明天的考试作准备。 33请随身带伞 34玩火 生火 34一般将来时的构成,标志词 be going to will的区别 35 Dont forget to close the door,_? _ Be quick, _? _ Be quick, or you_(be)late= Be quick , and you_(not be)late When he_(come)back, I _(call) you. I _(plan) a day out with him tomorrow. Hurry up! Ok, I _(come) They _(go )on a trip to Nantong the day after tomorrow. How soon_ he _(get )here? He _(get )here in an hour. I _(visit) there, shant I ? I_(visit) there, shall I ? There _(be) a film tomorrow, is there? There _(be) a film tomorrow, wont there? I am sure you_(like) it . I hope he _(go)there. He _(want) _(go) to France the day after tomorrow. He is here _(climb) the hill. The book isnt expensive, I _(take)it. If it_(not rain)tomorrow, I _(go)_(fish) Listen, the song_(sound)_(well) Tom,_(be)here tomorrow. _(learn )English well, he _(get)up early next week. He with his parents_(want)_(go)to Nantong in an hour. Mother tells me_(not play)balls in the street. 36 在即将来临的周末将有两场足球赛。 37 计划和他外出一天38.你觉得未来怎样? 37.我姐姐比我大两岁 我妹妹比我小两岁。 38 这家公司离他家20英里。 39.你将来想当什么?艺术家 40那听起来好像是个不错的主意。 41.去购物怎么样?(5) 42乘火车/骑自行车上班(3) 43 我确信会来的(4) 44.病人(3) 他生病了. 45.教室里或多或少有5个学生. 46.再一次 47黑板上有一个公告. 我经常注意到唱歌的. 我注意到他正在唱歌. 你注意到那个男孩这几天有点安静吗? 48看报纸上的以上/下信息 一条信息 49感觉身体好/更好 50.不要担心 他总是担心我. 51在火车站/警察局/邮局 52.给他打电话 (3) 53.讲笑话/故事 52.He will be back in an hour. He will be back next week He will stay there for a week. 53.忙于做某事 54. 一份工作 55 第8课 第二册书 56.any ,anything什么时候用在肯定句。 57.取悦我,使我高兴. 58. 一群学生在教室里。请分成4人一组,参加活动。 59对款式及颜色知道很多 59他是干什么工作的? 60.仔细给他们做检查 61.没问题 62.挨家挨户 63在外部的前面(反义词) 在.内部前面(反义词) 64.让我们去上学,好吗 ?(2) 让我去上学,好吗 ? Unit 2 neighbours 1恐怕他们不会欢迎像你这样的参观者 I am afraid they wont welcome visitors like you 欢迎参观动物园welcome to visit the zoo 2他长得不像他爸爸 He is unlike his father 3 他害怕狗 He is afraid of dogs 他害怕晚上独自一个人出去he is afraid of going out on his own at night= he is afraid to go out on his own at night. 4厨师cook 厨具cooker 男服务员waiter 女服务员waitress 5在你的街区 in your neighbourhood 在你的街区周围 around your neighbourhood 整个街坊都在议论此事The whole neighbourhood is talking about it. (neighbourhood不可数名词) 6在5月3号on May the third=on the third of May 7. 教室里不超过5个学生There are no more than 5 students in the classroom. 8在5月的一个晚上 on the evening of May 在一个寒冷的冬天on a cold winter 9在社区中心 at the community centre 河上有一座桥There is a bridge over a river 10 上面的/下面的答案the answer above/below住在我楼上/下两层live two floors above/below me 11他自愿帮我复习家庭作业 He volunteers to help me with my homework 12相互分享他们不同的技能share their different skills with each other 13.各种不同的问题 all kinds of problems 噪音问题 noise problem 解决问题 solve the problem 回答/问问题answer/ask the question 14.开一个援助之手的会议 have a “helping hands” meeting 15 其他某个人的钱包someone elses wallet 一些有趣的事情something interesting 16.There is something wrong with my computer. There is nothing wrong with my computer.= nothing is wrong with my computer.= There isnt anything wrong with my computer. 17你的洗衣机怎么啦?(3)我的洗衣机坏了(6)。Whats wrong with your washing machine?=Whats the matter with your washing machine?= Whats the trouble with your washing machine? My washing machine doesnt work=my washing machine is out of order=my washing machine is broken=my washing machine breaks down=there is something wrong with my washing machine =Something is wrong with my washing machine. 18一辆坏的自行车a broken bike 修电脑fix the computer (fixes) 19检查电脑 check the computer 一个工程师an engineer 20找他检查机器 find him to fix the machine 21 发现他正在读书 find him reading 我觉得学习英语很难I find it difficult to learn English (find sth+adj).= I find it is difficult to learn English .(find+句子) 22上大学go to college 大学生college students 23看点书/买点东西do some/the reading/shopping 24你很幸运住在像那样的居民区里.You are lucky to live in a neighbourhood like that. 我很幸运在这儿I am lucky to be here. 25祝你在学习方面好运Good luck to you with your study 幸运的是他没有受到重伤Luckily ,he wasnt badly hurt. 很不幸他受了重伤。Unluckily ,he was badly hurt. 26帮助他打扫教室help him(to) clean the classroom 帮助他复习功课 help him with his homework 在他们的帮助下with their help (un.) 27 一个社会工作者 a social worker 如此多的购物者 so many shoppers 28 请您找个人来修理一下机器,好吗?would you please find someone to fix the machine?( would you please+V=will you please+v=would you+v=will you+v请你做.好吗.) 29 你准备如何处理这台机器? What will you do with the machine? 30 进行冬令营have a winter camp 30 看日出/日落 watch /see the sunrise/sunset 在日出/日落时at sunrise/sunset 31 something anything nothing someone anyone ,somebody anybody nobody no one everyone every one 的用法 我们中的每个人都在教室里。 Every one of us is in the classroom.( Everyone不能与of连用) 32明天的聚会一切都已经准备好,我准备帮助他复习功课。请为明天的考试作准备。 Everything is ready for tomorrows party. I am ready to help him with his homework .Please get ready for tomorrows test. 33请随身带伞please take an umbrella with you 34玩火play with fire 生火make a fire 34一般将来时的构成,主语+be going to+V. 主语+will+V. I /We+shall+V. 标志词 tomorrow, the day after tomorrow ,how soon ,in an hour, some day ,one day, hope , if , the coming weekend, soon ,next month, in the future. 35be going to will的区别1.be going to表示主观判断 will表示客观上要发生的事情 its cloudy, I think it is going to rain. He _will be_(be)16 years old next year. 2.be going to表示经过事先考虑的有计划的, will表示临时考虑,无计划的。 Why are you taking it out? I _am going to wash_(wash)it. My bike is broken. Ok, I _will repair_(repair) it later. 36. Dont forget to close the door,_will you_? No, I wont_ Be quick, _will you _? _yes/OK, I will_ Be quick, or you_will be_(be)late= Be quick , and you_wont be _(not be)late When /If he_comes_(come)back, I _will call_(call) you.(主将从现,不能用be going to) I _am planning_(plan) a day out with him tomorrow.plan 没有将来时 Hurry up! Ok, I _am coming_/will come_(come)) They _are going/will go (go )on a trip to Nantong the day after tomorrow. How soon_will_he _get_(get )here? He _will get_(get )here in an hour. I _shall visit_(visit) there, shant I ? I_shant visit_(visit) there, shall I ? There _isnt going to be_(be) a film tomorrow, is there? There _will be_(be) a film tomorrow, wont there? I am sure you_will like_(like) it . I hope he _will go_(go)there. He _wants_(want) _to go_(go) to France the day after tomorrow. He is here _to climb/climbing_(climb) the hill. The book isnt expensive, I _will take_(take)it. If it_doest rain_(not rain)tomorrow, I _will go_(go)_fishing_(fish) Listen, the song_sounds_(sound)_good_(well) Tom,_be_(be)here tomorrow. Tom_will be/ is going to be_(be) here tomorrow. _To learn_(learn )English well, he _will get_(get)up early next week. He with his parents_wants_(want)_to go_(go)to Nantong in an hour. Mother tells me_not to play_(not play)balls in the street. 36 在即将来临的周末将有两场足球赛。There will be/are going to be two football matches the coming weekend 37 计划和他外出一天plan a day out with him 38.你觉得未来怎样?what do you think of the future?=How do you like /find the future? 我妹妹比我小两岁。My younger sister is two years younger than me/I. 38 这家公司离他家20英里。The company is 20 miles away from his home. 39.你将来想当什么?艺术家/经理。what will you be in the future?=what are you going to be in the future? An artist. /A manager. 40那听起来好像是个不错的主意。That sounds like a good idea. 41.去购物怎么样?What/how about going shopping?=Why not go shopping?=why dont you go shopping?=Shall we go shopping? 42乘火车/骑自行车上班go to work by train/on a train.=take a train to work. Go to work by bike/on a bike.=ride (a bike)to work. 43 我确信会来的 I am sure I will come. =I am sure to come=I am sure of/about coming. 44.病人the sick/sick persons/sick people. 他生病了.he is ill/sick. 45.教室里或多或少有5个学生. There are more or less 5 students in the classroom. 46.再一次once again=once more. 47黑板上有一个公告. There is a notice on the blackboard. 我经常注意到唱歌的. I often notice him sing. 我注意到他正在唱歌. I notice him singing. 你注意到那个男孩这几天有点安静吗?Do you notice that he is a little quiet these days? 48看报纸上的以上/下信息look at the information above/below the newspaper. 一条信息a piece of information. 49感觉身体好/更好feel well/better. 50.不要担心dont worry=dont be worried. 他总是担心我.He always worries about me.=He is always worried about me. 51在火车站/警察局/邮局 in the train station/police station/post office 52.给他打电话 make a telephone call to him=call him=telephone him. 53.讲笑话/故事tell jokes/stories. 52.He will be back in an hour. How soon will he be back? He will be back next week. When will he be back? He will stay there for a week. How long will he be back? 53.忙于做某事be busy doing sth be busy with sth. 54. 一份工作a piece of work=a job 55 第8课 Lesson Eight= the eighth lesson 第二册书Book Two=the second book. 56.any ,anything什么时候用在肯定句。用在if 条件状语从句中。 57.取悦我,使我高兴please me pleased(形容词)高兴的,满意的。 58. 一群学生在教室里。请分成4人一组,参加活动。A group of students are in the classroom.please form a group of four and join in the activity. 59对款式及颜色知道很多know a lot about styles and colours. 59他是干什么工作的?What is he?=whats his job?=what does he do? 60.仔细给他们做检查look them over carefully61.没问题 no problem 62.挨家挨户from door to door=from one door to another 63在外部的前面(反义词)in front of(behind) 在.内部前面(反义词)in the front of (at the back of)64.让我们去上学,好吗 ?(2) Lets go to school ,shall we? Let us go to school,will you? 让我去上学,好吗 ?Let me go to school, shall I ?


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