智能电饭煲控制器中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文资料对照外文翻译 外文资料译文 智能电饭煲执行使用spmc65p2404a 摘要::份文件的目的是介绍如何使用spmc65p2404a单片机作为主控制 器,合模糊控制实施 智能电饭煲控制器。 关键字:机,模/数转换,温度控制, 继电器 1引言 大部分电饭锅,就今天的市场热起来,在选择机械方式或额定功率 模式中,低能源利用率和单一的功能不能满足人民群众日益增长的生活需求。 在这种情况下,就显得极为必要建立一种智能型电饭煲多功能,安全性及可靠性。 它经历了许多阶段,机械电饭锅发展成为智能化的。 三大类型,其中包括微机, 电脑和机器有十种模式便应运而生由于突出高科技手段应用于电气 炊具; 此外,他们转而将更加多样化和时尚的基础上漂亮好菜。 除了价格低廉,机械电饭锅勉强满足人们的需求,为现代高品质的生活, 而聪明的是由微机控制或电脑成功,有以下几个特点:为本的界面设计,让用户能看到运行状态easefully ;烹调过程是自动由计算机控制; 外太空的"黑水晶" ,是采取内锅的超硬度,优异耐磨耐用性和永恒的血染。 所有特征匹配的现代概念,节省时间,节省劳力和耐久性。 智能电饭锅具有以下功能:,快速升温,少量做饭, 45分钟稀饭,稀饭2h时, 汤料的1H和2H汤;他们个性化的操作界面很容易让使用者控制烹饪。用得多能力,同时沸腾水稻只 智能电饭锅起到不可或缺的作用,在我们的日常生活中。 它的发明非常的智能控制,使今日的生活更加简单和方便。 2使用步骤 1 毕业设计 电气烹调过程的控制水分的吸收量,供热时间,温度控制的过程,维持沸腾时间, 保温过程中,炖过程是精彩的烹饪。烹饪过程,就是一个把淀粉多吸收和消化淀粉。 大量的实践已经证明,一个完善的烹煮过程可以细分为以下几个步骤:水吸收,使水稻吸收更多的水尽可能在适当的温度,使米饭将螺 好完美的品味好多了。 赖斯将吸收更多的水,随着温度升高而降低。 然而,当温度高于60,starch将改建为starch转为糊。 因此,它必须控制温度在60左右。 35被认为是最佳,它的更好,使含水量水稻总面积约25% 。 足够的热对流是重要的热过程,使水稻充分煮熟。 一般而言,最佳时间从加热煮沸10分钟。 保持沸腾,以充分makestarch改装tostarch, 它的适宜温度控制在98沸腾状态,并应煮沸,历时约20分钟。 温度可以控制的控制开机/关机的接力跑。保持烹调温度下降,因为电饭煲的动力是出境。 保持水锅,可以气化,如果电力再供应一段时间,当温度降至 100。 时间饲养,可烹调依你的需求。炖上后,程序完成后,只有少许的水留在壶, 这里热应该停止。 余下的热量足以将煮烂的生成和可消化starch。 炖的时间一般保持12分钟。 温度保持在煮饭完成后,锅会自动进入保温模式。 当温度低于65,加热板将热锅饭可食。 3设备特点 spmc65p2404a , 8位元工业微控制器凌阳,提供功能强大的驱动智能电饭煲:凌阳8位微控制器spmc65p2404a - 182指令- 11寻址方式-运行速度: 8 兆赫 5v支持位运算(定的,明确的,我 反演和试验) 8位可编程定时器/计数器(自动初始化) -通用定时器/计数器- 8位三 捕获模式- 8位比较模式 16位可编程定时器/计数器-通用定时器/计数器- 8 / 16位捕获模式- 16位比较模式- 12位PWM输出波形;中断管理的IRQ和为nmi 住宅外部中断4外部中断- 11个内部中断;操作电压范围:用于3V 5v 8;10位ADC ( 100khz );内建的液氦温区检察官字节光碟;内置的192k字节的RAM;23 可编程通用产品IOS;5种复位功能:电源复位(葡萄牙) ,外部复位(复位) ,低 电压复位(心室重构) ,看门狗定时器复位( wdtr ) ,并非法地址复位(已婚育龄);时钟选择:石英晶体谐振器,钢筋混凝土澳 scillator ,外部时钟;节电模式:停止和停止;低电压复位(心室重构) ,低 电压检测( LVD均)派出一个蜂鸣器输出端口;高达2mbps的SPI通信频率;冰,在 电路仿真器接口。 4主要功能 智能电饭煲基于凌阳8位微控制器spmc65p2404a有两个MAJO台: 2 4.1烹饪功能 1 )一般选择正常模式并按下启动按钮,开始对热量。 45分钟后,便进入炖模式和绩效将展出" N "型。 后,再过10分钟,烹饪会完成。 现在,锅进入保温模式和绩效将显示"二" 。 2 )快速选择快速模式,然后按下启动按钮,然后电饭煲开始加热。 经过30分钟后,它会进入炖模式和绩效将展出" N "型。 后8分钟,烹饪会完成。 现在,锅进入保温模式和绩效将显示"二" 。 3 )选择气温变暖模式,然后按下启动按钮,然后电饭煲开始加热。 15分钟后,便进入保温模式和绩效将显示"二" 。 4 )少量烹饪选择少量烹饪模式,然后按下启动按钮,然后电饭煲开始加热。 经过40分钟后,它会进入炖模式。 现在,指示灯会显示" N "型。 后,再过10分钟,烹饪会完成。 现在,锅进入保温模式和绩效将显示"二" 。 5 ) 45敏责稀饭稀饭模式,然后按下启动按钮,然后电饭煲开始加热和指标显示" - " 。 45分钟后,将锅进入保温模式和绩效将显示"二" . 6 ) 2H条责稀饭稀饭小时模式,然后按下启动按钮,然后电饭煲开始加热, 与指标显示" 2 " . 2小时后,将锅进入保温模式和绩效将显示"二" . 7 )汤氢质子责汤模式,然后按下启动按钮,然后电饭煲开始加热, 与指标显示" 1 " 。 1小时后,将锅进入保温模式和绩效将显示"二" 。 8 ) 2H条汤责2小时,汤模式,然后按下启动按钮,然后电饭煲开始加热, 与指标显示" 2 " 。 2小时后,将锅进入保温模式和绩效将显示"二" 。 注:锅进入保温模式和绩效将显示"乙"每当上述-8-模式 完成。 4.2定时功能的时间会改变,可根据不同的运作模式。 按下启动按钮,电饭煲开始计数。 票的人数下降了1经过蒸煮1小时。 根据时差的时间和所需时间的运作, 电饭煲自动开始运行,加热,保温,饰面选定的烹饪功能。 45敏米粥为例,如果时间定为2小时, 锅会自动开始运行,并进入45分钟稀饭模式后,运行时间,已经签订了1小时15分钟 分钟。 5电路图 系统采用的控制系统的智能电饭煲基于spmc65p2404a显示如图4.1 。 你可以控制的工作模式电饭煲( 8模式,在所有) 使目前的工作状态,显示器的指标,并确定何时工作。 单片机可以控制连接/截断的接力 这取决于温度数据采集到的温度传感器,它可以控制加热板。 电源提供施以5V单片机系统和外围电路升温热板。 图4.1系统图 3 毕业设计 6硬件设计 6.1主控电路主控电路(显示于图6.1 ) 由切换键输入电路,温度检测输入电路,复位电路,晶体振荡电路。 PA6与pa7负责探测温度的顶盖和底板,并履行pa5继电器控制。 spmc65p2404a的核心电路。 图6。1主控电路 6.2显示电路显示电路由1 2位数字的7段LED的模块共同 阳极和10个发光二极管。 电路显示当前运行状态的基础上,共同遴选和部分数据驱动的MCU , 图表6.2 . 6.2数字显示电路 6.3电源电路的直流+5 V为供应给单片机. 后下台,纠正及过滤,输入220V交流转换成直流+12第五供应继电器. 接力是国家控制的控制开机/关机三极管的发射极. 电源电路,显示如图6.3 . 图6.3电源电路 6.4温度采集电路J2和J3接口顶盖和 底板温度传感器。 信号检测,由单片机显示的电压值的电阻把电压由温度传感器。 由于电阻温度传感器将随环境温度的升高, 电压的电阻分压器间接表明温度在某段时间内。 温度传感器电路说明下列数字。 6.4数字温度传感器电路 7软件设计 7.1程序流程整个系统包括两个部分: 输入部分和输出部分。 输入系统分为两个温度感应器和五个按钮; 输出系统由2个7段数码显示器, 10个LED和继电器控制信号。 基于控制功能,该计划旨在为以下几个模块。 图7.1流程图主程序。 图7.1程序流程 7.2子程序描述1 . 诊断子程序诊断子程序目的是收集的温度传感器,并判断是否正常工作,或 不是。 子程序接收两个温度传感器连续20倍, 如果发现数据超出温度范围( -10160) , 这表明传感器短路或断路的模式。 在同一时间,数字显示的" E " ,而关键的新闻运作是残疾人。 2 . 切换键扫描子程序的关键-新闻扫描,在一键开关扫描子程序周期。 当扫描一个键被按下,子程序将储存的关键价值暂时的。 系统要考虑的主要数据是一个稳定的,当同样的数据是连续扫描5次。 有五把钥匙,在这个制度。 在任何状况,每个键可一旦轻轻按住。 这些钥匙相连pa0 ,整合,丁咯,逆转录和pa4 。 如果按下键是有效的,相应的比特的返回值为0 ; 例行否则,设置为1 . 3 . 温度采集子程序考虑高灵敏度的热敏电阻 这样移动平均滤波是通过采集温度,以防止干扰,而且经常代理的控制 从单位的频繁变化的温度数据。 就是不断收集三个数据,取中间的一个. 4 . 显示子程序有2个7段数码显示器和10个发光二极管的制度. 数字显示模块显示器六个状态:待命,错误显4 示,炖,升温,沸腾和时间安排; 而LED显示灯,包括选定的功能, '开始'和'升温'状态. 在系统,它的功能是展示经济秩序. 然后按下'开始'键, '开始'灯不断闪烁; 当电饭煲进入'升温'的地位, 相应的灯泡将被点燃。 LED显示屏子程序是由通用码扫描子程序,并选择部分子程序。 5 . 演艺功能的子程序功能子程序表演作品视乎旗设在关键工序子程序(每次烹调功能 是相应的曲线,温度升高,供暖) 。 烹饪过程中,根据每个时期。 8尾声 不是只有烹饪功能,凌阳8位智能电饭煲已远远烹饪功能, 如正常,快速升温,少量做饭, 45分钟粥, 2小时粥,汤的1H和2H羹。 在未来,小家电应该具备以下四大功能:智能,安全,多功能,节能。 第一,智能化。 高新技术特别是先进的计算机技术,要服务的使用及设计的家电产品,使他们能 跟上现代人。 其次,安全。 安全一直备受关注,因为潜在的不安全可能将严重威胁人民群众的生命和财产安全。 第三,多功能。 多功能一直发挥着主导作用,在当今社会,并促进消费。 第四,节能。 每一个家庭都拥有各类家用电器。在我国对能源工业尤其是电力工业的投资是看我们的需要。如果大量消耗了小家电,家庭支出将会增加。 外文文献资料 Intelligent Electric Cooker Implementation Using SPMC65P2404A Abstract: This document aims to introduce how to use SPMC65P2404A MCU as the main controller combining with fuzzy control to implement a intelligent electric cooker controller. Keyword: MCU, A/D Conversion, Temperature Control, Relay 1 Introduction Most electric cookers on today's market heat up with the selection of mechanical mode or rated power mode in which low energy utilization and single function fail to meet people's ever-increasing living demand. In such circumstances, it becomes extremely necessary to develop one kind of intelligent electric cooker with multifunction, safety and reliability. It has gone through many stages for mechanical electric cookers to develop into intelligent ones. Three major types including microcomputer, computer and machine with ten different patterns have come into being due to the predominant 5 毕业设计 hi-technology being applied in electric cookers; besides, they turn to be more diversiform and fashionable on the basis of nice cooking. Apart from low price, the mechanical electric cookers barely satisfy people's demand for modern or high-quality living, while the intelligent ones being controlled by microcomputer or computer succeed with the following characteristics: The man-oriented interface design enables users to notice the operating state easefully; the whole cooking procedure is automatically controlled by computer; moreover, outer-space "black crystal" is taken as the inner pot for its super hardness, outstanding abrasion-resistant durability and everlasting handsomeness. All the features match the modern concept of time saving, labor saving and durability. The intelligent electric cookers have the following functions: normal, fast, warming, small quantity cooking, 45-min gruel, 2h porridge, 1h soup and 2h soup; moreover, their personalized operation interface makes it easy for users to control the cooking. With far more capabilities besides boiling rice only, the intelligent electric cookers have played an indispensable role in our daily life. It's the very invention of the intelligent control that makes today's life simpler and easier. 2 Electric Cooking Procedure The control of water absorption quantity, heat time, temperature controlling process, boiling keeping time, temperature keeping process and stewing process is essential to marvelous cooking. Cooking is a process to convert the starch to the more absorbable and digestible starch. Plenty of practice has proved that a perfect cooking procedure can be broken down into the following steps: · Water absorption Make rice absorb as much water as possible under appropriate temperature so that the cooked rice will look perfect and taste much better. Rice will absorb more water as the temperature rises. However, when the temperature is higher than 60, starch will be converted to starch and turned to paste. Thus it's necessary to control the temperature under 60. 35 is considered to be optimum and it's better to make the water content of rice amount to about 25%. · Heat 6 Sufficient heat convection is important in heat process to make rice full-cooked. Generally speaking, the optimum duration from heating to boiling is 10 minutes. · Keeping boiling In order to makestarch fully converted tostarch, it's advisable to control the temperature around 98 in boiling state and boiling should last for about 20 minutes. The temperature can be controlled by controlling the on / off of the relay. · Keeping cooking The temperature falls as the electric cooker is powered off. Remained water in the pot can be vaporized if electricity is re-supplied for certain period when the temperature falls to 100. Duration for keeping cooking may vary according to your demand. · Stewing After upper procedure is finished, only a little water is left in the pot, here heat should be ceased. The remaining heat is enough to stew and generate the digestiblestarch. The stewing time is generally kept for 12 minutes. · Temperature keeping When rice cooking is completed, the cooker will automatically enter temperature keeping mode. Once the temperature is lower than 65, the heated plate will heat the pot and the rice is edible. 3 Device Feature SPMC65P2404A, 8-bit industrial micro-controller of Sunplus, provides powerful features for driving the intelligent electric cooker: · Sunplus 8-bit micro controller SPMC65P2404A - 182 instructions - 11 addressing modes - Operation speed: 8MHz 5V - Support bit operation (Set, Clear, Inverse and Test) · 2 8-bit programmable Timer / Counter (auto initialization) - General purpose Timer / Counter - 8-bit capture mode - 8-bit compare mode 7 毕业设计 · 2 16-bit programmable Timer / Counter - General purpose Timer / Counter - 8 /16-bit capture mode - 16-bit compare mode - 12-bit PWM waveform output · Interrupt management - IRQ and NMI for the external interrupts - 4 external interrupts - 11 internal interrupts · Operation voltage range: 3V 5V · 8 10-bit ADC (100KHz) · Built-in 4K Bytes OTP ROM · Built-in 192K Bytes RAM · 23 programmable general purpose IOs · 5 types of reset functions: Power-On Reset (POR), External Reset (RESET), Low Voltage Reset (LVR), Watchdog Timer Reset (WDTR), and, Illegal Address Reset (IAR) · Clock selection: Crystal Resonator, RC oscillator, external clock · Power saving modes: Halt and Stop · Low voltage reset (LVR), Low voltage detection (LVD) · One Buzzer output port · Up to 2Mbps of the SPI communication frequencies · ICE, In- Circuit Emulator interface 4 Functions The intelligent electric cooker based on the Sunplus 8-bit micro controller SPMC65P2404A has two major functions: 4.1 Cooking Function 1) Normal Select NORMAL mode and press START button to start to heat. After 45 minutes, it will enter stewing mode and the indicator will display "n". After another 10 minutes, the cooking will be completed. Now, the cooker will enter 8 the temperature keeping mode and the indicator will display "b". 2)Fast Select FAST mode and press START button, then the electric cooker starts heating. After 30 minutes, it will enter stewing mode and the indicator will display "n". After another 8 minutes, the cooking will be completed. Now, the cooker will enter the temperature keeping mode and the indicator will display "b". 3)Warming Select WARMING mode and press START button, then the electric cooker starts heating. After 15 minutes, it will enter the temperature keeping mode and the indicator will display "b". 4)Small quantity cooking Select SMALL QUANTITY COOKING mode and press START button, then the electric cooker starts heating. After 40 minutes, it will enter the stewing mode. Now, the indicator will display "n". After another 10 minutes, the cooking will be completed. Now, the cooker will enter the temperature keeping mode and the indicator will display "b". 5)45-min Gruel Select GRUEL mode and press START button, then the electric cooker starts heating and the indicator displays "-". After 45 minutes, the cooker will enter the temperature keeping mode and the indicator will display "b". 6) 2h Porridge Select 2h PORRIDGE mode and press START button, then the electric cooker starts heating, and the indicator displays "2". After 2 hours, the cooker will enter the temperature keeping mode and the indicator will display "b". 7) 1h Soup Select 1h SOUP mode and press START button, then the electric cooker starts heating, and the indicator displays "1". After 1 hour, the cooker will enter the temperature keeping mode and the indicator will display "b". 8) 2h Soup Select 2h SOUP mode and press START button, then the electric cooker starts heating, and the indicator displays "2". After 2 hours, the cooker will enter the 9 毕业设计 temperature keeping mode and the indicator will display "b". Note:The cooker will enter the temperature keeping mode and the indicator will display "b" whenever any of the above-8-mode is completed. 4.2 Timing Function The timing will change according to the different operation mode. Press START button and the electric cooker begins to count. The counting number decreases by 1 after cooking for 1 hour. According to the time difference between the timing and the time required for the operation, the electric cooker automatically begins running, heating, and temperature keeping, and finishes the selected cooking function. Take 45-min gruel as an example, if the timing is set to be 2h, cooker will automatically begin running and enter 45-min gruel mode after timing operation has executed for 1 hour and 15 minutes. 5 System Introduction The control system of the intelligent electric cooker based on SPMC65P2404A is shown in Figure 5.1. You can control the working mode of the electric cooker (8 modes in all), make the current working state display on the indicator, and set timing for working. MCU can control the connecting / disconnecting of the relay, which depends on the temperature data sampled by temperature sensor, so it can control the heat plate. Power supply offers 5V to MCU system and peripheral circuit to heat up the heat plate. 10 Figure 5.1 System Diagram 6 Hardware Design 6.1 Main Control Circuit The main control circuit (shown in Figure 6.1 ) consists of switch key input circuit, temperature detection input circuit, reset circuit, and, crystal oscillation circuit. PA6 and PA7 are responsible for detecting the temperatures of top cover and bottom plate, and PA5 performs relay control. SPMC65P2404A is the core of the circuit 11 毕业设计 Figure 6.1 Main Control Circuit 6.2 Display Circuit The display circuit consists of one 2-digit 7-segment LEDs module of common anode and ten LEDs. The circuit displays the current running states based on the common selection and segment data driving by MCU, shown in Figure 6.2 . Figure 6.2 Display Circuit 6.3 Power Supply Circuit The DC +5V is supplied for the microcontroller. After being stepped down, rectified and filtered, the AC 220V is converted to the DC +12V for supplying relay. The relay state is controlled by controlling the on/off of audion emitter. The power supply circuit is displayed in Figure 6.3. 12 Figure 6.3 Power Supply Circuit 13 毕业设计 6.4 Temperature Collecting Circuit J2 and J3 are the interface to the top cover and bottom plate temperature sensors. The signal detected by the MCU indicates the voltage value of the resist