捷进英语3 Unit3电子教案.docx
捷进英语3 Unit3电子教案教 案 课程名称 捷进英语综合教程3 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 系 部 教 研 室 教 材 捷进英语综合教程3 教师用书 Teaching Plan 教 学 Unit 3 Love vs Money 单 元 单 元 主 题 l Love and money l Different opinions about dating etiquette l Working for love or for money l Reading for learning The Umbrella Man 教 l Reading for Doing 学 The Dating Doctor: Who Should Pay on the First Date? 内 容 l Guided Writing A CV l Audio/Video Lab 课 时8 安 排 教学环节主要特色 Warm-up u The warm-up ² introduces the topic by encouraging Ss to think about the themes of love and money, using pictures and quotes as a starting point. 教学活动安排建议 Begin by asking students to describe what they see in the pictures. Allowing students to work in pairs, as this will generate more vocabulary and encourage Ss to think beyond the surface of the pictures. In Task 2, help students to understand the meaning of the quotes by illustrating them with real life examples and/or anecdotes. Encourage Ss to think of real life examples which illustrate the quotes too. Reading Reading for learning u This section starts ² with asking students to make predictions about the short story they will read. Ss go on to put the events of the story in order, answer ² comprehension questions and decide on the storys moral. u Vocabulary and Grammar u Ss practise using new words and phrases from the text. They will also learn about narrative tenses. u Beyond the Text u Ss read and discuss three hypothetical situations in which they are asked to lend money. u Students then take part in a role-play where they have to persuade their partner to lend them money (their partner must decide if they are trustworthy through asking Make sure Ss are well prepared to read the short story. You can do this by pre-teaching important vocabulary items and reading the cultural notes. You students may find it helpful to read the story aloud as a class (you could read the part of the narrator and nominate two confident students to read the lines of the mother and the old man). The Vocabulary Section allows students to practise the words and phrases they have met in the reading text. It encourages students to guess the meaning of new words by their context. Try to personalise the new vocabulary wherever possible as this will help your students to remember it. ² The Grammar Focus part looks at narrative tenses. Spend time focusing on the narrative tenses in the story and how often/when each tense is used as contextualised study will help students with this challenging feature of English grammar. ² Beyond the text encourages students to explore the issues raised in the short story through considering the situations in which they would lend money to a stranger. ² Make sure that students have plenty of time to read the information on their role play card. Organise students who have the same card (e.g. A) into groups so they can work together to prepare questions and rehearse what they are going to say. ² If possible, record/film a few of the role-plays so that you can offer more detailed feedback and discuss issues as a class. questions). Reading for doing u Ss read posts from ² an online discussion forum ² about dating etiquette. u Ss learn new vocabulary in context and evaluate the posts they read u Ss prepare dating etiquette advice for a visiting foreigner. Guided Writing u Writing a CV: (1) Items you need to include on a CV (2) CV layout (3) supporting claims with evidence Audio/Video Lab u Ss listen to a series ² of voicemail messages which chart the various ² stages in a relationship (from being in love to ² breaking up). u They then listen to an interview with Lucy, who gave up a successful career Write flatmate onto the board and ask students to discuss their experience of living with others. For each part of the video you might want to play it twice. Students might need more support with Task 5 and Task 6. With weaker classes, provide some phrases or sentences on the board to help them. ² Draw attention to the language used on Bens CV. Stress that sentences in CVS tend to be very brief and personal pronouns are often omitted, e.g.: Enjoy outdoor pursuits ² If possible, allow students to type up their CV, using the model CV as guidance. This section should take less time than section A as the texts are less complicated. Encourage as much discussion as possible for Task 4. Ss should try to activate some of the language they have learned in Tasks 1-3. in business to concentrate on the love of her life: music. After listening to the interview, students role-play a discussion between Lucy and her parents. Wrap-up u This provides a review of the ² The language work tasks can be vocabulary, approached as a team game or class quiz. grammar, writing and theme of the ² The final tasks could be set as small group unit. Tasks could discussion or as reflective writing tasks. be set for individual work or done in pairs. 课后学习设计 作业 u Finish all the exercises in Unit 3. u Read the two texts in this unit again and try to summarise their contents. u Make your own CV. 课后总结与反思