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    当代跨国公司的发展趋势及对中国企业国际化经营的启示 一、当代跨国公司发展的新趋势 当前跨国公司在以互联网技术为代表的信息时代,其全球性的经营战略正进行着战略性的调整,正确认识企业跨国经营中竞争与合作的关系,作为发展中国家的中国,要及时地把握最新的发展,不断的创新,为中国企业国际化经营指引方向。 各大跨国公司实施国际战略联盟 国际战略联盟是指两个或两个以上的跨国企业为了实现同一战略目标因而建立起的合作关系。这种关系包括核心技术的共同研发、交换销售网络信息,一起生产等等。跨国公司缔结战略联盟,可以广泛利用外部资源,通过利用联盟伙伴的技术、资本、供应渠道以及营销网络等资源,从而来实现自身全球战略。通过联盟降低了风险,使得企业产生规模效应,提升了公司的竞争力。 技术发展中更强调研究和开发 技术发展一直以来是跨国公司发展的核心动力,跨国公司必须使本企业的技术要素在全球各地优化配置,以此来面对复杂的国际市场,满足不同的消费者偏好,使得产品多样性,从而通过研究和开发,利用不同国家的科技技术资源,降低开发成本和风险,使得技术利用最大化,从而带来最大的收益。 跨国公司组织结构的新趋势互联网的组织结构 当今社会是互联网时代,它改变了传统经济的形态,并形成了自己的市场,通过互联网,跨国公司交易的时间和地点不受限制,并可以通过它的组织结构,接触到更大的市场空间,把原来不可能的市场转变为新市场,为跨国公司的发展提供了更大的发展空间和机会,并且互联网的组织结构可以使得跨国公司内部资源能有效整合,连接了企业内部的核心竞争力,从而使得交易成本的下降。 二、中国企业国际化经营问题 没有清晰的国际化战略 有的中国企业在国际化的过程中,盲目跃进,为了国际化而国际化,事先没有制定详细的国际化战略和步骤,所以在海外扩展实战中,经常出现成本核算超支,最后造成企业财务出现问题,导致企业经营风险增加。 企业缺乏风险防范意识 大多数企业在走出去的过程中都能认识到风险,但是对具体何种风险,特别是在各个东道国具体的政治环境下,临时碰到的风险完全没有防范能力,还有不熟悉东道国法律制度,触犯法律,直接遏制了海外发展。 *和银行等金融机构对走出去的中小企业融资支持不够 中小企业实质是中国从事对外贸易的主体,也是市场中最活跃的,我国很多中小企业都想走出去,实现国际化经营,但是必须要有雄厚的资金支持和宽松的政策环境,但是,*政策偏向国企和大型企业,对中小企业扶持政策欠缺,特别是在金融机构对中小企业融资上,更是少之又少,严重制约了中小企业国际化战略的实施。 国内企业缺乏行业协会协调导致内部竞争严重 中国很多行业没有自己专门的行业协会,所以在国内导致竞争的无序性,没有统一的行业协会做指导,并且随着中国企业迈出国门,这种竞争延续到了国际市场。虽然市场是允许竞争,但是反对恶意竞争,国内同种企业没有想到联合,反而是用压价的方式恶意竞争,让企业生存环境更加恶劣,并且在这种竞争下,由于低价,必然导致低质,还会严重损害中国企业在国外的企业形象,所以中国企业必须建立行业协会,对企业进行指导和帮助,甚至在一定条件下的联合。 三、中国企业国际化经营对策建议 制定针对企业国际化经营的战略规划 我国企业在国际化经营进程中在企业的管理、规模、资金、技术引进等方面存在着许多问题。但是我国企业要想走出去就要面对自身存在的问题,建立一定规模的跨国集团,一定要总结国内外跨国经营优秀企业的先进经验和教训,分别从*层面和企业自身两个层面上找到一条适合中国企业走出去的战略对策。 1、*宏观层面规划 一是选好投资区域:由于我国目前有优势的企业多为劳动密集型企业,因此走出国门,应该选对区域,根据我国企业生产特点,优先发展对北美,欧洲这些发达地区市场,因为它们的发展程度高,*、企业、人民消费旺盛,市场潜力巨大,给我国企业走出去提供了非常好的条件;其次,这些地区的市场经济制度根基稳固,社会经济比较发达,基础设施完善,可以降低走出去企业的成本和风险;另外,我国企业向这些地区渗透,更有利于我国在国际市场上站稳脚跟。二是要选对行业:海外投资时应把重点放在制造业和贸易业,尤其是基础原材料、资源开发和高科技行业。三是*扶持要有组织策略:优先扶持国内的优质大型企业集团,因为它们在国内积聚了很多管理和生产的经验,并在技术和资金上有优势,降低跨国经营的风险。四是外向型经济和内向型经济协调发展:我国在发展国内市场的同时,也要抓住国际经济发展的大背景,引用先进技术和经验,促进本国产业结构调整和优化,发展外向型经济,使得国内和国际两个市场同时发展,促进企业国际化。 2、企业自身战略规划 一是企业要有明确的战略目标。国际化经营中,企业必须明确战略目标,要想在国际市场竞争中获得胜利,必须建立明确的战略目标。二是重视人才。优秀的人才及人才储备是一个国际化企业必备的条件,也是企业持续发展的根本动力。中国企业想跨国经营,必须培养一批有创新精神和战略思维以及有着对外经济组织能力的经营管理者。三是企业要因地制宜制定营销战略。中国企业要走出去,一定要做好东道国信息搜集,了解该地区的不同消费需求偏好、文化习惯、社会习惯甚至是宗教习惯,由此再来设计相关产品,同时要尊重东道国的法律和了解社会政治环境,赢得当地*认同,提升企业形象和树立优质品牌,更好的融入国际市场。四是企业产品保持多样化。通过产品多样化可以使企业更好的适应多样化的国际市场,并且可以在复杂的国际经济环境中,保持企业长期发展优势。 通过企业并购达到扩张企业目的 我们要适应当今跨国公司发展的新趋势,现在跨国公司海外投资是以跨国并购为主的股权投资方式和以国际战略联盟等非股权投资方式而进行的国际化经营。目前,中国对外投资主要以新建方式为主导,并购模式占次要地位,因此我国想进行跨国经营的企业必须借鉴国内外成功的投资经验,通过资料搜集,在国际市场中选择优质的合作伙伴,采用并购这种方式来建立有实力的跨国公司。 吸引跨国公司R&D投资 中国走出企业要在知识经济发展的大潮中站稳脚跟,获得竞争优势,就要建立一个覆盖全球的研究与发展网络,是企业获得持续发展动力,打破传统的组织机构设置和文化的界限,必须吸引跨国公司R&D投资,因此我们可以从以下几个方面入手:一是培养创新型、实践型人才;二是加强我国的知识产权保护;三是进一步完善基础设施建设尤其是通讯基础设施的建设,营造更加优秀的R&D环境;四是建立良好的政策环境。 针对信息技术不断发展,不断完善企业组织结构 当今世界经济发展新趋势是依托于信息技术的发展,中国企业想要跨国经营,必须在企业的内部组织上进行调整,适应当下的世界经济发展的新趋势,要做好以下三个方面工作:一是建立和有货现代企业制度;二是合理规范好公司的治理结构;三是顺应时事,依托现代化信息技术手段,完善企业互联网的组织结构。 四、结论 随着国际经济的高速发展,跨国企业已经成为当前经济全球化发展的主导力量。作为发展中国家的中国,在“走出去”进程中仍存在许多不足之处,企业的国际化经营管理也存在着一些缺陷。但为更好地顺应经济发展浪潮,加快我国企业走出去的步伐,我们首先要了解目前我国企业国际化经营的现状,面对自身存在的问题,借鉴国内外成功企业的经营模式和经验,进而逐步解决和改善问题。并且要勇于参与竞争,勇于大胆地进行国际化经营。同时也要利用好国外资源,内外兼顾,从而最大限度的发挥我国企业的自身优势,以实现中国企业的国际化经营道路。 First, the new trend of the development of contemporary Multi-National Corporation Current transnational corporations in Internet technology as the representative of the information age, the global business strategy is a strategic adjustment, a correct understanding of the relationship between competition and cooperation in transnational operation of enterprises, as a developing country, China, to timely grasp the latest development, continuous innovation, for the internationalization of Chinese enterprises operating direction. (a) the major Multi-National Corporation to implement the international strategic alliance The international strategic alliance refers to two or more than two multinational enterprises in order to achieve the same strategic objectives and thus establish a cooperative relationship. This relationship includes joint research and development of core technology, exchange of sales network information, production and so on. Multi-National Corporation concluded strategic alliances, can be widely used external resources, through the use of alliance partners in technology, capital, supply channels and marketing network and other resources, so as to achieve its own global strategy. Through the alliance reduces the risk, causes the enterprise to have the scale effect, promoted the company's competitive power. (two) more emphasis on research and development in technology development (R&D) Technology development has been is the core power of multinational corporations, multinational companies must make technology element of the enterprise to optimize the allocation of around the world in the, in order to face the complexity of the international market, meet different consumer preferences, the diversity of products, and through research and development, the use of technical resources from different countries, reduce the development cost and risk, the technology to maximize the use of, so as to bring maximum benefit. (three) the new trend of Multi-National Corporation organization structure: the organization structure of the Internet In today's society is the era of Internet, it changes the traditional economic form, and formed its own market, via the Internet, multinational companies trading at the time and place is not restricted, and through its organization structure, contact to greater market space, not previously possible changes in the market for new markets, the development of multinational companies provide greater development space and opportunities and Internet organization structure can make the internal resources of transnational corporations can effectively integrate, connected to the enterprise core competitiveness, so that the decline in transaction costs. Two, the internationalization of Chinese enterprises operating problems (a) there is no clear international strategy Some Chinese enterprises in the process of internationalization, blind leap, for the sake of internationalization, no prior to develop with the internationalization strategy and steps, so in the overseas expansion in actual combat, often cost overruns, finally resulting in enterprise financial problems, resulting in increased business risk. (two) the lack of awareness of risk prevention The majority of enterprises in the process of going out can be aware of the risk, but on what specific risk, especially in each host country specific political environment, encounter temporary risk without the ability to prevent, still not familiar with the laws of host countries, breaking the law, directly curb the overseas development. (three) the government and banks and other financial institutions to go out of the financing of small and medium enterprises is not enough The essence of small and medium-sized enterprises are engaged in the main body of foreign trade in China, but also the most active in the market, China's many small and medium-sized enterprises want to go out, realize the internationalization of operations, but must have strong financial support and loose policy environment, however, government policy bias state owned enterprises and large enterprises, lack of policy to support small and medium-sized enterprises, especially in the financial institutions to the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, it is less and less, severely restricted the implementation of the strategy of internationalization of SMEs. (four) the lack of domestic enterprises to coordinate the industry association led to serious internal competition No special industry association in many industries in China, so in the domestic competition, resulting in the disorder, there is no uniform industry association as a guide and with Chinese enterprises toward the door, this competition continues to the international market. Although the market is allowed to compete, but against malicious competition, with the same enterprise did not expect, but is used to keep the prices down malicious competition, let the enterprise survival environment even worse, and in this competition, due to the low, will inevitably lead to low quality, but also seriously damage the Chinese Enterprises in foreign enterprise image, so the Chinese enterprises must establish the industry association, to the enterprise for guidance and help, even united under certain conditions. Three, the internationalization of Chinese enterprises operating countermeasures and suggestions (1) to formulate a strategic plan for the internationalization of enterprises There are many problems in the process of internationalization of Chinese enterprises in the process of enterprise management, scale, capital, technology and other aspects of the introduction. But enterprises of our country to want to go out to face the existence of their own problems, establish a certain scale of multinational corporations, must summarize advanced experience and lesson of the domestic and foreign transnational management outstanding enterprises, respectively from the aspects of government and enterprise two aspects to find a suitable for Chinese enterprises to go global strategy. 1, the government's macro level planning First, choose the right investment in the region: as China currently has advantage of enterprise multi labor-intensive enterprises, therefore go out of the country, should choose to regional, according to the characteristics of our country enterprise production, giving priority to the development of in North America, these European markets in developed regions, because of their high degree of development, government, enterprises and people's consumption demand, huge market potential, China's enterprises to go to the to provide the very good condition; secondly, these areas of the market economic system has a solid foundation.


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