医院企业文化语 中英文对照.docx
医院企业文化语 中英文对照医院企业文化标语 中英文对照 做人肯吃亏,做事肯吃苦 Be willing to lose, be willing to work hard. 少点对别人的抱怨,多点对自己的检讨 Less complaint to others, more review of ourselves. 顾大局来识大体,为人大气格局高,待人接物有境界 Low-key life, High-profile work, Good interpersonal states. 用文化凝聚人心 Condense popular feelings with culture. 用制度驾驭人性 Rein humanity with institution. 用品牌成就人生 Achieve great life with brand. 任何成功企业的品牌,都是用一个个感人的故事链接而成的。 Any successful brand is linked to many touching stories. 心里装着病客,眼睛柔视病客 Client in heart,client in gentle eyes. 随时服务病客,以情感动病客 Serve client at any time, affect client with love. 无须过多承诺,疗效胜于雄辩 No need too much commitment, curative effect is better than eloquence. 今天的事情今天办,重要的事情优先办; Do what should do today,give priority to important things. 能办的事情马上办,复杂的事情梳理办; Do what can do right now, carding complex things. 承诺的事情必须办,困难的事情想法办; Do what we promise to do. Find a way for difficult things. 本职的事情尽职办,份内的事情热情办; Do what on your duty, ardor for engage. 个人的事情下班办,所有的事情认真办; Do personal things after work, take everything seriously. 做好自己的事,帮助他人的事,祈福老天爷的事; Do you own thing, help others, pray for Gods. 你上班玩手机,病客同意吗 Do you have an approval to play your phone on duty? 你接打手机,有没有经过病客的同意 Do you answer your phone with an approval of client? 病客的诉求,你用心倾听了吗 Do you listened carefully what the client appeal for? 你的解释,你确认病客听懂了吗 Do you think our client understand your explain? 服务要化无形为有形,化有形为优质 Make service to visible, and then be excellent 化优质为高品质,化高品质为传奇 Make excellent be high-quality, then become a legend. 让病客看得见、摸得着! Make service visible and tangible for our client. 今天,我学习了吗? Do I learn today? 今天,我微笑了吗? Do I smile today? 今天,我感动了几位病客? Do I touching several clients today? 今天,我由衷赞美五个人了吗? Do I sincere admiration five people today? 今天,我对病客有不礼貌的言行吗? Do I be rude to my client today? 我是一个仁爱、顽强、认真、负责、团结的好医生吗? Am I a good doctor with love, tenacious, serious, responsible and solidarity? 想患者之想,急患者之急,痛患者之痛 Think the patients thinking,worried the patients worry,paining the patients pain。