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    北邮第二次作业一、完形填空 1. Many years ago there was a poor man. He had an orange tree 1 his garden. On the tree there were many fine oranges. 2 he found one 3 his oranges was much bigger 4 the others. It was as 5 as a football. Nobody had ever seen 6 orange. The poor man took the orange to the king. The king was so happy _7 _he gave the man a lot of money for it. When a rich man heard of it, he said to himself, “It's only an orange. Why has the king given so much money 8_ it? I'II take my gold cup to the king. He'll give me 9 money.” The next day when the king received the gold cup, he said to the rich man, 'What a beautiful cup! I'll show you _10_ , please take this great orange." a. A. on B. in C. over D. with 学生B; 答案: b. A. One day B. Yesterday C. When D. This morning 学生A; 答案: c. A. for B. in C. of 标准A 答案: 标准B 答案: D. among 学生答案: C; d. A. of B. than C. like D. as 学生答案: B; e. A. big B. bigger C. smaller D. smallest 学生答案: A; f. A. so big B. such big C. such a big D. such an big 学生答案: C; g. A. when B. that C. as D. while 学生答案: B; h. A. to B. buy 标准答案: C 标准答案: B 标准答案: A 标准答案: C 标准答案: B C. get D. for 学生D; 答案: i. A. many B. lots of C. a little D. more 学生D; 答案: j. A. the cup B. beautiful thing C. something beautiful D. nice something 学生C; 答案: 试题分值:50.0 得分:5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 提示:1B.考察固定用法。表示“在花园内”,我们选择介词“in”。 2A.考察句意理解。本句大意是“一天,他发现有一个桔子比别的桔子要大。”这里选择“one day”,用作一个故事的开头。 3C.考察固定搭配。“one of+名词复数”的意思是“其中的一个”,所以这里的“one of his oranges”的意思是“他所有桔子中的一个”。 4B.考察固定搭配。比较级当然需要用than来进行连接。 5A.考察比较级的用法。“as+形容词原形+as”是一种比较级的形式,表示两个事务在某个方面是一样的。比如“as big as”的意思就是“一样大”。 6C.考察固定用法。请记住这样的用法“such +a+形容词+名词单数”=“so+形容词+a+名词单数”。这两个短语的意思是一样的,举个例子:such a big orange=so big an orange,意思都标准C 答案: 标准D 答案: 标准D 答案: 是“这么大的一个桔子”。故而这里选择“such a big”。 7B.考察固定结构。“so+形容词或副词+that从句”的意思是“如此以至”。所以本句大意是“国王是如此地高兴以至于给了这个人很多钱。” 8D.考察固定短语。“give money for sth.”表示“付钱买”。 9D.考察上下文理解。本段告诉我们一个富人得知一个桔子就换了这么多的钱,所以他决定把自己的金杯拿给国王,他认为“国王将会给我_钱”。这里选择“more”最适合。 10C.考察词汇用法。形容词在修饰something/thing/anything/nothing的时候要放在后面。所以这里选择“something beautiful”。本句大意是“多么好看的杯子啊。我也给你看个美丽的东西。你把这个大桔子拿回去吧。” 二、单项选择题 1. His excellent educational background _ him for the job. A. qualifies B. promises C. encourages D. leads 知识Choice3 点: 学生答A; 标准答案: 案: 得5 试题分值: 分: A 5.0 解析:该题选A,题目大意是“他高学历的背景使他很胜任这个工作”。 qualify:(cause to) gain a certain level of knowledge, ability, or performance or a qualification胜任,合适,提具有资格 示: 1. I qualified as a doctor from London University over 30 years ago. 30多年前,我从伦敦大学毕业,取得了行医资格。 2. The basic course does not qualify you to practise as a therapist.这门基础课程并不能让你获得治疗师的从业资格。 3. Dont worry. After some training, all the new employees will be qualified to the job.不用担心,经过培训之后,所有新雇员都会胜任这项工作的。 4. He is the managers son but that does not qualify him to criticize my work. 他是经理的儿子,但并不因此就有资格对我的工作说三道四。 2. 3. All our supply of food has _. A. pass out B. out run C. run out D. run up 知识Choice3 点: 学生答C; 标准答案: 案: 得5 试题分值: 分: C 5.0 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“我们所有的食品补充都用完了”。 run out: come to an end; be used up 到期;用完,耗尽 1. My passport 提 has run out.我的护照到期了。 示: 2. Youd better hurry up. We are running out of time.你最好快一点,我们的时间不多了。 3. The contract had run out before Mr. Lin was able to find a new job.合同到期之后,林先生就找不到新工作了。 4. Youll _ to the job after you have been here a week or two. A. catch up B. catch to C. catch on D. catch with 知识Choice3 点: 学生答C; 标准答案: 案: 得5 试题分值: 分: C 5.0 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“你在这里呆上一两个星期就明白这工作怎么做了。” catch on to:(informal) understand, learn about (often used with to) 理解,明白,学会,懂得 1. I didn´t catch on to this joke. 我没明白这个笑话。 2. Mirian 提 couldn´t catch on to what Paul 示: said. 密里安不理解保罗说的话的意思。 3. Mothers catch on to what their children think about.妈妈最理解她们的孩子们在想些什么。 4. You will catch on to the new job after youve been here a couple of weeks.在这里呆上几周之后,就明白这工作怎么做了。 5. 6. After hearing the news, I could not _ my work that whole afternoon. A. concentrate in B. set minds to C. set my mind on D. set my mind at 知识Choice3 点: 学生C; 标准答案: 答案: 得分: 5 试题分值: C 5.0 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“听到这消息后,我整个下午都无法安心工作”。 set ones mind 提示: on:专心去做某事 Nothing is difficult if you set your mind on it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。 7. I saw Alice in tears yesterday. What happened to her? Nothing important. _ a lit cigarette burned a hole in her new skirt. A. Just for B. Just that C. Just because D. Only because 知识Choice3 点: 学生B; 标准答案: 答B 案: 得5 试题分值: 分: 5.0 解析:该题选B,题目大意是“-昨天我看见爱丽丝在落泪。她发生了什么事?-没有什么大不了的,只是一支点着的香烟把她的新裙子烧了个洞”。 just that:引导一个表示原因或理由的从句。 1. Nothing important. Just that Im going to lose this new job.没什么大不了的, 只是我要失去这份新工作了。 2. Nothing important. Just that hes a bit upset about losing the game.没什提么大不 示: 了的,只是因为输掉了比赛他有点沮丧。 3. Nothing important. Just that my new skirt was stained by ice cream.没什么大 不了的,只是我的新裙子被冰淇淋弄脏 了。 4. Nothings the matter with me. Just that these shoes are so tight that they hurt when I walk.我没事的。只是这双鞋太紧脚,走起路来硌得生疼。 8. The road was so slippery when the snow was frozen into ice that I nearly _ down the mountain slope. A. tumbled B. slid C. walked D. stumbled 知识Choice4 点: 学生B; 标准答案: 答案: 得分: 5 试题分值: B 5.0 解析:该题选B,题目大意是“当雪结成冰之后,路面非常滑,我险些滑到在山坡上”。 slide:(cause to) move smoothly along a surface (使)滑动, 滑行,打滑 1. She slid the door open. 她滑开了门。 提示: 2. I slid the wallet into his pocket.我把钱包麻利地塞进了他的口袋。 3. The children are sliding on the ice.孩子们在溜冰。 4. Tears were sliding down his cheeks.眼泪顺着他的脸颊往下淌。 9. My relatives are _ all over the country. A. scattered B. excluded C. separated D. dispatched 知识Choice4 点: 学生答A; 标准答案: 案: 得5 试题分值: A 5.0 分: 解析:该题选A,题目大意是“我的亲戚遍布全国各地”。 scatter:go off in all directions 分散,散开/ 其过去分词scattered作为形容词, 意思是:散布各方的; 离散的;分散的 1. After dinner, everyone scattered.用餐后,大家各奔东西。 提 2. The birds 示: scattered at the sound of the gun.鸟儿听到枪声四散飞去。 3. Let´s try not to scatter food or drink on the table.别把饭或汤撒到桌上。 4. I would love to scatter my flowers of love around your garden!我愿将爱之鲜花撒遍你的美丽花园。 10.Relax a bit. Dont hold tight _ yourself like that. A. to B. onto C. at D. into 知识Choice4 点: 学生答B; 标准答案: 案: 得5 试题分值: 分: B 5.0 解析:该题选B,题目大意是“放松点,提别搞得像那么拘谨”。 示: hold tight onto oneself:keep firm control over oneself 牢牢控制住自己,克制住自己,控制自己不做某事 1. I hold tight onto myself to smoke.我控制自己不抽烟。 2. You should remember to hold tight onto yourself when you become excited. 你得记住,激动时一定要控制住自己。 11.The medicine is _ in dealing with cancer. A. little of use B. of little use C. of useful D. for little use 知识Choice4 点: 学生B; 标准答案: 答案: 得5 试题分值: 分: B 5.0 解析:该题选B,题目大意是“这种药对癌症治疗没有什么作用”。 be of great( little,some,any,no,not,much) + 抽象名词表示:(属性)具有,有。这提个结构相当于“be + 形容词”,其中名示: 词常用value,importance, use,significance等抽象意义的名词。 1. The meeting is of great importance.(is very important) 这次会议很重要。 2. There is no doubt that her advice is of great value to us. (valuable) 毫无疑问,她的建议对我们来说很有价值。 3. The dictionary is of little use to beginners of English. (useful) 这部字典对英语初学者用处不大。 12.I knocked several times _ an old man answered the door. A. as B. when C. while D. before 知识Choice4 点: 学生D; 标准答案: 答案: 得分: 5 试题分值: D 5.0 解析:该题选D,题目大意是“我敲了好几遍门,才有一位老人来应门”。 连词before引出从句, 全句可译为:“以后才”、“然后才”、“(之后)才” 1. It will be months before he is fit for the job.还得几个月之后,他才能适应这项提示: 工作。 2. We waited five hours before the runway was cleared of heavy snow and made ready for take-off.我们足足等了5个小时,才有人清扫完跑道上的积雪,准备好飞机起飞。


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