写作练习中的语句翻译 第二章 英译汉: 1、The Buyers shall, about 20 days prior to the date of delivery, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit with the Bank of China, Guangzhou, in favor of the Sellers. The Credit shall be payable against the presentation of draft drawn on the opening bank and the shipping documents specified in Article 10 of this Contract. The Letter of Credit shall be valid until the 15th day after the shipment is effected.卖方应于装运期前20天由广州中国银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证。该证须凭向开证行开出的汇票和本合同第10条规定的装船单证支付。该信用证直至装船后15天有效。 2、The sellers shall not be held responsible for delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure that has occurred during the process of manufacture of in the course of loading or transit.在货物制造和装运过程中发生不可抗力时,买方对延迟交货或不交货不负责任。 3、The Seller makes no warranties, as to suitability of the goods sold under this Contract for any other purposes.关于本合同项下售出的货物是否适合其他用途,卖方不作任何保证。 4、If the buyers fail to dispatch the vessel in time, the Sellers shall have the right to claim compensation for their losses.如果买方不能及时派船,卖方有权要求其赔偿损失。 5、The Buyers is always requested to quote the NUMBER OF THIS SALES CONFIRMATION in the Letter of Credit to be opened in favour of the Seller. 买方在开出以卖方为受益人的信用证上应注明本销售确认书号码。 第三章 英译汉语句): 1、Shipping Documents Required as Follows:需要装船单据如下: (1) CLEAN ON BOARD FREIGHT TO COLLECT OCEAN BILLS OF LADING marked with Contract and L/C numbers.洁净无疵、运费代收之海洋装船提单,注明合同号及信用证号码。 (2) PARCEL POST RECEIPT/BUYERSFORWARDING AGENTS CARGO RECEIPT. 邮包收据/买收货代理人之货物收据。 (3) INVOICE bearing Shipping Marks, Contract and L/C numbers. 发票、注明唛头、合同号及信用证号。 (4) PACKING LIST or WEGHT MEMO showing gross and net weight for each package. 装箱单或重量单,每件注明毛净重。 (5) PLANT QUARANTINE CERTIFICATE issued by the Authorized Surveyors.Aside from certifying the merchandise being itself free from any pest, it must also be certified that the merchandise itself and the packing are free from KHOPRABEETLE(椰甲虫). 公证机关的植物检疫证明书; (6) AUTHORIZED SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE OF QUANTITY/WEIGHT. 公证机关的数量/重量证明书; (7) INSURANCE POLICY or CERTIFICATE in accordance with Art. (12) covering 110% of the Invoice Value bearing the clause “In the event of loss or damage, application or survey upon arrival of cargo in Chinese Area must be made to the China Entry Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau”.保险单或保险证明书,按第条规定项目投保,保额为发票金额110%,注明“货物到达中国境内倘发现残损情况,须由中国出入境检验检疫局办理检验公证”。 2、Shipping Advice:发货通知: (1) On the date of shipment, the Seller or his Shipping Agents shall advise the Buyer immediately by fax of the shipping marks, name of commodity, quantity actually loaded, invoice value, name of steamer, date of sailing and port of loading.卖方或其发货代理人应于货物启运至当日立即将唛头、货物名称、实装数量、发票金额、船名、开船日期及口岸,以传真通知买方。 (2) In case of transhipment at other port, the Seller should instruct the shipping company at the port of transshipment to advise the Buyer by fax, at the time of transhipment, of the shipping marks, name and quantity of commodity, name of vessel and date of sailing. 如需在其他地区转口者,卖方须通知转船口岸之船行于转船时将唛头、货名、数量、船名、开船日期以传真告知买方。 3、Should the Seller fail to distribute the Shipping Documents and the Shipping advice according to the provisions of Art. (14) and/or (15), the Seller shall be responsible for any loss or damage thus sustained by the Buyer.卖方如未按第及第条规定发送装运单据及发货通知,买方因此遭受之一切损失须由卖方负担。 4、SELLERS RESPONSIBILITY FOR DELIVERY: In the event of Sellers failure to effect shipment of the contracted goods within the stipulated time, unless it is due to bona fide Force Majeure, which is to be dealt with according to Art. (20), the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract. In such cases, the Seller is responsible for any loss thus sustained by the Buyer. 交货责任:倘卖方未能在合同规定期限内发货,除确系人力不可抗拒的原因并按第条规定办理者外,买方有权撤销合同,卖方因此遭受以任何损失均由卖方负担。 5、Quality and Quantity/Weight: The contracted goods are bought on the basis of landed quantity/weight and the certificate issued by the CHINA ENTRY-EXIT INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE BUREAU shall be taken as final.品质与数量/重量:所购货物之品质与数量/重量已到货之品质与数量/重量为准,并以中国出入境检验检疫局出具之证明书为最后依据。 6、FORCE MAJEURL: In case of delayed shipment or non-delivery due to Force Majeure generally recognized, the Seller must advise the Buyer immediately by fax of the occurrence, and within 14 days thereafter the Seller must airmail to the Buyer a certificate of the incident issued by the competent government authorities or Chamber of Commerce at the place where the incident occurs as evidence thereof. The Seller shall not be absolved from his responsibility unless such an incident is acknowledged by the Buyer. In case conditions of FORCE MAJEURE continue to last over and above 30 days, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract. The Sellers failure to obtain export licence shall not be considered as FORCE MAJEURE.不可抗力:由于一般公认的人力不可抗拒的原因,致使卖方不能交货或延迟交货,卖方必须将遭遇立即以传真方式通知买方,并在发电后14天内以航空信提供事故发生地点的有关*机关或商会出具证明灾害属实之证明文件,经买方认可后,卖方始可免除责任。人力不可抗拒事故继续存在30天以上时,买方有权撤销合同。卖方不能取得出口许可证,不得作为不可抗力。 7、ARBITRATION: All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by way of amicable negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case at issue shall then be submitted for Arbitration to the International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing, China, in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the said Commission. The award by the said Commission shall be deemed as final and binding upon both parties. 仲裁:凡因执行本合同或有关本合同所发生的一切争执,双方应友好协商解决。如果协商不能得到解决,应提交北京中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会根据该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。该会之判定是终局的,对双方都有约束力。 8、PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE ORIGINAL COPY. IN CASE THIS IS NOT DONE, IT SHALL BE CONSIDERED THAT THE SELLER HAS FULLY AGREED TO ALL THE ABOVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 请将本合同正本一份签章退回。如不退回,即认为对以上各条款完全同意。 第四章 英译汉: Sole Agency Agreement独家代理协议 This Agreement is hereby entered into through friendly negotiation by and between China National Native Produce and Animal By-Products Import and Export Corporation, Street, Beijing, China (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and WXY Co. , Anzao Avenue, Auckland, New Zealand (hereinafter referred to as Party B) for further co-operation in extending the volume of China tea business, whereby Party A agrees to appoint Party B as sole Agent in New Zealand under the terms and conditions set forth below: 中国土产畜产进出口公司,地址中国北京街与WXY公司,地址新西兰奥克兰大道为进一步合作扩大中国茶叶销售量,就甲方委托乙方为新西兰地区的独家代理人问题进行友好商谈并按下列条款达成协议: 1、Commodity: All kinds of China tea handled by Party A and its Branches. 商品:甲方及其分公司经营的各种中国茶叶。 2、Territory: Mainland of New Zealand.地区:新西兰大陆地区。 3、Price: When Party A and/or its Branches make an offer or a quotation to Party B, the price shall be CIFC 5% main port, New Zealand for Party B to promote the sale at that price. If Party B alters the price, the alteration is subject to Party As confirmation. 价格:甲方及其分公司向乙方发盘货报价均应在成本加保险费运费到新西兰主要港口的价格中包括5%的佣金,由乙方按价推销。如果一方要调整价格,必须经甲方确认为准。 4、Commission: Party A shall remit Party B a commission of 5% on the invoice value of each individual transaction after negotiation of shipping documents. 佣金:甲方在议付单证后,必须按每笔交易的发票金额向乙方汇付5%的佣金。 5、Payment: Payment is to be made against documents upon arrival of the goods and documents will only be delivered against payment. Party B shall be responsible for urging the buyers to make payment immediately after the carrying vessel reaches the port of destination. 付款:货到凭单付款,付款才能交单。乙方应负责督促买方于船到目的港时立即付款。 6、Delivery: Goods are to be shipped from the Port(s) of China to the Main Port(s) of New Zealand. Partial shipments and transshipment are permitted. 交货:货物由中国口岸运往新西兰主要港口,允许分批和转船。 7、Inspection: Both parties agree to take as final the Inspection Certificate of Quality and Inspection Certificate of Weight issued by the China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and/or its Branches at the Port(s) of China.检验:双方同意将中国出入境检验检疫局及其口岸分支机构所出具的品质、重量检验证作为最后依据。 8、Mutual Obligation:双方义务: (1) During the period of validity of this Agreement, Party B agrees not to act as an agent for and/or undertake to sell any kind of tea originated from other countries. 在本协议有效期间,乙方同意不代理、不售卖任何其他国家出产的茶叶。 (2) During the period of validity of this Agreement, Party A and its Branches shall pass on to Party B enquiries, if any, received from commercial shops or clients within the territory represented by Party B for the purchase of the said commodities.在本协议有效期间,甲方及其分公司如收到代理区内的其他商号或客户购买上述商品的询盘均应转给乙方办理。 (3) Party B shall furnish Party A and its Branches concerned for reference purposes at the end of each quarter with information regulations as well as suggestions for development of agency business. Party B shall also forward to Party A and its Branches promptly any information that is important.乙方应于每季季末将其代理活动情况、市场趋势、竞争者的价格、适销的品种、进口管制法令以及发展代理业务的建议等资料,报告甲方及其有关分公司以供参考,对于重要信息还应立即报告。 (4) Party A shall supply Party B with catalogues, illustrated pamphlets relating to the commodities concerned. Party B shall do its utmost in advertising and promoting the sale China tea by way of display in show cases or windows. If Party A is required to pay the cost of advertising and promoting, Party B shall submit the scheme to Party A for approval beforehand. 甲方应向乙方提供商品目录和插图说明小册。乙方应以橱窗展览的方式努力宣传推销中国茶叶。如需甲方负担广告和推销费用,乙方应事前将计划报送甲方批准。 9、Effective period of the Agreement: This Agreement is effective from to 本协议的有效期从 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。 10、Any terms and conditions of this Agreement may be revised or supplemented with mutual approval through consultation.本协议的条款可通过协商予以修改或补充。 11、This Agreement is drawn up in both the Chinese and English languages, each in two originals and one original of each is to be held by Party A and Party B. Both versions are equally effective. 本协议中、英两种文字写成,每种文字有两份正本,由每一方保存正本各一份;两种文本具有同等效力。 汉译英: 我们获悉,你方在我国尚未委任代理,我们愿意提供服务以推销你们的产品。由于我公司有30多年经营此类产品的丰富经验,因此相信在为你放获得订单、经营销售以及办理单证等事宜方面能提供最优良的专业知识。销售可按你方喜欢的方式进行,或者寄销,或者由我方向你方订购。如果你放对我方建议有兴趣,我们将乐于向你方提供银行及贸易资信证明书。 We understand that you are not represented in this country, and we wish to offer our services with a view to marketing your products. We believe that we can offer unrivalled expert knowledge in obtaining orders and handling sales and documentation for you because of our considerable experience in dealing in thin line of products over a period of thirty years. The sale can be either on a consignment basis or by our placing firm orders, whichever you prefer. If you are interested in our proposal, we shall be very happy to provide bank and trade references to you. 第五章 汉译英: Processing supplied materials and assembling supplied parts play quite an important role in expanding Chinas foreign trade. They concern both import and export commodities. The Chinese enterprise is supplied with materials and parts by the client abroad and turns them into finished products for export to that foreign client. For this, it receives fees which may include the cost of additional materials it provides. The benefit to the Chinese enterprise is that it can keep itself in touch with changes in the world market and is also provided with an opportunity to learn advanced technology and scientific management, thus helping it to raise the competitiveness of its products abroad. 来料加工和来件装配在扩大中国的对外贸易方面起着相当重要的作用。他们关系到商品的进口和出口两个方面。企业由国外客户供给原料和零件,把他们制成成品并出口交付给该客户,对此收取各种费用,其中可以包括中国企业另外提供的原料费。对中国企业的好处是,能够随时了解实际市场的变化情况和有机会学习先进技术和科学管理方法,从而有助于提高其产品在国外的竞争能力。 The characteristics of the industries of processing supplied materials and assembling supplied parts, viewed from the point of import and export, are as follows: 从进出口的观点来看,从事来料加工和来件装配工业具有下列特点: 1、The two industries embody both import and export in a single transaction. The purpose of importation is to create exportation. 这两种工业的每一笔交易都包含进口和出口两个方面。进口的目的是创造出口。 2 As the ownership of the supplied materials or parts remains with the foreign client and the Chinese enterprise can only use them for processing or assembling, it is important that the foreign client should effect the necessary insurance to cover them against risks from the time they leave their stowing place abroad up to the time they are shipped out as finished products.由于来料或来件的所有权属于国外客户,中国企业只能用来加工或装配,因此,重要的是,从原料或零件离开其国外贮存地点起一直到作为制成品运出,都应由国外客户投保必要的险别。 3、The foreign client is both the exporter of materials or parts and the importer of finished products, and the Chinese enterprise is both the importer of materials or parts and the exporter of finished products.国外客户既是原料或零件的出口者,又是制成品的进口者;而中国企业则既是原料零件的进口者,又是制成品的出口者。 4、If the foreign client provides the Chinese enterprise with equipment in addition to materials or parts, this kind of processing or assembling partakes of the nature of compensation trade. The Chinese enterprise can use the processing or assembling fee to pay the price of the equipment. 除原料或零件外,如果国外客户还向中国企业提供设备,这种加工或装配业务就带有补偿贸易的性质。中国企业可以用加工费或装配费来偿付设备的价款。 汉译英: 来料加工和来件装配是指由中国企业用外商提供的全部或部分原料、辅料、零件和部件,按外商要求的质量、规格和图样进行加工或装配,而且把成品归还外商。加工装配所需的设备、技术、工具和仪器常由外商供应,其价款由中国企业从所收取的加工装备费中偿还。从这个意义上讲,这也是吸收外国投资的一种形式。 Processing supplied materials and assembling supplied parts refer to the use by Chinese enterprises of raw materials, subsidiary materials, parts and components supplied entirely or partially by a foreign firm for processing or assembling in conformity with its requirements in regard to quality, specifications and designs, and the finished products are to be turned over to it. The equipment, technology, tools and instruments needed for processing and assembling are often supplied by the foreign firm and paid for by the Chinese enterprise out of its income from fees charged for processing or assembling. In this sense, this is also a form of business to absorb foreign investment. 第六章 英译汉: Agreement on Compensation Trade 补偿贸易协议 The agreement is made by and between AA Corporation, Shantou(hereinafter called Party A)and BB Company, Macao (hereinafter called Party B)whereby the two Parties agree to enter into compensation trade under the terms and conditions set forth below : 本协议由汕头AA公司与澳门BB 公司签订。双方同意按以下条款进行补偿贸易: After friendly discussions, Party A agrees to make Party B each month from January,2011 to December,2011 approximately 2000 to 3000 dozen Ladies” Blouses according to the supplied samples. Party B shall give priority to filling Party Bs orders for blouses provided that Party B advises Party A of its requirements half a year in advance, failing which Party A will not reserve the productive capacity for Party B . 经过友好协商,甲方同意自XX年1月至XX年12月每月为乙方按来样生产女装衬衫2000至3000打。乙方保证没有按上述定额向甲方订货。甲方应优先安排生产乙方订购的衬衫,条件是乙方提前半年通知所需数量,否则甲方将不为乙方保留生产能力。 In order to improve the quality of the products ,Party B agree to supply Party A with 100 machines(for details see the attached list) valued at HK220000 on credit basis. Party A shall compensate Party B for the total value of the 100 machines amounting to HK220000 puls freight and at% per annum before the end of 2011 with the proceeds of the finished products delivered to