仁爱年级上学期英语重点语法项目仁爱版八年级上学期英语重点语法项目 一、 be going to 结构 1) 表示计划、安排及打算 2) 条件句中,一般用will/shall 结构代替be going to 结构。 If it doesn't rain tomorrow ,we _(就来) to your home If he agrees with us ,he _(成为)a member . 3) there are /is going to be =there will be We will have a meeting in your classroom this Friday .=there is going to be a meeting in our classroom this Friday . 仿写:he will have a party in his home tomorrow .=_. 选填:there is going to _ (have/be) a tall building over there next year . 4) 表示位置移动的词,在be going to 结构中往往用进行时代替。如:come ,return ,go ,arrive ,leave . He is going to come here soon .=he is coming soon . 仿写:They are going to arrive in an hour . = _ . 5)按自然规律一定要发生的事情,一般用will 而不用be going to 结构: 译出:明天就是元旦节了。 二、主语+will /shall+动词原形+。 结构 表示将要发生的事情。 1 一般情况下,与be going to 结构可以互换。 We shall make a visit to him next month . = _ . 2 条件状语从句和时间状语从句中,一般用will/shall 结构。 If he _(not come ) tonight ,we _ (not hold the party). 3 shall 与will 不可搞混。 练习:变为一般疑问句、否定句、特殊疑问句。 1) We shall stand up. 2) I shall call for help in such an situation . 3)he will help us with our work . 三、can 、may 、must 注意事项 1 过去式:can-could ;may-might .must 没有人称、数、时态变化。 He can swim now . He could swim three years ago . You must tell the truth . He must tell the truth . 2 否定回答以及变为否定句时,它们的变化规律如下: cancant ;may mustnt Must-neednt/ don't have to ; need-neednt 练习:将下列句子分别变为否定句、一般疑问句并作否定回答。 1)I can swim 2)He must hand it in now. 3) She need answer the door at once . 4) The little boy can also come here . 3 当这几个词表示推测时,否定句通常都用cant。 练习:改为否定句。 1 )he can be in the teachers office 2) It may be raining in the south of China recently . 3) You must be right . 四、had better 和不定式的否定形式。 had better do sth - had better not do sth . to do sth - not to do sth 。 译出:晚上你最好不要外出。 我想他不和你一块儿去。 五、一般过去时和过去进行时 1 以过去某个时间为基准:动作已经结束的,用一般过去时,动作正在进行的,用过去进行时。 1) He was busy all this morning ,he _ (write) a novel . 2) He _ (put) on his coat and went out . 2 由when 和while引导的时间状语从句中,发生在前面且持续时间久的动作用过去进行时,发生在后面,持续时间短的用一般过去时。 1)when we _ (lie) in bed ,he_(come) in . 2) They _ ( begin) their lessons when it _ (happen). 3) While you _ (pass)the post office , he _(see) you. 六、比较级和最高级 1) 形容词或副词前有a little(bit) ,even much时,该形容词或副词用比较级形式。 练习:用词的适当形式填空。 He is only a little _ (ill) than yesterday . I am much _ ( nice) . It is even _ (cold) today . 2 比较级前不加the,但句中有of 时 例外。 1)which do you like _(good), PE or music? 2 ) She is _ (beautiful) of the twins . 3 比较级和最高级可以转变,意思不变。 He is the cleverest in our class . He is clever than any other student in our class . 练习:变为最高级或者比较级。 Chang jiang is the long river in China . He is short than any other in his class. 4 最高级变为比较级时,如果句子主语跟后面表示范围的词具有所属关系时any后要加other ,否则,不要other . 练习:用any 、any other 填空。 The desk is more expensive than _ One in this shop. The desk in this shop is more expensive than _ one in that shop. 5 比较对象相同时,可用that /those 代替另一比较对象。That 用于单数或者不可数,those 用于复数。 选填: The weather in shanghai is better than _in Tian jin . The students in our class came earlier than_in his class .