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    中英互译广告词分析多使用简单句或短语,言简意赅,简洁易懂 Prefect time, prefect life. 时刻完美人生。 Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。 The legend unfolds in Singapore. 传奇在新加坡开始了。 传奇始于新加坡。 Source of enchantment. 诱惑之源。 桂林山水甲天下 Guilins SceneryWorlds Fairy 使用大众化口语体 Fresh Up with seven-Up 饮七喜,添精神 “Aviation” Artificial Leather Suitcase Selected materials, fine workmanship, modern designs, reasonable price, Various specifications. Order welcome. “航空牌”人造皮革箱,用料上乘,做工精细,款式新颖,价格合理,规格齐全,欢迎选购。 The joy of sets. Perfect coordination at practical prices. 迷人的套服,完美的搭配,朴实价格。 套服迷人,搭配完美,价格实惠。 完美搭配,价格实惠。 广告语言中的形容词喜欢用比较级和最高级 For the first time, theres a remarkable gel that can give your hair any look you want- sleeker, fuller, straighter, curlier, more natural, even wet-without a drop of alcohol or oil. 一种前所未有、不同寻常的发乳问世了。它可以使您的头发随心所愿更光滑,更蓬松,更平直,更卷曲,更自然,甚至保持湿度不含任何酒精或油脂。 Tastes richer mellower more satisfying. 口味更浓更醇更令人满意。 从消费者的角度出发,大打温情牌。 Only your time is more precious than this watch. 表贵时间更宝贵。 Where to leave your troubles when you fly JAL坐日航班机,一路无烦恼。 THIS BUDS FOR YOU. 这百威啤酒是为了您。 百威啤酒只为您。 造新词,引起新奇感。 TWOGETHER The ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday. 两人共度一个阳光灿烂的假日,一切费用均包括在单人价格之内。 What could be dilisher than Fisher? 有什么比fisher更具美味呢? fisher美味,无与伦比。 We know eggasactly what you want. 我们确实了解您的需要。 祈使句多,具有强烈的鼓动色彩。 So come into McDonalds and enjoy Big sandwich. 走进麦当劳,享用三明治。 否定句:用来反衬同类商品,或从反面来突出商品的特征: We would never say the new Audi 100 is the best in its class. We dont have to.我们根本不必说新型奥迪100 是同类车中最好的。没有这个必要。 If you cant relax here, you cant relax.此地不能放松,无处能放松。 You didnt lose a bottle of Chivas; you gained a few friends. 来一瓶十威,多一群朋友。 对比: 您并没有失去一瓶Chivas,您获得了一些朋友。 少一瓶十威,多一群朋友。 常用主动语态和现在时,给人一种直接感,并暗示商品的持久性和永恒性。 Harmony of style and performance set this new 626 apart. Qualities are at the heart of every Mazda. 式样与性能的协调一致使新型626与众不同。质量是马自达的核心。 使用俗语或谚语(出自实用翻译教程刘季春) 翻译要点:针对广告原文的谚语套用,翻译时要活用成语、名句或谚语。 Vandermint isnt good because it is imported; it is imported because its good. 好酒不在进口,进口必是酒好。 有了南方,就有办法了。 Where there is South, there is a way. 食在广州。 East or west, the Guangzhou cuisine is best. Not all cars are created equal. “车与车是不一样的,且看我三菱汽车!” Ill do a lot for love, but Im not ready to die for it. 情爱诚销魂,生命价更高。 重复某一结构或单词,增强语感。 Big big selections; Low low price. (Supermarket ad) 超值商品,任君选择。 Perfection in the wink of an eye./ perfection in its formula / perfection in its brush/ perfection in a look. (Parfait 食品广告) Deliciously simple. Simply delicious. 颇具美味的简单,颇为简单的美味。 美味简单,简单美味。 Double delicious. Double your pleasure. 双重美味,双重愉悦。 使用双关,体现“于幽默见智慧”的增色效果。 More sun and air for your son and heir. 我们这里有充足的阳光和新鲜的空气,对您的儿子事业和财产的继承人大有裨益。 Money doesnt grow on trees But it blossoms at our branches 钱不能长在树上,在我们“行”就能。 这是英国劳埃德银行做可以理解为的户外广告。第二句中的branch就是一个多义词,承接第一句中的trees,“树枝”;更深层的含义就是广告中的银行分行、支行的意思。所以广告的真正含义是告诉人们到劳埃德银行来存款就能使自己的钱增值。 Im More satisfied.摩尔香烟,我更满意。(More 牌香烟) Ask for More.再来一支,还是摩尔。 If you arent getting More. Youre getting less.没有比More更好的香烟选择了。 A Signature thats as distinctive as yours. 与您的签名一样,签名笔与众不同。 Coke refreshes you like no other can. 没有什么能像可乐那样令您神清气爽。 只有可乐才能令您神清气爽。/惟有可乐让你爽。 Ugly Is Only Skin-deep其貌不扬 It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It wont boil and ruin your piston rings (活塞环). It won't freeze over and ruin your life. Its in the back of the car for better traction in snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas. “大众”或许不中看,但在简陋的外表下跳动的却是一台心脏部件 气冷式发动机。它不会因为沸溢而毁坏活塞环,也不会因结冰而误了您的事。它位于车的后部,以增大雪地沙土上行驶的牵引力。约莫29英里,仅耗汽油1加仑。 After a while you get to like so much about the VW (Volkswagen大众汽车), you even get to like what it looks like. 稍待你喜爱上“大众”,你甚至对其丑貌也会情有独钟。 You find that theres enough legroom for almost anybodys legs. Enough headroom for almost anybodys head. With a hat on it. Snug-fitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. They are so airtight, its better to open the window a crack first! 你会发现其足够的伸腿空间,再长的腿也得以舒展;绰绰有余的头部空间,再高的个子戴上帽子也可昂首挺胸;凹背单人座椅,舒适贴身;关闭得再好不过的车门是如此密不透风,你最好先把车窗留条缝。 Those plain, unglamorous wheels are much suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesnt make the other wheel bump. Its things like that you pay $1585 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesnt add a thing to the cost of the car. 其朴实无华,不显魅力的车轮各自独立悬挂。当颠簸使一轮跳起时,弹跳式不会波及其他车轮。只要支付1585美元,那样的尤物就归您了。其丑陋的外表丝毫不增添您购车的费用。 Thats the beauty of it. 这就是“大众”之美。 中文广告的翻译: 中国包装总公司茶叶,历史悠久,品质超群,名扬四海,生津解渴,提神益思,消食解腻,健美减肥,延年益寿,增进健康。 中国包装总公司茶叶 Version1:(完全字对字翻译,语法错误连篇。反映比较低端的国货包装的现状。) The tea of china has a long history; the best quality is famous in world. it can promote the secretion of the saliva, quench thirst, refresh, benefit thinking digest food, get rid of greasy, be good for vigorous and graceful, decrease fat, prolong life and promote health. Version2: The tea from Chiianpack boasts long history, top quality and great popularity. Ti is thirst-quenching, refreshing, and good for your health. 何以解忧,唯有杜康。 Nothing but Dukang Liquid, to mitigate Sorrows. -Dukang Liquid. 黑妹牙膏,强健牙龈,保护牙齿。 Dont show me any other. But show me Black Sister. Black Sister toothpaste 欢迎您到四季岛 金色的沙滩,有人的海鲜,司机到是男女老幼向往的海滨胜地!碧海蓝天,风光绮丽,急死到拥有您所期望的休闲逸趣。在这进行无数种水上运动,也可以只是懒散地躺在沙滩上,尽情享受阳光的沐浴。 这儿还有美味佳肴!我们的厨师为您准备了丰富可口的饭菜,从广东名菜到东北小吃,应有尽有, 我们还专门为您安排了环岛一日游,给您带来最大的舒适与享受。您既可以在船上度过令人难忘的一天,也可以在几处停靠站下船游览,饱览岛上怡人风光。 无论您所选择的是船上的闲戏,还是陆上的新奇,您都将度过终身难忘的时刻。而这三天的游览却只需600元!还犹豫什么?请立即拨打我们的代办处电话0592-5555555! Siji island a holiday resort for YOU! Beautiful golden bench Breathtaking scenic wondersexiting sports of all kinds The easygoing basking in the sun an excursion around the island available! Whatever on board or land, you can enjoy Chinese delicacies along your three-day-stay: plenty of sea foods, Cantonese favorites, North China specialties A tip to Siji Island offers you a memory of COMFORT and COZINESS impressing your whole life. 600 YUAN per person. For details,contact0592555555. 影视广告 麦当劳慈善机构广告 Ronald McDonald House charity was founded on a simple idea, when families stay closer; children heal faster. McDonald is proud to support kids like Anastacio and help family to find strength of their members. 麦当劳叔叔之家慈善机构源于一个简单的创意,当家人更亲近彼此,孩子会痊愈得更快。麦当劳以能帮助阿纳斯塔西奥这样的孩子,以及为这些家庭找到力量为荣。 影视广告一般用比较简单的表达方法,由于有画面的帮助,加上“closer, faster, support, strength”一系列十分积极向上的词,给观众一种阳光般温暖的熏陶,已达到强化企业正义形象的目的。 MM豆巧克力 字幕应把笑点译好,不然这则广告的创意就无法体现出来。 “so it is that kind of party.”“所以这是个派对。”“所以,这是一个脱衣舞派对。”


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